Yesterday, Rosie picked me up right on time, and I was all ready to go....I couldn't wait to be with Rosie, and get unplugged. Rosie even brightened the conversation at HHH with the nurses and other staff. I was wearing my Miz Mooz high green boots with skinny pants, and everyone was commenting on the fashion plate I was, so that made me happy, then I was wearing a cute flower boiled wool button on my coat, and all day I got comments on how cute that was. Even the guy at the door at Costco commented on it. So just what I was wearing made my day. It was a gift from Kathleen a few years ago.
At HHH Rosie got into a shoe conversation with my Nurse, Rosie is shoe nut like me too! After getting unplugged we went to Panera (Thanks Wendy for the gift worked great) in Coon Rapids,and Rosie made the comment that she must know someone there. I said that I did, cause JoAnn Erhler was there with a friend,so I went over and visited with her. Then on my way back tot he table I noticed someone that I knew Rosie knew too! It was Vickie LaPanta, who's late husband taught at the college when I first started there, and they also owned the Hallmark Card Store in the Red Owl shopping center across the street from the college. We all knew so many people in common. When Vickie and her friend and former employee at the store, recognized us and stopped to talk,which turned out to be at least a 1/2 hour visit. So fun. You can imagine by now I was totally out of the funk I had been in all week. Then Rosie took me shopping, Michaels, Archivers, JoAnn's and finally Costco.
I didn't get home till about 4:20, and was greeted by a few packages delivered by mail, one being a grabber....or I can pick things up that fall on the floor, or reach something from a high place I can't reach. The big surprise was that their were two in the package....I didn't realize I was ordering two, but is great cause I can put one back in my bedroom, and one in the kitchen or living room where I drop things the most often.
The evening was filled with company (my son Bill came to deliver a centerpiece I ordered from Tommy's scout troop) at about 7:15 and stayed till almost 10 p.m. Then I got calls from Karen and Annie and earlier in the day from Aunt Loretta. They were all checking up on me. I hope you can tell I'm doing great now.
My night wasn't as great....I had restless leg syndrome last night, and I haven't had that in months. I got up and walked around a couple of times and at about 2 a.m. realized I hadn't taken my bedtime pills, which has the med I take for restless leg, so I got up then and took that, but it took till after 3 a.m. till I finally fell asleep. I slept till about 7:15 when I finally heard my alarm (the radio) and I got up and took my pills and went to the couch and fell back to sleep and didn't wake up till almost 10 a.m. (I guess I needed the sleep after the early part of the night). Anyway all is well now, and I have a few calls I need to make. I have to change my dentist appointment once again, as chemo is interfering with that. And Aunt Loretta needs a few addresses for her Christmas Cards, so I promised her I would call her last night, and couldn't do that with the company here last night. Then I'll be onto working on presents I'm making. Nooooo, not more scarves, another project that Rosie and I shopped for yesterday. Thank you for all the nice emails and calls. Love and Prayers, m
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Day 3....Unplugging!
Well, sure enough Bonnie has a viral infection, and can't drive me this afternoon, so I had to put out a short notice call for drivers, and Jimbo called almost immediately as a backup if I didn't get a driver by morning. Then Rosie emailed and said she could drive me, so that is the plan for the day. She must have replied to all, as I then started getting messages for the other days I needed a ride. I now have gotten drivers for everything. Rita had volunteered for the 26th, but Annie my daughter is on school break, so she asked if she could take Rita's place. I emailed Rita this morning, and she replied back almost immediately, so she must have been on the computer too! She didn't mind letting Annie spend the day with me, so that's taken care of too.
I went to bed comparatively early last night, but it just gave me a longer time to stiffen my hips by morning. When I got out of bed, I could hardly walk my hip was so stiff, but after walking to the kitchen to take my meds it seemed to be better, but then I went to the couch and slept another 2 hours, and then awoke to an even stiffer and painful hip. So carefully making my way back to the kitchen to make my coffee, and pour out a cup of granola, I managed to straighten it out and work out the stiffness. But sitting here the longer I sit the worse it is getting. So I may make this short, or get up and walk around and come back to finish this.
Okay, it's better. It must be this chair, or the way the computer fit's in front of it.
I had a pretty good day yesterday, but for some reason this week of chemo, has caused me to be very depressed, or feeling sorry for myself. Each night has brought tears, on Tuesday, I was watching Parenthood, and the mom on their has breast cancer, and I started feeling sorry for myself, and cried during the whole show (of course I do cry during movies and shows anyway)....then I watched the lighting of the Christmas tree on Rockefeller Plaza last night, and someone sang All I Want for Christmas is You, and I started crying again, and was weepy the rest of the night. Talked to Annie on the phone, and started really crying. Now I'm tearing up again. Must be something to do with the chemo brain....or the season getting to me.
Rosie is coming to get me today at 12:30, cause I get unplugged at 1 p.m., and then we will run some errands. I'm looking forward to spending the afternoon with her. So I better get moving and into that hot shower which will make my hip feel even better. Love you all, Love and Prayers, m
I went to bed comparatively early last night, but it just gave me a longer time to stiffen my hips by morning. When I got out of bed, I could hardly walk my hip was so stiff, but after walking to the kitchen to take my meds it seemed to be better, but then I went to the couch and slept another 2 hours, and then awoke to an even stiffer and painful hip. So carefully making my way back to the kitchen to make my coffee, and pour out a cup of granola, I managed to straighten it out and work out the stiffness. But sitting here the longer I sit the worse it is getting. So I may make this short, or get up and walk around and come back to finish this.
Okay, it's better. It must be this chair, or the way the computer fit's in front of it.
I had a pretty good day yesterday, but for some reason this week of chemo, has caused me to be very depressed, or feeling sorry for myself. Each night has brought tears, on Tuesday, I was watching Parenthood, and the mom on their has breast cancer, and I started feeling sorry for myself, and cried during the whole show (of course I do cry during movies and shows anyway)....then I watched the lighting of the Christmas tree on Rockefeller Plaza last night, and someone sang All I Want for Christmas is You, and I started crying again, and was weepy the rest of the night. Talked to Annie on the phone, and started really crying. Now I'm tearing up again. Must be something to do with the chemo brain....or the season getting to me.
Rosie is coming to get me today at 12:30, cause I get unplugged at 1 p.m., and then we will run some errands. I'm looking forward to spending the afternoon with her. So I better get moving and into that hot shower which will make my hip feel even better. Love you all, Love and Prayers, m
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Day 2, Chemo Brain
I don't know why I'm being so bad at writing right away in the monring, but I know I started to delete emails right away at 9 a.m., and then saw an email from ebates, and went online and started placing some great deals at Kohl's Old Navy, and Amazon. Unfortunetly that took me till now to complete all the shopping. On one I had to call Kohls to get my discount to work, and they wouldn't let me take the 25% discount on my order over $100, cause I was using my Kohls cash which brought the order under $100....I didn't know that that was how it worked, but the would let me use a $20 discount, so I took that. Then at Old Navy, I didn't put in a promo code, cause I didn't have one till I placed the order and looked at my email and it said if I used a promo code of StuffSave, I could get a 30% discount on the whole order, so I had to call them back and they were nice enough to give me the promo discount on my order....all this took time, so that is why I am now finally writing.
Yesterday was the first day of my chemo, and the doctor told me I looked great as always,but then he added that all my vitals looked great as well if it wasn't for the stupid cancer I would be fine. He thinks my movements are improving too. But last night a got a call from the on-call doctor, and they said my Potassium had come back even lower than it was 2 weeks ago, and she wanted me to take 3 of the horse pills before bed tonight, and then wanted me to come in and have my blood checked today, when I told her I didn't drive, and asked if it could be on Thursday when i got unplugged she said that would be fine, but to take 2 more today when I usually take it. So I agreed. Last night I had to cut the 3 pills into 1/4ths so I could get them down, and I'll have to do the same today. Hope that works, cause I hate taking one much less two or three a day.
The chemo went fine once they got my port to return blood, which took an extra hour of soaking in a blood thinner. Then Rita and I proceeded to play cribbage, and she has difinately figured out how to play the game and beat me 3 out of 3, and was winning the forth when we called it quits and she took me home. She did threaten me with taking me home the fierst game, and again threatened not to get me lunch with the second, and then not threats the thrid and won anyway. But it was fun playing.
I just called Bonnie to tell her what time to take me to get unplugged and she is sick since Monday, and is going to the doctor this afternoon, so it doesn't look like she will be able too. She said she would call me later this afternoon after she got back, so I may be putting out a call for a driver tomorrow, and letting Sheila know that I might not make that appointment for Qigong. If you are on my drivers for it.
I'm feeling good today, and don't have much plans for the day, but tomorrow who ever drives me to get unplugged, will be asked to drive me to pick up pictures at Costco and stop at Michael's to pick up some things there too! That's all for the day, please keep my cousin Louie in your prayers, he is having lots of problems with his blood pressure, and Mary Brue has a few plea's for prayers for her Nephew on a list for a liver transplant and her son who is in Mexico on business, and of course a few prayers for me. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday was the first day of my chemo, and the doctor told me I looked great as always,but then he added that all my vitals looked great as well if it wasn't for the stupid cancer I would be fine. He thinks my movements are improving too. But last night a got a call from the on-call doctor, and they said my Potassium had come back even lower than it was 2 weeks ago, and she wanted me to take 3 of the horse pills before bed tonight, and then wanted me to come in and have my blood checked today, when I told her I didn't drive, and asked if it could be on Thursday when i got unplugged she said that would be fine, but to take 2 more today when I usually take it. So I agreed. Last night I had to cut the 3 pills into 1/4ths so I could get them down, and I'll have to do the same today. Hope that works, cause I hate taking one much less two or three a day.
The chemo went fine once they got my port to return blood, which took an extra hour of soaking in a blood thinner. Then Rita and I proceeded to play cribbage, and she has difinately figured out how to play the game and beat me 3 out of 3, and was winning the forth when we called it quits and she took me home. She did threaten me with taking me home the fierst game, and again threatened not to get me lunch with the second, and then not threats the thrid and won anyway. But it was fun playing.
I just called Bonnie to tell her what time to take me to get unplugged and she is sick since Monday, and is going to the doctor this afternoon, so it doesn't look like she will be able too. She said she would call me later this afternoon after she got back, so I may be putting out a call for a driver tomorrow, and letting Sheila know that I might not make that appointment for Qigong. If you are on my drivers for it.
I'm feeling good today, and don't have much plans for the day, but tomorrow who ever drives me to get unplugged, will be asked to drive me to pick up pictures at Costco and stop at Michael's to pick up some things there too! That's all for the day, please keep my cousin Louie in your prayers, he is having lots of problems with his blood pressure, and Mary Brue has a few plea's for prayers for her Nephew on a list for a liver transplant and her son who is in Mexico on business, and of course a few prayers for me. Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Day 1 of Chemo
I don't have time to write this morning cause my chemo starts early....well early for me, and I have to shower and get dressed before 8:30 when Rita gets here. For some reason my computer space bar is sticking and I have to go back and put in the spaces every now and then. Anyway it was a quiet day yesterday. Didn't get dressed and didn't leave the house. Talk to you tomorrow. Love and Prayers, m
Monday, November 26, 2012
Cyber Monday
I'm going to try and do the rest of my list online....but I have some things I can't find online and have to go to the store and look for them. The Old Navy I was at didn't have two baby size thermals I wanted, but it was in Maple did have the men's stuff I couldn't find in Coon maybe the Riverdale store will have the baby shirts I want there.
I have to get my list out and check it Santa....and figure out if your naughty or nice? I really have to figure out what I've gotten and what I still need to buy and than get busy....cyber Monday won't last past midnight.
I had a quiet evening....I forgot to watch the Vikings yesterday....but after watching the news....I'm glad I didn't. I hear the Packer's didn't do much better, so I guess Gary and Jack (Packer backers) aren't happy either. So next week when we play the Packer's we will probably be in big trouble. The only good thing about the Viking game, is that they only let AP touch the ball once, and Allie the number 1 in our fantasy football league has him on her team, and my crappy second from the bottom team actually beat her. I didn't think I had a chance in H-E-L-L....but I WON. So not that I'll go up on the ladder, but it is such a great thing to beat the team with Adrian Peterson on it. Thank you Vikings!!!
Nothing much else to report. So Love and Prayers to all, m
I have to get my list out and check it Santa....and figure out if your naughty or nice? I really have to figure out what I've gotten and what I still need to buy and than get busy....cyber Monday won't last past midnight.
I had a quiet evening....I forgot to watch the Vikings yesterday....but after watching the news....I'm glad I didn't. I hear the Packer's didn't do much better, so I guess Gary and Jack (Packer backers) aren't happy either. So next week when we play the Packer's we will probably be in big trouble. The only good thing about the Viking game, is that they only let AP touch the ball once, and Allie the number 1 in our fantasy football league has him on her team, and my crappy second from the bottom team actually beat her. I didn't think I had a chance in H-E-L-L....but I WON. So not that I'll go up on the ladder, but it is such a great thing to beat the team with Adrian Peterson on it. Thank you Vikings!!!
Nothing much else to report. So Love and Prayers to all, m
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Sorry, I Forgot!
