Monday, February 21, 2011

Still Snowing!

The storm finally hit yesterday....but not till later in the day for us up north!!  But it's still snowing.....I'm guessing we in Coon Rapids got between 8-10 inches.  Not as bad as those southern suburbs.  Lucky us!!!  Lucky me, the neighbor has already blown out my driveway.  So all is well!  Thanks to Jim. (the neighbor)

Still waiting to hear from Roger's Autobody when to bring my car in.....should be sometime this morning.  Then between 1 and 5 p.m. the Sears service man should be here to fix my dryer.  So I didn't plan on going anywhere anyhow so I guess I'd be sitting here anyway.

I did get some cleaning done yesterday and will work on that some more Card Club comes to my house next Tuesday.  The only problem is I'll be at Mayo all must do ahead of time most everything.  I also will be going down on Monday afternoon and besides that, I've volunteered to deliver Meals on Wheels for Monday.  So that means I better be ready on Sunday.  So I'll shop for snacks and dessert on Saturday....and then to throw another wrench in the mix....the State Hockey tournament starts on Thursday...and I plan on going to see the Coon Rapids Girls win!!!

Also got two requests for prayers yesterday, and I'm sure you all can help in that you do such a good job for me.  Imeda Neis will be having a CTscan on her lungs on the 14th of March, and they are worried about her kidneys that have already been damaged by the dye they use.  Also, my friend, and great prayer herself, Carol Kline, is having some muscular problems and asked for prayers.  Bucky continues to weaken, but is holding on for now....and Jeannie was released from rehab to now just have to return 3 times a week as an outpatient.  So that will keep Janet busy....or give her something to do...she's already cleaned everything in sight.

I'm including a picture from the Christmas gathering of the Elder Kieckers (or whats left of us).  Rhonda and Hon are the only two actual Kieckers left.  Wayne is officially the 80....Rhonda, the baby will be 59 this year.  That little head on the bottom is Hon's granddaughter Courtney, 5.  She popped into the pic.

Love and prayers, m

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