Sunday, February 13, 2011

More Clouds,,,,but Promise of Sun

Yesterday started out like this too!  But the sun did shine, and I loved it.  Part of that is that Matthew came to play at my house while his sister and parents went to the HS Girls Hockey game....and they won!!  Part was the warmth that the sun brings and the melting of all this snow!

I not only got to see Matthew yesterday, but I also went to dinner with Norma, Sandy, Bonnie and Rosie.  Lots of time to talk and share my trip pictures and some special pictures I got in the mail while I was gone.  My nephew Nate lives in Hawaii and made me a book of his photo's he took of sunsets and sunrises and waves and surfers and the like.  It is absolutely beautiful and they loved it too!

After dinner we went to the college for the operetta "HMS Pinefore" and I must say between the orchestra, and chorus and great singing and was one of the best productions I've seen at the college.  If you get a chance go see it.  Did a lot of laughing too!  Ran into Jan and Lloyd Ranum there too!

Today I'll go to Wayne's 80th birthday party, but first I need to stop and buy thread to sew those jackets I was going to do yesterday....I got the sewing machine out and went through my container of thread and wouldn't you know it....I had 4 spools of green but all a bright Christmas green....and these jackets are dark forest green....almost black, and the Christmas green would look hidious.  So hopefully I'll get them done this evening after the party.

Now I have to shower and get to Sunday to distribute communion.  Love and prayers, m

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