My brother Phil emailed and asked where the blog was? and I realized I had forgotten to do it this morning. I got busy cleaning, and watching TV, and then Bonnie called and said she would be over at 1 p.m. to take me to Walgreens to get a grabber, so I wouldn't have to squat down and pick things up. But when we got to Walgreens on Egret, they were already out, but I managed to spend $33 anyway. When we came back to my house we watched "The Lucky One" which I bought on Friday, even though Bonnie and I had both read the book. It was really good, and pretty close to the book.
Yesterday, I worked on Christmas projects most of the day, then went to church with Carol and Del, and then out to dinner at Baker's Square. Nice evening. Then the rest of the night I watched TV. So I guess I didn't have lots to report in the blog, and you didn't miss out on much. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday, I worked on Christmas projects most of the day, then went to church with Carol and Del, and then out to dinner at Baker's Square. Nice evening. Then the rest of the night I watched TV. So I guess I didn't have lots to report in the blog, and you didn't miss out on much. Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Small Business Saturday
I have two sons with small business's, so I'm hoping everyone will shop some of those small businesses in your town and support Small Business Saturday everywhere.
I almost finished my shopping yesterday, but I had a lot done before I went. I've done a lot of shopping online and still have more to do online....and will probably have to go back out and shop some more. Carrie and I hit Target at 11 a.m., and we didn't even have to stand in line. I got everything I wanted there, including a vacuum for myself.... although when I took it out of the box last night, the handle is broken, and there was a screw missing (only supposed to have one and it had none). Then we went to Kohls, and it was 1/2 hour or more in line. We didn't realize that when we walked in....after being at Target with no line, we casually shopped, and when we got to the back of the store, we saw the line that had wrapped all the way across the back of the store. We went to the line on the other side, and it was a lot shorter, and it still took a long I left Carrie to stand in line, and I went up front by the door and found a bench to sit on and wait. One lady told me I was sitting there when she came in and I was still there when she left....Carrie must not have gotten in line as soon as she I asked her how she did that, and she had a daughter standing in line already when she got there. If only we knew.
We then headed over to Maple Grove and PF Chang's for lunch. Carrie and I have had lunch every year since she was little.....We just started the shopping and lunch tradition about 20 years ago and the tradition was to have lunch at Tucci Benuch at the MOA, and she had the same thing every year. So this was a big change....Annie wasn't with us, and eating Chinese instead of Italian. But she loved it, and thinks Pad Thai and Lettuce Wraps may be her new favorite place for Black Friday. We then headed to Old Navy and was able to find everything we wanted there....well almost everything. I am still missing 2 thermal shirts for Carrie's girls. They actually had lots, but not the color I am looking for. So I will have to go to another Old Navy and see if I can find them, cause they didn't have them on line either.
I got home around 4:30 p.m. and went right to the couch...well almost. I first took the vacuum out of the box and found that it was missing a screw, and then realized the handle was broken. Later I started working on another project for the kids for Christmas, so that will keep me busy all day today.
Going to church and dinner with Carol and Del this afternoon, and then home for the rest of the evening. Hope you had a good day, and shopped till you dropped yesterday. Love and Prayers, m
I almost finished my shopping yesterday, but I had a lot done before I went. I've done a lot of shopping online and still have more to do online....and will probably have to go back out and shop some more. Carrie and I hit Target at 11 a.m., and we didn't even have to stand in line. I got everything I wanted there, including a vacuum for myself.... although when I took it out of the box last night, the handle is broken, and there was a screw missing (only supposed to have one and it had none). Then we went to Kohls, and it was 1/2 hour or more in line. We didn't realize that when we walked in....after being at Target with no line, we casually shopped, and when we got to the back of the store, we saw the line that had wrapped all the way across the back of the store. We went to the line on the other side, and it was a lot shorter, and it still took a long I left Carrie to stand in line, and I went up front by the door and found a bench to sit on and wait. One lady told me I was sitting there when she came in and I was still there when she left....Carrie must not have gotten in line as soon as she I asked her how she did that, and she had a daughter standing in line already when she got there. If only we knew.
We then headed over to Maple Grove and PF Chang's for lunch. Carrie and I have had lunch every year since she was little.....We just started the shopping and lunch tradition about 20 years ago and the tradition was to have lunch at Tucci Benuch at the MOA, and she had the same thing every year. So this was a big change....Annie wasn't with us, and eating Chinese instead of Italian. But she loved it, and thinks Pad Thai and Lettuce Wraps may be her new favorite place for Black Friday. We then headed to Old Navy and was able to find everything we wanted there....well almost everything. I am still missing 2 thermal shirts for Carrie's girls. They actually had lots, but not the color I am looking for. So I will have to go to another Old Navy and see if I can find them, cause they didn't have them on line either.
I got home around 4:30 p.m. and went right to the couch...well almost. I first took the vacuum out of the box and found that it was missing a screw, and then realized the handle was broken. Later I started working on another project for the kids for Christmas, so that will keep me busy all day today.
Going to church and dinner with Carol and Del this afternoon, and then home for the rest of the evening. Hope you had a good day, and shopped till you dropped yesterday. Love and Prayers, m
Friday, November 23, 2012
Black Friday!
Going shopping as usual and Carrie is coming to pick me up, so as soon as that happens, I'll have to quit this and finish later....that means spelling and all. (I did finish this and tried proofing hope I did good!)
Yesterday was a wonderful day. I love being with family and friends, and yesterday was filled with them. I got picked up by Doug at 10:15 or so, and went to Annie's so Doug could shower and get ready, and the rest of the family could come home from the Third Annual Turkey Run. Doug and Matthew ran, Dole kept times, and Allie and Ann just watched. Allie hurt her leg at Tuesday's Varsity Hockey Game. I guess the other team was very mean...or liked to play that way. Allie and Nicole both had bruises and got beat up.
We went to Doug's mom and Dad's for dinner, and it was really good, and then later in the afternoon, I got to take a nap, and slept for a good hour. Then we watched Annie try to rescue a recipe for scalloped corn, she had originally doubled the recipe, but added 3 cups of canned milk and 3 cans of creamed corn, and it only called for 1 1/2 cup of canned milk and that was already doubled in her written recipe so 1 1/2 extra liquid, and she only needed 3 cups of creamed corn, and now had 3 cans or double the amount needed. So when she realized that we all started laughing (including Annie) and we couldn't stop. So Carol let her add the corn leftover from dinner and drained it. She baked it 30 minutes, and it was still corn soup, so Carol suggested she add some corn starch, and she baked it another 30 minutes, by this time it was starting to thicken, and she added the cheese on top, and put it back in the oven. After another 10 minutes or so, it seemed like it was done, and she put it in a thermal carrying bag, and we left for Jimbo's. Ohhh, I forgot, Matthew spilled red jello on his new shirt, so Carol threw it in the washer and dryer, and now it looks like new again.
We had to wait till is was dry to leave, and when we did we already had about 2 inches or more of snow on the ground, and it was still snowing. It started snowing sometime while I was napping, and it wasn't about to quit. The funny thing is no one had predicted it was going to snow....only the small chance of rain....but mostly that it was going to get very cold. They weren't kidding about the cold. It was in the upper 50's when the kids ran in the morning, and it was down to 22 as we drove to Jimbo and Ann's about 5 p.m. Wow what a surprise.
Dinner was ready at Jimbo and Ann's when we arrived, and the table was set with Ann's china and everything looked beautiful. But before we ate and just after we prayed, Matthew wanted us to do "Highs and Low's" for the day. His low was having Tommy have to give him a piggy back ride during the run, cause he couldn't sweet! He had a couple of High' was being with family, and they other was I think the same as his low...or just running in the race was a high for him. It was a great suggestion, and everyone followed his orders and loved it too! Everything tasted great, even the scalloped corn.
After dinner we drew names for the kids, and I overheard Matthew telling Nick who got his name what he wanted Nick to get him. He didn't even have to think about it....Lego Town kits. He hopes to get the whole city. I did get a chance to talk to Tom and Karen while they were driving back from Ohio to home. So talked to all my family and all had a great day too. I missed talking to Kathleen, and when I tried calling her back only got her voice mail....Sorry!! By 9:30, Jimbo had put away all the leftovers, and washed all the dishes, and we went to the basement to watch "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" we all enjoyed it, but none as much as Matthew. He's becoming a huge Charlie Brown fan, and he and Jimbo or as he calls him BoBo sit together and giggle all the way through it. The rest of us giggle at them.
I think I got home at 10:30, and actually was wide awake and stayed up till midnight....probably pumped from all the people and excitement of shopping and family. Loved it all and Love all of you. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday was a wonderful day. I love being with family and friends, and yesterday was filled with them. I got picked up by Doug at 10:15 or so, and went to Annie's so Doug could shower and get ready, and the rest of the family could come home from the Third Annual Turkey Run. Doug and Matthew ran, Dole kept times, and Allie and Ann just watched. Allie hurt her leg at Tuesday's Varsity Hockey Game. I guess the other team was very mean...or liked to play that way. Allie and Nicole both had bruises and got beat up.
We went to Doug's mom and Dad's for dinner, and it was really good, and then later in the afternoon, I got to take a nap, and slept for a good hour. Then we watched Annie try to rescue a recipe for scalloped corn, she had originally doubled the recipe, but added 3 cups of canned milk and 3 cans of creamed corn, and it only called for 1 1/2 cup of canned milk and that was already doubled in her written recipe so 1 1/2 extra liquid, and she only needed 3 cups of creamed corn, and now had 3 cans or double the amount needed. So when she realized that we all started laughing (including Annie) and we couldn't stop. So Carol let her add the corn leftover from dinner and drained it. She baked it 30 minutes, and it was still corn soup, so Carol suggested she add some corn starch, and she baked it another 30 minutes, by this time it was starting to thicken, and she added the cheese on top, and put it back in the oven. After another 10 minutes or so, it seemed like it was done, and she put it in a thermal carrying bag, and we left for Jimbo's. Ohhh, I forgot, Matthew spilled red jello on his new shirt, so Carol threw it in the washer and dryer, and now it looks like new again.
We had to wait till is was dry to leave, and when we did we already had about 2 inches or more of snow on the ground, and it was still snowing. It started snowing sometime while I was napping, and it wasn't about to quit. The funny thing is no one had predicted it was going to snow....only the small chance of rain....but mostly that it was going to get very cold. They weren't kidding about the cold. It was in the upper 50's when the kids ran in the morning, and it was down to 22 as we drove to Jimbo and Ann's about 5 p.m. Wow what a surprise.
Dinner was ready at Jimbo and Ann's when we arrived, and the table was set with Ann's china and everything looked beautiful. But before we ate and just after we prayed, Matthew wanted us to do "Highs and Low's" for the day. His low was having Tommy have to give him a piggy back ride during the run, cause he couldn't sweet! He had a couple of High' was being with family, and they other was I think the same as his low...or just running in the race was a high for him. It was a great suggestion, and everyone followed his orders and loved it too! Everything tasted great, even the scalloped corn.
After dinner we drew names for the kids, and I overheard Matthew telling Nick who got his name what he wanted Nick to get him. He didn't even have to think about it....Lego Town kits. He hopes to get the whole city. I did get a chance to talk to Tom and Karen while they were driving back from Ohio to home. So talked to all my family and all had a great day too. I missed talking to Kathleen, and when I tried calling her back only got her voice mail....Sorry!! By 9:30, Jimbo had put away all the leftovers, and washed all the dishes, and we went to the basement to watch "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" we all enjoyed it, but none as much as Matthew. He's becoming a huge Charlie Brown fan, and he and Jimbo or as he calls him BoBo sit together and giggle all the way through it. The rest of us giggle at them.
I think I got home at 10:30, and actually was wide awake and stayed up till midnight....probably pumped from all the people and excitement of shopping and family. Loved it all and Love all of you. Love and Prayers, m
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving
Hi, Yes, I did forget to write yesterday afternoon, after I came home from shopping with Bonnie. I really thought it would not be a big deal. I had a list of the things I wanted at Menards, and Costco....but it turned out much different.
Bonnie loves to shop at Menards, and we wandered through looking for something for her to buy with a rebate of $17 that she got at the beginning of the year and hadn't spent yet. We checked out the prices of vacuums, and they do have some cheaper than the one I saw at Target, but Bonnie said she had seen a thing in consumer reports about which one was the best to buy, so I decided to wait till she got home and found that article. Then I wanted some snowmen that are hanging from a hook, and will be out in my front walk way. It took us the longest time to find them, as Bonnie pointed out each snowman she saw, and I kept saying no they aren't like that they are smaller and hang from a hook. Anyway I found them and bought them. Then we went in search for a domino set they had on sale, and when we found that I did buy a domino set, but not the one they had in the ad. It was double 9 and I ended up buying a double 12. We finally went to the check out, and Bonnie went ahead of me, and for some reason her register wasn't working, so I unloaded my stuff and went to another register, but since several of the register's weren't working we had a line now to wait in, but even so, I finished before they figured out what to do with Bonnie and a few other registers that were not working. We got to the car, loaded it up, and I realized I hadn't gotten the $2.50 gift bags that were free with a rebate of $2.50, so we went back inside, and searched for them. There was a limit of 10, so I quickly picked out 10, and we went right back to the register, got the rebate slip, and headed to Costco.
Costco was about the same story, we both had things we were looking for, after we got the pie and cheesecake in the cart. Bonnie wanted some granola that she bought the last time she was there with me and loved. But sure innuff they didn't have it anymore. Then I was looking for nuts in the shell, none to be had, and cottonelle wipes, which I searched the pharmacy area, and finally gave the coupon to Bonnie and asked her to try and find it down by the toilet paper....and I went looking for candy and nuts, and when she I was done, and ready to check out.....Bonnie was just coming back with it. She said it was as far away in the back of the store as it could possibly be, and you know how big Costco is. Anyway, after not finding all we had on the list, I still managed to spend $100. So buy the time I got back to the car I was sore and exhausted.
I called Bill and told him I wouldn't be able to make the 8 a.m. pickup for the Third Annual Turkey Run, and went to the couch for a nap. Later in the evening around 7:30 my niece Phil's daughter, came and got some china that was supposed to go to Kathleen, but she has never taken it, and really didn't have a place for it, so Terri, is now the proud owner of it, along with a few other bags of stuff we took out of grandma's house that no one else seemed to want. I got to visit with her for about 1/2 hour, and she said that when she is not working out of town (North Dakota) she and CJ her fiancee will take me to church. CJ's parents belong to St. Tim's and would be happy to see us all in church together. She pointed out his parents picture in our church directory, and they were who I thought they were when they described them to me last spring. Thanks Terri, for helping clean out my garage.
Today, I'm going to Matt and Carol's with Annie and Doug, and then this evening we will go to Jimbo and Ann's where we will have dinner. Ann and Nick slept over at her mom's last night, so they could learn how to make the turkey and dressing. Funny, she posted that on Facebook, and someone commented that "Word on the street was that Nick was in charge"!! That may be true.
Anyway I know it will be a good day, and hope you all have a good day too! I have so much to be thankful for. Love and Prayers, m
Bonnie loves to shop at Menards, and we wandered through looking for something for her to buy with a rebate of $17 that she got at the beginning of the year and hadn't spent yet. We checked out the prices of vacuums, and they do have some cheaper than the one I saw at Target, but Bonnie said she had seen a thing in consumer reports about which one was the best to buy, so I decided to wait till she got home and found that article. Then I wanted some snowmen that are hanging from a hook, and will be out in my front walk way. It took us the longest time to find them, as Bonnie pointed out each snowman she saw, and I kept saying no they aren't like that they are smaller and hang from a hook. Anyway I found them and bought them. Then we went in search for a domino set they had on sale, and when we found that I did buy a domino set, but not the one they had in the ad. It was double 9 and I ended up buying a double 12. We finally went to the check out, and Bonnie went ahead of me, and for some reason her register wasn't working, so I unloaded my stuff and went to another register, but since several of the register's weren't working we had a line now to wait in, but even so, I finished before they figured out what to do with Bonnie and a few other registers that were not working. We got to the car, loaded it up, and I realized I hadn't gotten the $2.50 gift bags that were free with a rebate of $2.50, so we went back inside, and searched for them. There was a limit of 10, so I quickly picked out 10, and we went right back to the register, got the rebate slip, and headed to Costco.
Costco was about the same story, we both had things we were looking for, after we got the pie and cheesecake in the cart. Bonnie wanted some granola that she bought the last time she was there with me and loved. But sure innuff they didn't have it anymore. Then I was looking for nuts in the shell, none to be had, and cottonelle wipes, which I searched the pharmacy area, and finally gave the coupon to Bonnie and asked her to try and find it down by the toilet paper....and I went looking for candy and nuts, and when she I was done, and ready to check out.....Bonnie was just coming back with it. She said it was as far away in the back of the store as it could possibly be, and you know how big Costco is. Anyway, after not finding all we had on the list, I still managed to spend $100. So buy the time I got back to the car I was sore and exhausted.
I called Bill and told him I wouldn't be able to make the 8 a.m. pickup for the Third Annual Turkey Run, and went to the couch for a nap. Later in the evening around 7:30 my niece Phil's daughter, came and got some china that was supposed to go to Kathleen, but she has never taken it, and really didn't have a place for it, so Terri, is now the proud owner of it, along with a few other bags of stuff we took out of grandma's house that no one else seemed to want. I got to visit with her for about 1/2 hour, and she said that when she is not working out of town (North Dakota) she and CJ her fiancee will take me to church. CJ's parents belong to St. Tim's and would be happy to see us all in church together. She pointed out his parents picture in our church directory, and they were who I thought they were when they described them to me last spring. Thanks Terri, for helping clean out my garage.
Today, I'm going to Matt and Carol's with Annie and Doug, and then this evening we will go to Jimbo and Ann's where we will have dinner. Ann and Nick slept over at her mom's last night, so they could learn how to make the turkey and dressing. Funny, she posted that on Facebook, and someone commented that "Word on the street was that Nick was in charge"!! That may be true.
Anyway I know it will be a good day, and hope you all have a good day too! I have so much to be thankful for. Love and Prayers, m
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Sunny Shopping Day!
Out shopping for tomorrows dinner.....pie and maybe a cheesecake. Will write later.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Early Morning Furneral
Rita Culshaw picked me up at 9 a.m. for the funeral of Addie Knight, Kathie Kelly's mom. It was at St. Alphonse's in Brooklyn Center. It was a wonderful celebration of her life, and the wonderful person she was. The pastor there is so good at doing funerals....that is where Joe Neis's funeral was. He really makes you feel like he knew the person well, and talks about celebrating their lives, as they would be celebrating in Heaven on her arrival.
Also, to add to that, their were so many people I knew there, from St. Tim's that I hadn't seen in ages, and got to visit with.... in fact Laurie and Dwayne Mohs were the last to walk out of the building, along with Rita and me. They gave me their phone number and told me to call them if I needed anything. So nice to have people offer to help in any way they can. I hate calling and asking, but I know people would be happy to help, and I have enough on the list, that I'm not calling the same people all the time.
While talking with Laurie Mohs, I found out she grew up just a few blocks apart from me in South Mpls. She lived over by Matt's on 35th and Cedar, and I lived on 36th and 15th Ave. a block from Powderhorn park. She went to Folwell, and I went to St. Margarets. I forgot to ask her what her maidenname was, but need to call and talk to her some more. We might know lots of people in common....and you all know how much I like making connections.
On the way home, Rita and I were talking about how I was missing my ring, and I had also lost a gold coin, that the husband of a friend of Rita's that was at HHH the same day I was their last week having chemo, had given one to each of us. I thought I had put the coin in my coin purse in my billfold, and Rita thought she remembered me putting it there too. So when I opened my purse to look for it, I couldn't find my snickers bar I put in my purse on Sunday when I was shopping. That was really weird, and now I was missing 3 things. So Rita told me to dump my purse, which I did on my lap in the car, and found the candy bar, but neither the ring or the gold coin. So she told me when I got home to dump my black bag, that I carry my cribbage stuff in, etc. When I got in the house, the first thing I did was check my black bag, and in the bag I keep my dice, and cards etc. I found the gold coin. So I immediately called Rita and told her we had now found 2 out of 3 of the missing items, but couldn't find the ring yet....even after dumping the black bag. So St. Anthony is sorta helping, but we still need to pray to find my ring.
Going shopping in the morning to buy pie for Jimbo's Thanksgiving a few other things. Other than that, no big plans for either day.
I have to figure out how many of the three things I'm invited to on Thursday I can do, I may have to cut out the early morning Turkey Trott at Bill's. 8 a.m. might be a little early for me to start the long day. 9 a.m. was plenty early this morning.
Love and Prayers, m
Also, to add to that, their were so many people I knew there, from St. Tim's that I hadn't seen in ages, and got to visit with.... in fact Laurie and Dwayne Mohs were the last to walk out of the building, along with Rita and me. They gave me their phone number and told me to call them if I needed anything. So nice to have people offer to help in any way they can. I hate calling and asking, but I know people would be happy to help, and I have enough on the list, that I'm not calling the same people all the time.
While talking with Laurie Mohs, I found out she grew up just a few blocks apart from me in South Mpls. She lived over by Matt's on 35th and Cedar, and I lived on 36th and 15th Ave. a block from Powderhorn park. She went to Folwell, and I went to St. Margarets. I forgot to ask her what her maidenname was, but need to call and talk to her some more. We might know lots of people in common....and you all know how much I like making connections.
On the way home, Rita and I were talking about how I was missing my ring, and I had also lost a gold coin, that the husband of a friend of Rita's that was at HHH the same day I was their last week having chemo, had given one to each of us. I thought I had put the coin in my coin purse in my billfold, and Rita thought she remembered me putting it there too. So when I opened my purse to look for it, I couldn't find my snickers bar I put in my purse on Sunday when I was shopping. That was really weird, and now I was missing 3 things. So Rita told me to dump my purse, which I did on my lap in the car, and found the candy bar, but neither the ring or the gold coin. So she told me when I got home to dump my black bag, that I carry my cribbage stuff in, etc. When I got in the house, the first thing I did was check my black bag, and in the bag I keep my dice, and cards etc. I found the gold coin. So I immediately called Rita and told her we had now found 2 out of 3 of the missing items, but couldn't find the ring yet....even after dumping the black bag. So St. Anthony is sorta helping, but we still need to pray to find my ring.
Going shopping in the morning to buy pie for Jimbo's Thanksgiving a few other things. Other than that, no big plans for either day.
I have to figure out how many of the three things I'm invited to on Thursday I can do, I may have to cut out the early morning Turkey Trott at Bill's. 8 a.m. might be a little early for me to start the long day. 9 a.m. was plenty early this morning.
Love and Prayers, m
Monday, November 19, 2012
The Sun Will Be Out This Afternoon!!
At least that is what the weatherman says. Well, yesterday was jam packed. I went to church with Carol and Del, and they had plans for a family day at Del's home, so we didn't do brunch. They had warned me of that earlier in the week, but I forgot. Didn't make a problem, cause I had my bowl of cheerios before church, and after I came home and started making a shopping list for the afternoon. Annie had promised me she would take me shopping at 1 p.m. or so....and they were taking pictures for their Christmas card first. I didn't realize it was going to be downtown with some great backgrounds. Anyway I think it was closer to 2:30 when they stopped to pick me up on their way home. We dropped the kids off, and she made a peanut butter sandwich for each of us, and headed off.
We started at Kohls, but that was a walk in and a walk out, checking the prices of their vacuum's. I broke mine earlier in the week, so had to touch up the entry way with my hand held vacuum. Anyway, from their we headed to Old Navy, and almost finished my list of things I needed from there....just a problem with a few sizes not available at that store, and when I got home I checked them online, and couldn't find them there either. So will have to try some other stores in the area.
Then we hit Walgreens, and got some terrific deals there and got an extra $10 off there with rewards points. Michaels was next on my list, and we went in for yarn, and came out with just yarn. Pretty good!! Then we headed to cub for groceries, and Annie did some for their house as well. So with groceries in the bag, we headed back to Annie's and she invited me to have dinner with them, before she took me home. That worked great. I got home about 6:20 or so, and went right to the couch to rest my wearie bones. What a great day of shopping. Almost done with the big shopping for Christmas. Must get stocking stuffers, and gift cards yet....but not much else.
I've already cleaned both bathrooms this morning, and rearranged the linen closet with all the stuff I bought yesterday, and talked to a neighbor for a while, and read the obits to find out when my friend Kathie Kelly's mom's funeral is. The wake is tonight, and the funeral tomorrow, so I need to find someone from the FF or SMA grads group to take me along with them. Kathie and I went to SMA together, and have been good friends for years. Her mom was 93, and the first Friday group have kept up to date on her moves for the last couple of years, but knew she was declining this last year. The sad thing was that Kathie was on a tour of the Holy Land, and on her way home when she died, so she was not there when she did pass away. Prayers for her and her family please.
Other than that, I have a few things to do on the computer and crocheting to do. Love and Prayers, m
We started at Kohls, but that was a walk in and a walk out, checking the prices of their vacuum's. I broke mine earlier in the week, so had to touch up the entry way with my hand held vacuum. Anyway, from their we headed to Old Navy, and almost finished my list of things I needed from there....just a problem with a few sizes not available at that store, and when I got home I checked them online, and couldn't find them there either. So will have to try some other stores in the area.
Then we hit Walgreens, and got some terrific deals there and got an extra $10 off there with rewards points. Michaels was next on my list, and we went in for yarn, and came out with just yarn. Pretty good!! Then we headed to cub for groceries, and Annie did some for their house as well. So with groceries in the bag, we headed back to Annie's and she invited me to have dinner with them, before she took me home. That worked great. I got home about 6:20 or so, and went right to the couch to rest my wearie bones. What a great day of shopping. Almost done with the big shopping for Christmas. Must get stocking stuffers, and gift cards yet....but not much else.
I've already cleaned both bathrooms this morning, and rearranged the linen closet with all the stuff I bought yesterday, and talked to a neighbor for a while, and read the obits to find out when my friend Kathie Kelly's mom's funeral is. The wake is tonight, and the funeral tomorrow, so I need to find someone from the FF or SMA grads group to take me along with them. Kathie and I went to SMA together, and have been good friends for years. Her mom was 93, and the first Friday group have kept up to date on her moves for the last couple of years, but knew she was declining this last year. The sad thing was that Kathie was on a tour of the Holy Land, and on her way home when she died, so she was not there when she did pass away. Prayers for her and her family please.
Other than that, I have a few things to do on the computer and crocheting to do. Love and Prayers, m
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Sunny Sunday!!
Love it! Yesterday was a good day too....but I only did housework, laundry and crocheting. Went crazy with that last night, and I am now out of yarn, and need to go shopping for more. Wheww!!!!
Annie has volunteered to come and take me shopping this afternoon, so I'll stock up again.
I have nothing else to report. So that's it for today I need to shower and get ready for church. Carol and Del are picking me up at 10 a.m. and need to get moving. Love and Prayers, m
Annie has volunteered to come and take me shopping this afternoon, so I'll stock up again.
I have nothing else to report. So that's it for today I need to shower and get ready for church. Carol and Del are picking me up at 10 a.m. and need to get moving. Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Lazy Day!
I've been up and moving since 8 a.m., but haven't gotten to this. Just playing on the computer, crocheting, and watching TV. Ate my breakfast, and am on the second cup of coffee, which is unusual for me. I got an email from my daughter, with a newspaper article about two students she taught the Heimlich maneuver to in sixth grade, and got to use in the lunch room at Jackson Middle School where she teaches Health classes. Proud of her, although it's the student who saved the others life I should be proud of. Mom's are like that!!
Then I read my cousin's Caring Bridge site and was so impressed with it. I'm going to include parts of it at the end of this, so you can read or not. But he says so beautifully what I think and feel too!
I finally got around to writing to all of you. Yesterday was a fairly quiet day. Bonnie picked me up at 11:30 for lunch with Lois, to celebrate her birthday. We went to TGIF, and for once I was able to finish what I ordered, and didn't have to bring half home to eat later. I ordered what they called a "Small Plate" and it was of Pot-stickers which I love, and they were really good. I have some in the freezer, but forgot about them. After lunch, and a nice visit, Bonnie took me home and I just spent the evening working on my crocheting projects. I got a lot done, and started again this morning.
I lost my emerald ring this last week some place. I don't know when or where. I didn't notice it till Tuesday or Wednesday that it was gone. It is a special ring, as Gene gave it to me for my 40th birthday, and it is my birthstone. If any of those who have driven me in the last week would please look in their cars for me, and the rest of you say a prayer to St. Francis for me to find it. I've looked in jacket and pants pockets, in gloves and on the floor and in the chairs and couch, but so far to no avail. Please Pray!!
I have no plans for the day....just plan on vegging, doing some laundry, and crocheting of course. Lois asked to buy some for her granddughters, so I have more to make....but I got a good start on that last night. Other than that I have no plans till church tomorrow morning with Carol and Del, and then brunch at Baker's Square, and no Vikings to I guess I just have to watch my Fantasy Football scores. Love and Prayers, m
Here's my cousins notes:
There is a growing network of people that I am tied to both friendship and by a certain common bond that comes through going through sicknesses at the same time. In each of these particular cases there is an element of threat, be it from cancer or from other dangerous diseases. I've asked you to pray for many of these people, sometimes a bit out of turn, but always with the confidence that praying together for anyone in need makes a concrete difference sometimes instantly perceived and other times not so readily visible.
Then I read my cousin's Caring Bridge site and was so impressed with it. I'm going to include parts of it at the end of this, so you can read or not. But he says so beautifully what I think and feel too!
I finally got around to writing to all of you. Yesterday was a fairly quiet day. Bonnie picked me up at 11:30 for lunch with Lois, to celebrate her birthday. We went to TGIF, and for once I was able to finish what I ordered, and didn't have to bring half home to eat later. I ordered what they called a "Small Plate" and it was of Pot-stickers which I love, and they were really good. I have some in the freezer, but forgot about them. After lunch, and a nice visit, Bonnie took me home and I just spent the evening working on my crocheting projects. I got a lot done, and started again this morning.
I lost my emerald ring this last week some place. I don't know when or where. I didn't notice it till Tuesday or Wednesday that it was gone. It is a special ring, as Gene gave it to me for my 40th birthday, and it is my birthstone. If any of those who have driven me in the last week would please look in their cars for me, and the rest of you say a prayer to St. Francis for me to find it. I've looked in jacket and pants pockets, in gloves and on the floor and in the chairs and couch, but so far to no avail. Please Pray!!
I have no plans for the day....just plan on vegging, doing some laundry, and crocheting of course. Lois asked to buy some for her granddughters, so I have more to make....but I got a good start on that last night. Other than that I have no plans till church tomorrow morning with Carol and Del, and then brunch at Baker's Square, and no Vikings to I guess I just have to watch my Fantasy Football scores. Love and Prayers, m
Here's my cousins notes:
There is a growing network of people that I am tied to both friendship and by a certain common bond that comes through going through sicknesses at the same time. In each of these particular cases there is an element of threat, be it from cancer or from other dangerous diseases. I've asked you to pray for many of these people, sometimes a bit out of turn, but always with the confidence that praying together for anyone in need makes a concrete difference sometimes instantly perceived and other times not so readily visible.
I don't worry about whether we will see instant action or not. I have had enough people praying for me long enough to know that there is always benefit to be had - it might be consolation in the middle of grieving over lost capacities, it might be the comfort of knowing that there are others offering their support and care in the best way they can, it might be a sudden boost of energy in the middle of a day full of weariness and weakness, and it might be tangible, physical healing. It doesn't matter to me which of these or any of hundreds of other practical benefits that come as a result of others prayers and care. They all help.
Chronic illness or chronic pain due to injuries can wear a person down very quickly. They are isolating conditions that can leave you feeling like you are carrying a load so utterly unique that no one else could possibly understand what it is that you are going through. At some level, I suppose that uniqueness and isolation is a function of our individual uniqueness as human beings, but at another level it is a lie that only worsens our condition. When we know we are linked to others in love and prayer and other expressions of care, our capacity to fight disease or pain is altered.
Think about seeing a child get hurt, and the inclination there is to hold that child and do whatever you can to ease their pain. Your prayers, words of encouragement, support or practical manifestations of care are no different than taking that child in your arms. Of course you don't experience the exact same pain as that child or the person you care for, but that doesn't prevent the care you show from making a difference, or giving comfort, or bringing some peace and sense of security.
A friend of mine named Susan, who lives in Rome, has made a practice of lighting candles for me and others in various churches all over the city. There have been times when I've almost wondered whether she was turning into a pyromaniac, but the thought of flickering candles in many churches that I have visited in a city that I love, all lit by a friend simply trying to express her concern and care is a marvelous and blessed consolation to me.
In my network of fellow illness bearers and in my own life, there are countless stories of friends dropping in for a visit, or popping a simple email of encouragement, or writing a note on a CaringBridge guest page, or a meal being delivered, or a phone call saying, "Do you want to talk" and the caller not being upset even if you don't want to talk , and on and on and on. There are countless stories of prayers directly answered, prayers that have brought comfort, prayers that have brought encouragement in the face of had news, and again, on and on, and they all make a difference.
I am so thankful for you, for the care you have expressed simply in patiently reading my rambles, be it on a daily basis or just from time to time. I am thankful for the emails, the comments in face to face encounters, the notes here, and again and again, the prayers.
A couple of weeks ago, I ran into an old friend who could not get over how upbeat I am in the face of the things going on in my body. I told him that it would be almost impossible for me not to be upbeat given the fact that I daily experience the love of God made tangible in the love I experience from you and so many others. Thank you, and thank you also for joining me in some of my concerns for the people in my network of friends that are experiencing sickness. I've always known you have given me far more than I could ever earn or deserve, and I want your efforts in love to wash over all kinds of people, as I know they do.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Love the Sun!
But why the cold? I know it's November, but I wish it could be warm like yesterday, 50's are great...I'm sure in a few months we will be so happy to have 30's or 40's. Okay enough complaining.
Yesterday was a crazy day. I didn't have a name written down as to who was to drive me to get unplugged, so I waited to see if anyone would call and ask me what time I needed to be picked up. No one called or emailed, so I sent out an email, and then realized I had a message on my phone from Mary Ward, and she was wondering if she was to drive, and I called back, but got her voice mail, so I left one for her saying yes, and told her what time....then I saw an email she had send saying the same thing, so I emailed her back a reply, and at noon she showed up at my door, and I told her I had left a message on her phone, and also replied to her email that it was 2:00 she needed to pick me up, and so she said she hadn't been home...out running errands, so she stopped to see if I still needed a ride. Well anyway, she did come back at 2:00 p.m. and took me to get unplugged. As we were pulling in the driveway, a car was backing out, and it was Patty Tkach, and she had left a box on my step, and didn't want to stay and chat. I got the styrophome (?another spelling question spell check doesn's have the answer) container into the house and opened it up to see a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers and a beautiful Thanksgiving card, from her and Dennis. How wonderful and thoughtful of them. Love Sunflowers, and it really brightened my day.
Anyway, I got home about 3:30, and wrote an email to my friend Val Knight to see if we were still on for dinner, and then laid down to take a quick nap, at about 4:40 I woke up and checked my email and there wasn't any reply, so I laid back down on the couch, and at 4:45 I heard a honk of a car horn in my driveway, and there she was picking me up for dinner. I had to quickly put my coat and shoes on, and off we went. I told her I had sent her an email, and she said she hadn't gotten it, and had answered all her emails on her home email, work email and a yahoo account, and none had an email from me, and I sent it to two of the three addresses she has. At 5:09 as we were sitting in the restaurant it finally showed up on her phone. So weird! Anyway we had a nice dinner, and as we were leaving the place, and in came Doraine Newland, (Doraine was who I job shared with back in the 80's at ARCC, and last saw in Florida on the big trip that Bonnie and I took in January of 2011). In talking too her we found out that her husband died just 3 weeks ago. So sad, I will have to plan a lunch with her in the near future.
Well, that was my day yesterday, and I am having lunch with Bonnie and Lois today, and then I really don't have any plans other than church on Sunday and dinner at Jimbo's on Thanksgiving. I'm sure something will come up, but I don't have anything on my calendar right now. Till tomorrow, Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday was a crazy day. I didn't have a name written down as to who was to drive me to get unplugged, so I waited to see if anyone would call and ask me what time I needed to be picked up. No one called or emailed, so I sent out an email, and then realized I had a message on my phone from Mary Ward, and she was wondering if she was to drive, and I called back, but got her voice mail, so I left one for her saying yes, and told her what time....then I saw an email she had send saying the same thing, so I emailed her back a reply, and at noon she showed up at my door, and I told her I had left a message on her phone, and also replied to her email that it was 2:00 she needed to pick me up, and so she said she hadn't been home...out running errands, so she stopped to see if I still needed a ride. Well anyway, she did come back at 2:00 p.m. and took me to get unplugged. As we were pulling in the driveway, a car was backing out, and it was Patty Tkach, and she had left a box on my step, and didn't want to stay and chat. I got the styrophome (?another spelling question spell check doesn's have the answer) container into the house and opened it up to see a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers and a beautiful Thanksgiving card, from her and Dennis. How wonderful and thoughtful of them. Love Sunflowers, and it really brightened my day.
Anyway, I got home about 3:30, and wrote an email to my friend Val Knight to see if we were still on for dinner, and then laid down to take a quick nap, at about 4:40 I woke up and checked my email and there wasn't any reply, so I laid back down on the couch, and at 4:45 I heard a honk of a car horn in my driveway, and there she was picking me up for dinner. I had to quickly put my coat and shoes on, and off we went. I told her I had sent her an email, and she said she hadn't gotten it, and had answered all her emails on her home email, work email and a yahoo account, and none had an email from me, and I sent it to two of the three addresses she has. At 5:09 as we were sitting in the restaurant it finally showed up on her phone. So weird! Anyway we had a nice dinner, and as we were leaving the place, and in came Doraine Newland, (Doraine was who I job shared with back in the 80's at ARCC, and last saw in Florida on the big trip that Bonnie and I took in January of 2011). In talking too her we found out that her husband died just 3 weeks ago. So sad, I will have to plan a lunch with her in the near future.
Well, that was my day yesterday, and I am having lunch with Bonnie and Lois today, and then I really don't have any plans other than church on Sunday and dinner at Jimbo's on Thanksgiving. I'm sure something will come up, but I don't have anything on my calendar right now. Till tomorrow, Love and Prayers, m
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Sorry I'm Late!
The sun is shining, and I got inspired to fill the garbage can before the neighbor took the can to the street for tomorrow's pick up. He takes it down earlier than I get all the cans in the house emptied and carried out. So today, I'm a head of him. I also did some other cleaning along the way too. Then Bonnie called and said she was coming over to put some frozen stuff in my freezer, as the one at John's house was full already, and she has closed up the cabin, and brought it all back with her. She has a cold and was afraid she'd give me the germs, and she wanted to sneak through the garage and go right down to the basement without breathing on me. As it happened, I was just getting out of the shower, and in the back bedroom getting dressed, changing my ostomy bag, and drying my hair, she was able to sneak in and get the stuff in the freezer without breathing on me. I heard the freezer door shut and saw her car in the driveway, so I knew she was here, and by the time my hair was done, I yelled down the clothes shoot that I knew she was here, but she was already out of the house and I saw her car drive away. So it worked fine.
I had a fun day yesterday, although busy. I went to lunch with Rosie, Sandi and Ann, to celebrate Ann's birthday. The resturarant was the Roasted Pear in Brooklyn Park. Right off 610 across from Cub. The food was great, and so was the service. We sat and talked for several hours and were the last of the lunch crowd to leave and I got home at 3:30. We'll go back again, cause there were so many great things on the menu I'd like to try. All of us felt that way. Not only was the food and service good, but so was the conversations we had. That's why we stayed so long talking. Rosie even had to leave earlier than the rest of us, and we still had plenty to talk about.
Last evening, the Colorectal Support group got together to hopefully restart the group that was ended last year at this time. The women who had the connection to the hospital was dealing with her own medical problems, and now is well, and hoping to help us get the group organized and up and running again. All of us there were in favor of it, and we had a great time last night. We got updated on some who had died, and some who were doing well, but couldn't make it last night. One of the members happens to live in Coon Rapids, and was willing to pick me up, so that worked perfect for me. I enjoy this group a lot, and hope it does get going again.
Today I have to go get unplugged at 2 p.m. this afternoon, but don't remember who was going to drive me, so if it was you, please call and let me know. I will have to leave at 1:30. Then this evening, I think I am going to dinner with Val, but I haven't heard from her, so I don't know if it's on or not. Gee, that's two things for the day that I don't know for sure what is happening.
Then tomorrow I am having lunch with Bonnie and Lois to celebrate her birthday, which was yesterday. I had 4 birthdays to celebrate this week. Lots of food and fun. Love and Prayers, m
I had a fun day yesterday, although busy. I went to lunch with Rosie, Sandi and Ann, to celebrate Ann's birthday. The resturarant was the Roasted Pear in Brooklyn Park. Right off 610 across from Cub. The food was great, and so was the service. We sat and talked for several hours and were the last of the lunch crowd to leave and I got home at 3:30. We'll go back again, cause there were so many great things on the menu I'd like to try. All of us felt that way. Not only was the food and service good, but so was the conversations we had. That's why we stayed so long talking. Rosie even had to leave earlier than the rest of us, and we still had plenty to talk about.
Last evening, the Colorectal Support group got together to hopefully restart the group that was ended last year at this time. The women who had the connection to the hospital was dealing with her own medical problems, and now is well, and hoping to help us get the group organized and up and running again. All of us there were in favor of it, and we had a great time last night. We got updated on some who had died, and some who were doing well, but couldn't make it last night. One of the members happens to live in Coon Rapids, and was willing to pick me up, so that worked perfect for me. I enjoy this group a lot, and hope it does get going again.
Today I have to go get unplugged at 2 p.m. this afternoon, but don't remember who was going to drive me, so if it was you, please call and let me know. I will have to leave at 1:30. Then this evening, I think I am going to dinner with Val, but I haven't heard from her, so I don't know if it's on or not. Gee, that's two things for the day that I don't know for sure what is happening.
Then tomorrow I am having lunch with Bonnie and Lois to celebrate her birthday, which was yesterday. I had 4 birthdays to celebrate this week. Lots of food and fun. Love and Prayers, m
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
It's a Sun Shiny Day!!
Waking to sunshine is so nice after all of those gloomy days we've had, and above freezing too! Warming up to the upper 40's. Doesn't sound warm to most of you reading this, but it was 18 degrees yesterday morning, so anything above that sounds good. It hasn't been that cold since the middle of last March.
Yesterday's chemo went well, but I didn't get home till 4:30 p.m., and I was so tired, I went right to the couch, and didn't get off for much except the bathroom or to eat. I woke up at 4:25 a.m. still dressed and the lights on, and just rolled over and didn't wake up again till 7:25 a.m. took my pills and went back to the couch till 8:30.
Rita picked me up and yes, we played cribbage and she did win one game, the last, and that was by pegging out before I even got a chance to count. Neither of us skunked the other, and we had a lot of fun playing, and she went to Woullets to get our favorite chicken salad sandwich and oatmeal raisin cookies. We definitely had a fun day....even if it was a long one. Once a month they give me Zomeda, which is to help you bones grow stronger and prevents Osteoarthritis I think. so that added to the length of the day, and I didn't have to be there so early in the morning, which means I'm there later in the day. I just saw the author of the book "The Shack" which I read a few years ago, and he has come out with a new book, so the "Today Show" had him on. The end of the interview he said "Everyday is a day full of Grace". I think it was when I saw all the comments on Facebook to Day 1 of 10724, I know that that Grace was sent by all of you! Thank You.
I was supposed to go to the women's club, but called Mary Ward and asked her to pick up the material I had bought to make blankets for the ACBC food shelf. I guess it turned out that only two of us had bought child like fleece, so they were grateful for it.
Today I'm going to lunch with Rosie, Ann and Sandi to celebrate Ann's birthday that was yesterday the same as Emily's. Several of you commented yesterday how cute she is. Oh, and the proper spelling of Skane which really sounds like it is "Skein" which doesn't look like how it is pronounced...but who am I to judge.
It's getting time to get into the shower and get dressed or I'll still be here in my clothes from yesterday. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday's chemo went well, but I didn't get home till 4:30 p.m., and I was so tired, I went right to the couch, and didn't get off for much except the bathroom or to eat. I woke up at 4:25 a.m. still dressed and the lights on, and just rolled over and didn't wake up again till 7:25 a.m. took my pills and went back to the couch till 8:30.
Rita picked me up and yes, we played cribbage and she did win one game, the last, and that was by pegging out before I even got a chance to count. Neither of us skunked the other, and we had a lot of fun playing, and she went to Woullets to get our favorite chicken salad sandwich and oatmeal raisin cookies. We definitely had a fun day....even if it was a long one. Once a month they give me Zomeda, which is to help you bones grow stronger and prevents Osteoarthritis I think. so that added to the length of the day, and I didn't have to be there so early in the morning, which means I'm there later in the day. I just saw the author of the book "The Shack" which I read a few years ago, and he has come out with a new book, so the "Today Show" had him on. The end of the interview he said "Everyday is a day full of Grace". I think it was when I saw all the comments on Facebook to Day 1 of 10724, I know that that Grace was sent by all of you! Thank You.
I was supposed to go to the women's club, but called Mary Ward and asked her to pick up the material I had bought to make blankets for the ACBC food shelf. I guess it turned out that only two of us had bought child like fleece, so they were grateful for it.
Today I'm going to lunch with Rosie, Ann and Sandi to celebrate Ann's birthday that was yesterday the same as Emily's. Several of you commented yesterday how cute she is. Oh, and the proper spelling of Skane which really sounds like it is "Skein" which doesn't look like how it is pronounced...but who am I to judge.
It's getting time to get into the shower and get dressed or I'll still be here in my clothes from yesterday. Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Happy 19th Birthday Emily
It is Emily’s birthday today, and she is now 19. She is my first born granddaughter of six,
and so special to me, as they all are.
Hope she has a sunshiny day and that
it lasts all year long. Emily is in her
first year of college at Bloomington/Normal, IL., and I think is loving
it. Looks like she is having fun on
Yesterday, I went to lunch with the retiree’s from ARCC, and
to our surprise five of the wannabees showed up. No school, so they were free to come. We ended up with 18 or so. It was so fun. If you are a facebook user,
you can see pictures that I and Sheila Provost took. Mary Brue was my driver
for the day, and I asked her to take me across the street to Michaels to buy
more yarn and a few other supplies, and then to the drive thru/ATM at Wells
Fargo so I could deposit a check I had gotten in the mail on Saturday. More
from the insurance company, so I now have a savings of over $500 for parking my
car. Even though I didn’t get to shop on Sunday, I still was able to use my 25%
off coupon at Michaels that was for everything, even if it was on sale, so a
great deal. I ended up buying 8 skanes
of yarn. How do you spell that? Spell
check can’t!
I came home and started crocheting right away. Then took a nap and ate the leftovers from lunch
for dinner. I needed to eat something more
before I went to bed….so I had a nutrition shake. I was nibbling on candy corn and peanuts leftover
from card club, and I couldn’t stop eating it….hope it’s gone soon….also eating
a popcorn mixture of regular, caramel and cheese that I served for the women too!
Today, Rita Culshaw is picking me up at 8:45 for chemo, and
then I plan on beating her at cribbage…but that’s doubtful….I can only hope the
cards are in my favor. Doug is picking
up a couple of prescriptions for me and dropping them off on his way to
work. Then this evening I have Women’s
Club, and Mary Ward is picking me up and we are going to make blankets to
donate to ACBC food shelf. So I’m hoping
I feel good enough to go.
Tomorrow I have a lunch date with Rosie Mortenson, Ann
Christianson, and Sandi Hitch. The four
of us get together for each of our birthdays and other occasions during the
year, and Wednesday we will be celebrating Ann’s birthday, which is actually
today….same as Emily. Tomorrow is Lois
Bjerke and Val Knights birthdays, and I will be celebrating with them
separately on Thursday and Friday. It’s
going to be a busy week. Love and
Prayers, m
Monday, November 12, 2012
Snow? Really?
This is going to be short and sweet!
Yesterday I did some crocheting, and watched the surprisingly great Viking game. I did some cleaning of the bathrooms, and in the process knocked the door off the vanity onto my left foot (toe to be exact) with great force, but it didn't hurt too bad (thanks to the 40 mg oxy) and it's not broke. I was able to repair the door myself, thanks to a philips screwdriver. That's when I went back to the couch and crocheting.
More surprising was the fact that my Fantasy Football team scored 115 points and beat Jacks team by more than 60 points. He does have his quarterback yet to play tonight, but there is no way he can score more than 25 points much less 60. I have such a bad team, and have only won 1 1/2 games....well now 2 1/2....but I'm in last place. I never win. I have been the champion years past, but this year it's not even fun when you lose all the time....kinda like cribbage.
Speaking of cribbage, tomorrow I have chemo again, and Rita Culshaw is picking me up and spending the day with me playing cribbage of course. I'm really looking forward to it....much more fun than crocheting.
Today, Mary Brue is picking me up and taking me to the retiree's lunch at Boston's at Riverdale. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone, and Marilyn is bringing my Avon order so more Christmas shopping done. After lunch I'm hoping Mary will take me to Michaels, and the bank. I got another check from the car insurance. Another $59. So all together I got over $500 for storing my car in the garage. That makes me feel alot better about not being able to drive. Although sometimes it still drives me crazy.
I have chemo tomorrow and get picked up at 8:45, so I may write tomorrow's blog tonight. Oh, yesterday I got reminded that my sister-in-law Carol had both knees replaced and is in rehab right now. I can't imagine having both done at the same time, except that this way she only has to go through it once and get it all over with. Please say some prayers for her fast recovery, and that she is able to walk painlessly. She was having a worse time walking and getting up stairs than me, when she was here for the class reunion in August, and I was in pretty bad shape at that time. So I can empathize with her.
Say some prayers for my brother John....too long a story to write...but he really needs prayers.
This really isn't too short and not sweet either. But it is what it is. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday I did some crocheting, and watched the surprisingly great Viking game. I did some cleaning of the bathrooms, and in the process knocked the door off the vanity onto my left foot (toe to be exact) with great force, but it didn't hurt too bad (thanks to the 40 mg oxy) and it's not broke. I was able to repair the door myself, thanks to a philips screwdriver. That's when I went back to the couch and crocheting.
More surprising was the fact that my Fantasy Football team scored 115 points and beat Jacks team by more than 60 points. He does have his quarterback yet to play tonight, but there is no way he can score more than 25 points much less 60. I have such a bad team, and have only won 1 1/2 games....well now 2 1/2....but I'm in last place. I never win. I have been the champion years past, but this year it's not even fun when you lose all the time....kinda like cribbage.
Speaking of cribbage, tomorrow I have chemo again, and Rita Culshaw is picking me up and spending the day with me playing cribbage of course. I'm really looking forward to it....much more fun than crocheting.
Today, Mary Brue is picking me up and taking me to the retiree's lunch at Boston's at Riverdale. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone, and Marilyn is bringing my Avon order so more Christmas shopping done. After lunch I'm hoping Mary will take me to Michaels, and the bank. I got another check from the car insurance. Another $59. So all together I got over $500 for storing my car in the garage. That makes me feel alot better about not being able to drive. Although sometimes it still drives me crazy.
I have chemo tomorrow and get picked up at 8:45, so I may write tomorrow's blog tonight. Oh, yesterday I got reminded that my sister-in-law Carol had both knees replaced and is in rehab right now. I can't imagine having both done at the same time, except that this way she only has to go through it once and get it all over with. Please say some prayers for her fast recovery, and that she is able to walk painlessly. She was having a worse time walking and getting up stairs than me, when she was here for the class reunion in August, and I was in pretty bad shape at that time. So I can empathize with her.
Say some prayers for my brother John....too long a story to write...but he really needs prayers.
This really isn't too short and not sweet either. But it is what it is. Love and Prayers, m
Sunday, November 11, 2012
More Sun Please!!
What's up with all this cloudy, gloomy weather ..I know I should be looking on the bright side....but yesterday was short lived!!! I want more like that!
Yesterday day was a sunny day all around. I got picked up right at the time I expected, and we headed to Shakopee for the Baby Shower for Cousin Ed's daughter, Amanda. Debbie, Denise, Kelly and Ed were all there from that Generation of Ed Schiebers'. Along with Ed's wife Trudy. Ed and Trudy have been here from Texas for the last week, helping to get the baby's room ready and help prepare for the shower. Then Joe, Debbie's son, and his daughter Hallie and one of her girlfriends. Janet, June and I rounded out the guests from our side of the family. Amanda's Mom, Aunt, a couple cousins and friends made up the crowd, and it was a very big one.(In rereading this it sounds like a 1940's newspaper article.) We played a couple of fun games. I haven't been to a baby shower in 15 years or so. They really have some nice new things for baby's now, and wow did she get cute clothes. She's going to be the best dressed little girl ever. I suppose there are other little girls well dressed, but she really did get some beautiful things. Her mom gave her a few things that she wore as a baby that her sister had knit. Also a blanket that the aunt had made.
As we were leaving Debbie wanted to send some food home with me, and I turned it down, as I have a fridge full of food, and I need to eat that before it spoils. But not 5 minutes after arriving home, the neighbor (Wendy) rang the bell, and handed me back the cake pan that I had sent over the left over's from the card club on Wednesday, and also a container of warm chilli that Wendy had just made. So that was my dinner. Sure glad I didn't take home anything from Debbies, all though it was really good.
I did some more crocheting and watched HGTV all evening. Not very productive, but after the busy day, I guess I didn't need to be.
Today, I have been up for a while, but got hung up as to who the other little girl was, and needed to call Debbie to get the answer, but I didn't have Debbie's phone number in her new house. I tried calling Janet, but no answer, then tried calling her sister Darlene in Phoenix, but no answer. Tried to call Denise, but only had a home phone number for her, and she was at Debbies. So I finally went to the invitation for the shower, and called the RSVP number, and low and behold it was Debbies. She answered and I had to talk to her a while, but finally found out that the little girl was just a friend of Hallies, that goes almost everywhere Hallie goes. I also answered several emails before starting this, and the neighbor called to tell me the paper was inside the doors, and I asked him if he would come over and fill my bird feeder for me. He agreed, but I told him the wrong place the food was, and had to go to the garage and figure out where it was....still on the floor where I left it, but thought I had moved it by the rest of the bird stuff. Anyway I started this blog, and keep getting distracted by the TV, and it's taking me a long time.
I need some prayers for cousin Ed, who has had some spots of melanoma removed and one lymph node that had cancer in it. They are now going to do PETscan, and hope for the best. So lots of prayers please. Also we have just found out that my lost brother is in Phoenix, but unfortunately he was again arrested for trespassing, which probably means sleeping under a bridge or something like that. So please say some prayers for him too. Then of course prayers for a healthy baby for Amanda and her husband. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday day was a sunny day all around. I got picked up right at the time I expected, and we headed to Shakopee for the Baby Shower for Cousin Ed's daughter, Amanda. Debbie, Denise, Kelly and Ed were all there from that Generation of Ed Schiebers'. Along with Ed's wife Trudy. Ed and Trudy have been here from Texas for the last week, helping to get the baby's room ready and help prepare for the shower. Then Joe, Debbie's son, and his daughter Hallie and one of her girlfriends. Janet, June and I rounded out the guests from our side of the family. Amanda's Mom, Aunt, a couple cousins and friends made up the crowd, and it was a very big one.(In rereading this it sounds like a 1940's newspaper article.) We played a couple of fun games. I haven't been to a baby shower in 15 years or so. They really have some nice new things for baby's now, and wow did she get cute clothes. She's going to be the best dressed little girl ever. I suppose there are other little girls well dressed, but she really did get some beautiful things. Her mom gave her a few things that she wore as a baby that her sister had knit. Also a blanket that the aunt had made.
As we were leaving Debbie wanted to send some food home with me, and I turned it down, as I have a fridge full of food, and I need to eat that before it spoils. But not 5 minutes after arriving home, the neighbor (Wendy) rang the bell, and handed me back the cake pan that I had sent over the left over's from the card club on Wednesday, and also a container of warm chilli that Wendy had just made. So that was my dinner. Sure glad I didn't take home anything from Debbies, all though it was really good.
I did some more crocheting and watched HGTV all evening. Not very productive, but after the busy day, I guess I didn't need to be.
Today, I have been up for a while, but got hung up as to who the other little girl was, and needed to call Debbie to get the answer, but I didn't have Debbie's phone number in her new house. I tried calling Janet, but no answer, then tried calling her sister Darlene in Phoenix, but no answer. Tried to call Denise, but only had a home phone number for her, and she was at Debbies. So I finally went to the invitation for the shower, and called the RSVP number, and low and behold it was Debbies. She answered and I had to talk to her a while, but finally found out that the little girl was just a friend of Hallies, that goes almost everywhere Hallie goes. I also answered several emails before starting this, and the neighbor called to tell me the paper was inside the doors, and I asked him if he would come over and fill my bird feeder for me. He agreed, but I told him the wrong place the food was, and had to go to the garage and figure out where it was....still on the floor where I left it, but thought I had moved it by the rest of the bird stuff. Anyway I started this blog, and keep getting distracted by the TV, and it's taking me a long time.
I need some prayers for cousin Ed, who has had some spots of melanoma removed and one lymph node that had cancer in it. They are now going to do PETscan, and hope for the best. So lots of prayers please. Also we have just found out that my lost brother is in Phoenix, but unfortunately he was again arrested for trespassing, which probably means sleeping under a bridge or something like that. So please say some prayers for him too. Then of course prayers for a healthy baby for Amanda and her husband. Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Hail!! Rain!! and Gloom!!
That's the order of the day!! But I'm going to brighten it up by going to a baby shower!!! and the D's (Debbie, Darlene, Diane and Denise) are throwing it. What could be more fun? The shower is for Amanda, who is cousin Ed Scheiber's daughter.When we were in Vegas, she joined us, and we all made guesses as to the day and gender of the baby, and we're all waiting for the winner of that.
Yesterday, was a free day for me!! I didn't have anyplace to go and nothing to do. Of course I did do something, but I didn't have to! I did a lot of crocheting and Doug came over and brought me a copy of the rebate form from Centerpoint, that I couldn't print as I ran out of ink, I got that filled out and in the mailbox before the mailman came. I also had him do a few things while he was here, take the card table and chairs down the basement and a couple of other things too. I had cleaned out a cupboard the night before, and he took a whole bag of cups, glasses and sippy cups etc. too. I cleaned out another cupboard, and found things I didn't even know I had....most went into the garbage though.
I talked to my sister for a while, and she said that Gary had been to the doctor on Thursday and they did several tests trying to figure out what is causing the dizziness and some problems with his legs. So say a few prayers for him that they figure out what is going wrong and how to fix it. She also said that Nates back is killing him, and he's considering coming home to Salt Lake for a few months to rest his back. So a few prayers there too! Eric is coming home for Thanksgiving. Jess was home a few weeks ago, before Sandy hit, so that leaves only Blair and her husband to come home. With the kids all scattered around the country, it would be unusual to have more than one home at the same time. I'm so lucky to have three in the area, and only Tom, Karen and family in Naperville. They get to come home atleast twice a year for sure.
Well, I don't know exactly when June and Len are picking me up....they could be early, but the shower starts at 1 p.m. and I need to wrap the present and get dressed before they get here. So I better get busy. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday, was a free day for me!! I didn't have anyplace to go and nothing to do. Of course I did do something, but I didn't have to! I did a lot of crocheting and Doug came over and brought me a copy of the rebate form from Centerpoint, that I couldn't print as I ran out of ink, I got that filled out and in the mailbox before the mailman came. I also had him do a few things while he was here, take the card table and chairs down the basement and a couple of other things too. I had cleaned out a cupboard the night before, and he took a whole bag of cups, glasses and sippy cups etc. too. I cleaned out another cupboard, and found things I didn't even know I had....most went into the garbage though.
I talked to my sister for a while, and she said that Gary had been to the doctor on Thursday and they did several tests trying to figure out what is causing the dizziness and some problems with his legs. So say a few prayers for him that they figure out what is going wrong and how to fix it. She also said that Nates back is killing him, and he's considering coming home to Salt Lake for a few months to rest his back. So a few prayers there too! Eric is coming home for Thanksgiving. Jess was home a few weeks ago, before Sandy hit, so that leaves only Blair and her husband to come home. With the kids all scattered around the country, it would be unusual to have more than one home at the same time. I'm so lucky to have three in the area, and only Tom, Karen and family in Naperville. They get to come home atleast twice a year for sure.
Well, I don't know exactly when June and Len are picking me up....they could be early, but the shower starts at 1 p.m. and I need to wrap the present and get dressed before they get here. So I better get busy. Love and Prayers, m
Friday, November 9, 2012
Happy Birthday Ann and Doug
Oh Happy Day!!
Doug is the one on the left, and Ann is on the far right! They were born on the same day one year apart. This is a recent picture taken after a cold football game I believe between Anoka and Coon Rapids, as Nick goes to Anoka (Ann's son) and Nicole and Allie (Doug's daughters) go to Coon Rapids. I couldn't find a picture of them alone or together, so this is the most recent I could find that had both of them in it.
So sorry this is late again today. I have been up and moving, but I started on the computer answering emails etc. and I got a phone call from Monica Murphy. I got to know Monica because she sat next to me at the 8:30 service at St. Tim's. Some how she and Mary Brue (who used to be her neighbor) figured out that they knew me. I guess they saw each other this week, and Monica asked Mary if she knew how I was etc.? and Mary told her she reads my blog everyday, and updated Monica doesn't have a computer, so Mary Brue suggested she give me a call, and gave her my phone number. Well she called and we talked for at-least 1/2 hour. She is going to her son's in Michigan for 10 days over the Thanksgiving holiday and I told her to give me a call when she was back and we'd maybe get together for lunch. Thanks Mary!!
So that put me back quite a while. I'm still in my pj's and haven't gotten off this chair for the last 2 hours. I have no plans for today other than cleaning and I'm not worried about that. But I wanted to get this written a lot earlier than it is.
Yesterday I had my stitches taken out and stopped at the bank to make a deposit. The deposit was a check that I had just gotten in the mail. The insurance company gave me back $447, for storing my car in the garage and not driving it since September 1. What a deal....the only good thing about not driving so far. All though I do get to visit with lots of great volunteer drivers.
The stitches came out pretty easy...only one thought it was living there, but a tug of the thread and it was out too! I had 13 stitches...why I don't know, the cyst was only the size of a dime. Oh well, the women who took them out, said it looked great, and was healing well.
I spent the afternoon and evening crocheting and think I have make 15 scarves already....but need lot more. I need some more supplies to make the other stocking stuffer I've come up with. I think it will work.
Well, I better get busy and get this published. Love and Prayers, m
Doug is the one on the left, and Ann is on the far right! They were born on the same day one year apart. This is a recent picture taken after a cold football game I believe between Anoka and Coon Rapids, as Nick goes to Anoka (Ann's son) and Nicole and Allie (Doug's daughters) go to Coon Rapids. I couldn't find a picture of them alone or together, so this is the most recent I could find that had both of them in it.
So sorry this is late again today. I have been up and moving, but I started on the computer answering emails etc. and I got a phone call from Monica Murphy. I got to know Monica because she sat next to me at the 8:30 service at St. Tim's. Some how she and Mary Brue (who used to be her neighbor) figured out that they knew me. I guess they saw each other this week, and Monica asked Mary if she knew how I was etc.? and Mary told her she reads my blog everyday, and updated Monica doesn't have a computer, so Mary Brue suggested she give me a call, and gave her my phone number. Well she called and we talked for at-least 1/2 hour. She is going to her son's in Michigan for 10 days over the Thanksgiving holiday and I told her to give me a call when she was back and we'd maybe get together for lunch. Thanks Mary!!
So that put me back quite a while. I'm still in my pj's and haven't gotten off this chair for the last 2 hours. I have no plans for today other than cleaning and I'm not worried about that. But I wanted to get this written a lot earlier than it is.
Yesterday I had my stitches taken out and stopped at the bank to make a deposit. The deposit was a check that I had just gotten in the mail. The insurance company gave me back $447, for storing my car in the garage and not driving it since September 1. What a deal....the only good thing about not driving so far. All though I do get to visit with lots of great volunteer drivers.
The stitches came out pretty easy...only one thought it was living there, but a tug of the thread and it was out too! I had 13 stitches...why I don't know, the cyst was only the size of a dime. Oh well, the women who took them out, said it looked great, and was healing well.
I spent the afternoon and evening crocheting and think I have make 15 scarves already....but need lot more. I need some more supplies to make the other stocking stuffer I've come up with. I think it will work.
Well, I better get busy and get this published. Love and Prayers, m
Thursday, November 8, 2012
I See the Sun!!
I don't know why, but I guess the week caught up with me. I woke at 7 a.m. took my pills and went to the couch, turned on the Today Show, and went right back to sleep and didn't wake up till almost 10 a.m. I made my breakfast, coffee, and came to the computer, and had several emails I had to answer...unusual....sometimes I don't have one personal email when I check it in the morning. I'm just deleting a bunch of junk mail.
I only have to have my stitches taken out this afternoon, so showering and getting dressed doesn't have to happen till 1 appointment is at 2 p.m. and Sharyl won't pick me up till 1:45 p.m. Other than that, no excitement, I guess I'll work on some projects I have for the holidays.
Yesterday, I asked Sharyl, if she would take me to Old Navy as I had a $30 cash coupon that expired then. She agreed and we left at about 11 a.m. Sharyl wanted something at Bed, Bath and Beyond, which was next door, so we each went our separate ways, and I only waited about 2 minutes and we met at the car. From there I needed 2 yards of fleece from JoAnn's, and she wanted to go to Kohls, so after moving the car closer, she gave me the clicker to open the car, and we each went our separate ways again. My trip to JoAnns only took about 5 minutes (unlike Saturday when there were huge lines both at the cutting counter and the check-out.) and Sharyls took about 25 minutes. I had the warm car to sit in, so I filed my nails, shorted coupons in my purse, and made a list of what I still needed at Old Navy etc. So I kept busy.
After getting home, I didn't do much other than crochet and empty and put away most of the dishes from the dishwasher from the night before's party. In putting the glasses away, I decided to clean that cupboard, and have a bag of glasses and cups that I am moving to the basement. So my kitchen doesn't look like I had a party other than being very clean.
Other than that, no news, Love and Prayers, m
I only have to have my stitches taken out this afternoon, so showering and getting dressed doesn't have to happen till 1 appointment is at 2 p.m. and Sharyl won't pick me up till 1:45 p.m. Other than that, no excitement, I guess I'll work on some projects I have for the holidays.
Yesterday, I asked Sharyl, if she would take me to Old Navy as I had a $30 cash coupon that expired then. She agreed and we left at about 11 a.m. Sharyl wanted something at Bed, Bath and Beyond, which was next door, so we each went our separate ways, and I only waited about 2 minutes and we met at the car. From there I needed 2 yards of fleece from JoAnn's, and she wanted to go to Kohls, so after moving the car closer, she gave me the clicker to open the car, and we each went our separate ways again. My trip to JoAnns only took about 5 minutes (unlike Saturday when there were huge lines both at the cutting counter and the check-out.) and Sharyls took about 25 minutes. I had the warm car to sit in, so I filed my nails, shorted coupons in my purse, and made a list of what I still needed at Old Navy etc. So I kept busy.
After getting home, I didn't do much other than crochet and empty and put away most of the dishes from the dishwasher from the night before's party. In putting the glasses away, I decided to clean that cupboard, and have a bag of glasses and cups that I am moving to the basement. So my kitchen doesn't look like I had a party other than being very clean.
Other than that, no news, Love and Prayers, m
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Obama Wins!!
So did most of the other's I voted for. I'm sure that full page of Judges un-opposed won!! Why do we even have to vote for them?
I worked hard yesterday, and took a nap as well, but at 6:30 p.m. I was ready when the guests arrived! After voting I was home by 10 a.m. and had plenty of time to make my cake (that's a story too). Other than the cake I only had to make my crab dip, and the rest was ready-made, and all I had to do was put it in serving bowls.
The cake on the other hand I made from scratch, and I thought I was being really careful reading the directions, and I had everything setting out before I started, but somehow adding the nuts was mixed in with the other dry ingredients, and I had the cake in the oven and was putting things away, when I saw the bag of nuts....luckily already chopped when I bought I opened the oven and poured nuts over the top of the cake. I didn't measure, I just poured till the cake was covered with a single layer of nuts. Thankfully it tasted good, and even though two of the eight left before dessert, I only have half left, and I think I'll share that with the neighbors. I have lots of other things leftover, but I think I can get rid of most of it.
Card club is always fun, and last night was no different. We had one sub, and she has subbed before. Sandi is an election judge, so obviously she couldn't come. We did a lot of laughing, and a lot of one eye on the TV watching for results. Happily the president was confirmed before most left for the night. I then went to the couch, and saw the concession speech, and the presidents acceptance speech, but fell asleep soon there after, and then woke up at 3:22 a.m. still in the same spot. I woke at 6 a.m. (my body hasn't adjusted to the time yet)....but I went right back to sleep, and when the alarm went off at 7 a.m. I got out of bed....took my meds and went back to the couch for another hour or so. Shortly after 9 a.m. I was done with breakfast (2 of the dozen small caramel rolls) and drinking my coffee when Sharyl called to see when I would be ready to go shopping? I told her around 11 I figured I better get this written now, before I forget like yesterday. Sorry about that!
Say a few prayers for Twylla's husband who has suffered from severe headaches since a car accident they had last year, and they are going to do a scary procedure to deaden the nerves that are causing them. When she explained the procedure everyone was cringing as he has to be awake during it, so they get the right nerves to cauterize. Love and Prayers, m
I worked hard yesterday, and took a nap as well, but at 6:30 p.m. I was ready when the guests arrived! After voting I was home by 10 a.m. and had plenty of time to make my cake (that's a story too). Other than the cake I only had to make my crab dip, and the rest was ready-made, and all I had to do was put it in serving bowls.
The cake on the other hand I made from scratch, and I thought I was being really careful reading the directions, and I had everything setting out before I started, but somehow adding the nuts was mixed in with the other dry ingredients, and I had the cake in the oven and was putting things away, when I saw the bag of nuts....luckily already chopped when I bought I opened the oven and poured nuts over the top of the cake. I didn't measure, I just poured till the cake was covered with a single layer of nuts. Thankfully it tasted good, and even though two of the eight left before dessert, I only have half left, and I think I'll share that with the neighbors. I have lots of other things leftover, but I think I can get rid of most of it.
Card club is always fun, and last night was no different. We had one sub, and she has subbed before. Sandi is an election judge, so obviously she couldn't come. We did a lot of laughing, and a lot of one eye on the TV watching for results. Happily the president was confirmed before most left for the night. I then went to the couch, and saw the concession speech, and the presidents acceptance speech, but fell asleep soon there after, and then woke up at 3:22 a.m. still in the same spot. I woke at 6 a.m. (my body hasn't adjusted to the time yet)....but I went right back to sleep, and when the alarm went off at 7 a.m. I got out of bed....took my meds and went back to the couch for another hour or so. Shortly after 9 a.m. I was done with breakfast (2 of the dozen small caramel rolls) and drinking my coffee when Sharyl called to see when I would be ready to go shopping? I told her around 11 I figured I better get this written now, before I forget like yesterday. Sorry about that!
Say a few prayers for Twylla's husband who has suffered from severe headaches since a car accident they had last year, and they are going to do a scary procedure to deaden the nerves that are causing them. When she explained the procedure everyone was cringing as he has to be awake during it, so they get the right nerves to cauterize. Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
I will write my blog after I get back from voting. Be back soon....
Sorry, I got sidetracked getting ready for Card Club. I think I'm almost there....just need to set up the cheese and cracker plate, and will do that at the last minute....and they don't come till 7 p.m.
I did vote this morning. Sharyl and Donny Boes took me. She has volunteered to take me to Old Navy tomorrow, and then to get my stitches out on Thursday. Then I think she's done her deed for a while.
Before Judy arrived, I made four phone calls...all business. One to the insurance agency to see if I could get a discount on my car insurance since it was actually in storage since Sept. 1....they said they would call me when they got the answer. The second was to order my ostomy bags and they got delivered today. The third was to see if I could get a copy of the results of the Energy Audit, so I could get my rebate for the insulation. I had to leave a message for that....and the fourth was a call to Santa Claus. Anyway by the end of the day, I had the audit results, and the insurance company said they would give me the storage price all the way back to Sept. 1, which shocked me...I would have been happy with it starting Nov. 1.
Yesterday Judy picked me up and we went to North Branch. We got to June's at about 11 a.m., and I got a tour of the house and new furnishings A year or so, when they were gone for the winter, they had a fire in the house, and it had to be gutted and totally redone. I hadn't seen it since that was completed, so nice to finally get there.
They took us out to lunch, at a local Mexican restaurant After lunch we went back to their house for a while to visit, and then headed back to Coon Rapids. Judy wanted to have me add some more books to her Nook, which I did, and loaded about 10 more books...a couple of which were audio-books She then left, and I got ready to go out to dinner with the First Friday women. Chris Franke picked me up, but I was back in the computer room printing out some stuff when she was pounding on the door. She ended up calling someone to get my phone number and calling me. I told her no one had knocked or rang my door bell, and said she must be at the wrong house....but then I thought I better check and see if she was actually in my driveway like she thought! Yep!!! There she was. She had arrived earlier than I expected...actually 10 minutes earlier than I thought. So I was putting on my shoes when she called. We met the other women at the Harvest Grill at Bunker Hills, and it was a great meal, service was the best we've had in ages, and we made sure to tell the manger how much we appreciated it. The best part of the evening, was the conversations, and we stayed a lot longer than usual discussing lots of things, including a little politics....mostly to complain about how much we hate the attack ads.... and the amount of them. We will be really happy tomorrow when there are non.
Tonight the women will have one eye on the TV, while playing cards, and it will be interesting to see how it all comes out. I'm sure we won't know the answer to many of those questions till late into the night when everyone is least I hope we have an answer by then. Love and Prayers, m
Sorry, I got sidetracked getting ready for Card Club. I think I'm almost there....just need to set up the cheese and cracker plate, and will do that at the last minute....and they don't come till 7 p.m.
I did vote this morning. Sharyl and Donny Boes took me. She has volunteered to take me to Old Navy tomorrow, and then to get my stitches out on Thursday. Then I think she's done her deed for a while.
Before Judy arrived, I made four phone calls...all business. One to the insurance agency to see if I could get a discount on my car insurance since it was actually in storage since Sept. 1....they said they would call me when they got the answer. The second was to order my ostomy bags and they got delivered today. The third was to see if I could get a copy of the results of the Energy Audit, so I could get my rebate for the insulation. I had to leave a message for that....and the fourth was a call to Santa Claus. Anyway by the end of the day, I had the audit results, and the insurance company said they would give me the storage price all the way back to Sept. 1, which shocked me...I would have been happy with it starting Nov. 1.
Yesterday Judy picked me up and we went to North Branch. We got to June's at about 11 a.m., and I got a tour of the house and new furnishings A year or so, when they were gone for the winter, they had a fire in the house, and it had to be gutted and totally redone. I hadn't seen it since that was completed, so nice to finally get there.
They took us out to lunch, at a local Mexican restaurant After lunch we went back to their house for a while to visit, and then headed back to Coon Rapids. Judy wanted to have me add some more books to her Nook, which I did, and loaded about 10 more books...a couple of which were audio-books She then left, and I got ready to go out to dinner with the First Friday women. Chris Franke picked me up, but I was back in the computer room printing out some stuff when she was pounding on the door. She ended up calling someone to get my phone number and calling me. I told her no one had knocked or rang my door bell, and said she must be at the wrong house....but then I thought I better check and see if she was actually in my driveway like she thought! Yep!!! There she was. She had arrived earlier than I expected...actually 10 minutes earlier than I thought. So I was putting on my shoes when she called. We met the other women at the Harvest Grill at Bunker Hills, and it was a great meal, service was the best we've had in ages, and we made sure to tell the manger how much we appreciated it. The best part of the evening, was the conversations, and we stayed a lot longer than usual discussing lots of things, including a little politics....mostly to complain about how much we hate the attack ads.... and the amount of them. We will be really happy tomorrow when there are non.
Tonight the women will have one eye on the TV, while playing cards, and it will be interesting to see how it all comes out. I'm sure we won't know the answer to many of those questions till late into the night when everyone is least I hope we have an answer by then. Love and Prayers, m
Monday, November 5, 2012
Only One More Day of Political Ads
I'm sick of all the ads, for a person how has the TV on as much as I do (company in the house for me), I don't remember seeing an ad for something I could buy in days. Even cable that used to have no commercials is plastered with them. Oh, Well, only one more day!! And I'm not going to be home most of the day today, thank goodness!
I didn't get dressed yesterday, but got so much done...of course I had an extra hour to do that too! Jimbo came early and got the gutter guards put up in no time at all.. He said he didn't bother to call Doug to come and help, but he did say he had work to drop off for him on his way home.
I also had Jimbo help me get the board out of the dining room table so we could play cards around it...he also brought up a bunch of pop up from the fridge in the basement, so I didn't have to run the stairs doing that. Thank you Jimbo.
I dug out some serving pieces, and got out the cards and score sheets etc. So I'll be ready for cards, if nothing else. Late in the evening I scrubbed the stove top, fridge shelves and microwave....I don't know what got into me. I did some more scarf making....I think I made three yesterday. It's surprising what you can do with an extra hour in a day!
Today, Judy is coming up from Shakopee, and the two of us will go to North Branch to see her sister June and husband Len. So that will be my day, no other plans....cept maybe Judy will stop at the grocery store for me to pick up those three items I forgot on Saturday when Annie took me shopping.
I have drivers for all the list of things I needed to get to in the next couple of weeks. Surprisingly the volunteers came within minutes of me sending out my email. I really appreciate all of you who will be driving me around. I need to shower and get ready before Judy arrives. Please pray for my cuz Louie, he has had a few rough days this last week. Also, say a few prayers for Aunt Loretta, I heard she was in the hospital a days last week, she is now home. Something to do with falling...they think it was something to do with her medications. Love and Prayers, m
I didn't get dressed yesterday, but got so much done...of course I had an extra hour to do that too! Jimbo came early and got the gutter guards put up in no time at all.. He said he didn't bother to call Doug to come and help, but he did say he had work to drop off for him on his way home.
I also had Jimbo help me get the board out of the dining room table so we could play cards around it...he also brought up a bunch of pop up from the fridge in the basement, so I didn't have to run the stairs doing that. Thank you Jimbo.
I dug out some serving pieces, and got out the cards and score sheets etc. So I'll be ready for cards, if nothing else. Late in the evening I scrubbed the stove top, fridge shelves and microwave....I don't know what got into me. I did some more scarf making....I think I made three yesterday. It's surprising what you can do with an extra hour in a day!
Today, Judy is coming up from Shakopee, and the two of us will go to North Branch to see her sister June and husband Len. So that will be my day, no other plans....cept maybe Judy will stop at the grocery store for me to pick up those three items I forgot on Saturday when Annie took me shopping.
I have drivers for all the list of things I needed to get to in the next couple of weeks. Surprisingly the volunteers came within minutes of me sending out my email. I really appreciate all of you who will be driving me around. I need to shower and get ready before Judy arrives. Please pray for my cuz Louie, he has had a few rough days this last week. Also, say a few prayers for Aunt Loretta, I heard she was in the hospital a days last week, she is now home. Something to do with falling...they think it was something to do with her medications. Love and Prayers, m
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Fall Back!
I have to figure out how to change the time of my meds, so I can make up for the hour I gained. So I didn't change the time last night, as I wanted to take my med on time this morning, and then this evening, I will take my med at 6:30 p.m. and tomorrow I will take it at 7 a.m. and I think that should work pretty well. I still haven't changed the clocks, but will do that when I finish this.
Yesterday was a buster!! Annie came and started doing some of my projects that I need done before Tuesday when the Card Club comes. She came around 11:15 or so, and then a little after noon, we went shopping. We started at the craft sale at the Church of the Master, and I bought some spiced peach jam, which never made it in the house....I busted it on the way through the garage later in the afternoon when unpacking the car....the only thing I carried...and the only thing busted!!! I need to contact the lady and buy another...I'm sure Mary Brue can help me in that process.
I did buy another gift there, and got some ideas of things I could do as well. From there we headed to Cub, and got almost everything on my was folded and we got everything on the top half, but missed three items on the bottom of the list. Then we headed across the street to the Medical Supply store, that was closed but the door was open, and the man inside said we could come in anyway. Annie and Karen both encouraged me to get a cain to aid in my walking, so we picked out a cute cain with butterflies all over a black background, and a cushy handle...we also found a long shoe horn, and picked that up as well. Now I have to learn how to us it...but I started practicing right away. I only forgot it on one shopping cart, which Annie had to retrieve for me, and lost one glove at the same store....but Annie found that for me too!
After that we went to Michaels and got what I wanted there, but that was also where I lost the glove and cain.
Next was JoAnn's, but that store was packed, and lines were so long, we ended up walking out without the fleece I need for Women's Club, but I have a week to get that. So on to Menards, and picked up 78 feet of leaf gaurd, and on the way home Jimbo called, and said that he and Doug would try and get it on that's exciting. Doug had just cleaned the gutters on Friday, so the sooner they get the leaf guards on the less they have to reclean. I still have leaves falling, so they are still needed.
Annie did take me through the drive through at McDonalds, and then stopped at their house to drop off Matthews skates and stick, cause he had practice at 4 p.m.. Then we returned home at about 3 p.m., and she finished the cleaning tasks and I jumped in the shower and got dressed before Carol and Del came to pick me up for church at 4:30. After church we went to Baker's Square for dinner and then came home to go directly to the couch as I was beat!! I didn't go to bed early, and I got up at 7 a.m. just like normal, only it was actually now 6 a.m., so training my self to sleep longer in the morning is going to be difficult. I did get some twirly scarves done last night....well not all done, but started a couple using a different technique on the second, and think it makes it a lot fuller, but will take a little longer to do. I'll keep experimenting and see if I can get them to look like the first one I bought to copy.
Keep the prayers coming for those on my list, especially for my cuz Louie and a few for me too! Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday was a buster!! Annie came and started doing some of my projects that I need done before Tuesday when the Card Club comes. She came around 11:15 or so, and then a little after noon, we went shopping. We started at the craft sale at the Church of the Master, and I bought some spiced peach jam, which never made it in the house....I busted it on the way through the garage later in the afternoon when unpacking the car....the only thing I carried...and the only thing busted!!! I need to contact the lady and buy another...I'm sure Mary Brue can help me in that process.
I did buy another gift there, and got some ideas of things I could do as well. From there we headed to Cub, and got almost everything on my was folded and we got everything on the top half, but missed three items on the bottom of the list. Then we headed across the street to the Medical Supply store, that was closed but the door was open, and the man inside said we could come in anyway. Annie and Karen both encouraged me to get a cain to aid in my walking, so we picked out a cute cain with butterflies all over a black background, and a cushy handle...we also found a long shoe horn, and picked that up as well. Now I have to learn how to us it...but I started practicing right away. I only forgot it on one shopping cart, which Annie had to retrieve for me, and lost one glove at the same store....but Annie found that for me too!
After that we went to Michaels and got what I wanted there, but that was also where I lost the glove and cain.
Next was JoAnn's, but that store was packed, and lines were so long, we ended up walking out without the fleece I need for Women's Club, but I have a week to get that. So on to Menards, and picked up 78 feet of leaf gaurd, and on the way home Jimbo called, and said that he and Doug would try and get it on that's exciting. Doug had just cleaned the gutters on Friday, so the sooner they get the leaf guards on the less they have to reclean. I still have leaves falling, so they are still needed.
Annie did take me through the drive through at McDonalds, and then stopped at their house to drop off Matthews skates and stick, cause he had practice at 4 p.m.. Then we returned home at about 3 p.m., and she finished the cleaning tasks and I jumped in the shower and got dressed before Carol and Del came to pick me up for church at 4:30. After church we went to Baker's Square for dinner and then came home to go directly to the couch as I was beat!! I didn't go to bed early, and I got up at 7 a.m. just like normal, only it was actually now 6 a.m., so training my self to sleep longer in the morning is going to be difficult. I did get some twirly scarves done last night....well not all done, but started a couple using a different technique on the second, and think it makes it a lot fuller, but will take a little longer to do. I'll keep experimenting and see if I can get them to look like the first one I bought to copy.
Keep the prayers coming for those on my list, especially for my cuz Louie and a few for me too! Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Gloomy, Day of the Dead!
Today those of Mexican descent are honoring those who passed in their families. So please take a few minutes today think about those who you have lost, and say a few prayers, or just have a little talk. I know I'll be talking to mom, dad, Gene and a few of the Uncles and Aunts. I'm sure they are having a great party celebrating as well.
I was a busy lady yesterday, and got a lot done. I was expecting the furnace man to install my furnace (and he did) therefore I had to get the area cleaned up....which meant doing a pile of laundry. I had to first gather all the laundry, which meant I had to empty my suitcase that was still setting next to the back door where Bonnie set it last Monday night. Really! I haven't been home all week, or when I was I had other things to do. Anyway, I gathered the laundry and had 3 large loads, and got that done and folded and put away before 3 p.m.
I also got a lot of other things cleaned and put away, changed the sheet on my couch bed, and then after the furnace guy actually got there I did some crocheting and finished 3 twirly scarves, and 2 necklaces. I'm so surprised at how fast you can make them. I think I'll get some more yarn and make some different colors....a nice stocking stuffer.
I also made out a list of what snacks I'll serve at card club on Tuesday night, and a grocery list to go along with that list. Then added a few other things I needed not at the grocery store. Doug was here yesterday noon, cleaning out my gutters, so we talked and decided I needed to get some gutter guards that's on my list for Menards.
Today Annie will come and pick me up and do some of that shopping, and hopefully hitting a few craft sales along the way. Then she will help do some more work on the house. I'm hoping vacuuming and the kitchen floor needs a quick once-over.
This afternoon, Del and Carol will pick me up for church and then go to Baker's Square for dinner, so looking forward to that too. We are hoping Kathy Fritz will be at church and we can invite her to join us too.
That's it for today! Happy Day, Mom
Love and Prayers, m
I was a busy lady yesterday, and got a lot done. I was expecting the furnace man to install my furnace (and he did) therefore I had to get the area cleaned up....which meant doing a pile of laundry. I had to first gather all the laundry, which meant I had to empty my suitcase that was still setting next to the back door where Bonnie set it last Monday night. Really! I haven't been home all week, or when I was I had other things to do. Anyway, I gathered the laundry and had 3 large loads, and got that done and folded and put away before 3 p.m.
I also got a lot of other things cleaned and put away, changed the sheet on my couch bed, and then after the furnace guy actually got there I did some crocheting and finished 3 twirly scarves, and 2 necklaces. I'm so surprised at how fast you can make them. I think I'll get some more yarn and make some different colors....a nice stocking stuffer.
I also made out a list of what snacks I'll serve at card club on Tuesday night, and a grocery list to go along with that list. Then added a few other things I needed not at the grocery store. Doug was here yesterday noon, cleaning out my gutters, so we talked and decided I needed to get some gutter guards that's on my list for Menards.
Today Annie will come and pick me up and do some of that shopping, and hopefully hitting a few craft sales along the way. Then she will help do some more work on the house. I'm hoping vacuuming and the kitchen floor needs a quick once-over.
This afternoon, Del and Carol will pick me up for church and then go to Baker's Square for dinner, so looking forward to that too. We are hoping Kathy Fritz will be at church and we can invite her to join us too.
That's it for today! Happy Day, Mom
Love and Prayers, m
Friday, November 2, 2012
It's a New Day!
I don't have anywhere to go, and I might get to do some housework. I know that Annie is coming tomorrow to help with that, and last night Bill returned my card table and set it and the chairs up in the kitchen where I need it. So I've got a start on the job. I finished the book I was reading last night, and also finished some crocheting projects I had started on the train last weekend. So I feel like this morning is a fresh start!
I didn't sleep well last night, I was a wake almost every hour, and then when I got up and took my meds at 7 a.m. I really fell fast asleep, and didn't wake up till the phone rang (wrong number) at 9:30. My psyatic nerve has been bothering me for the last two days, and that was the problem last night when I was sleeping I need to stretch that out and get moving today.
The furnace guy called last night and he is going to install my new furnace either this evening, or tomorrow morning. So happy to have both of my big jobs done....but I need to go down nd do some laundry and get ready for that too! I think that will be my first priority Bill brought up a load I had put in the dryer last Friday and now I need to see if I also left a load in the washer. If so, I'll have to rewash that Oh Well! It will get done. Don't know how I'll get it up stairs, maybe carry a hand full up each time I go down. I'll fold it up here.
I read my cousin Louis' Caringbridge entry every day, and realize he is asking for prayer for me, and several others almost everyday, along with asking for prayers for himself. I need to do more of that too! I do pray for all of you in need every day, and especially for Louis who has MSA (Multiple system Atrophy) which means his system is slowly shutting down, and their is no cure for it. He is so upbeat, and writes a beautiful entry every day. He is the most God like person I know, and spreads love to everyone. Please pray for Louis, all I have on my list, and also for me. Love and Prayers, m
I didn't sleep well last night, I was a wake almost every hour, and then when I got up and took my meds at 7 a.m. I really fell fast asleep, and didn't wake up till the phone rang (wrong number) at 9:30. My psyatic nerve has been bothering me for the last two days, and that was the problem last night when I was sleeping I need to stretch that out and get moving today.
The furnace guy called last night and he is going to install my new furnace either this evening, or tomorrow morning. So happy to have both of my big jobs done....but I need to go down nd do some laundry and get ready for that too! I think that will be my first priority Bill brought up a load I had put in the dryer last Friday and now I need to see if I also left a load in the washer. If so, I'll have to rewash that Oh Well! It will get done. Don't know how I'll get it up stairs, maybe carry a hand full up each time I go down. I'll fold it up here.
I read my cousin Louis' Caringbridge entry every day, and realize he is asking for prayer for me, and several others almost everyday, along with asking for prayers for himself. I need to do more of that too! I do pray for all of you in need every day, and especially for Louis who has MSA (Multiple system Atrophy) which means his system is slowly shutting down, and their is no cure for it. He is so upbeat, and writes a beautiful entry every day. He is the most God like person I know, and spreads love to everyone. Please pray for Louis, all I have on my list, and also for me. Love and Prayers, m
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Windy, Cold and Cloudy!!
Didn't go to bed till 2:15 a.m. this morning. Started reading a book on the train the other night, and picked it up last night, and couldn't put it down. I did the same thing again this morning at 8:30 after Doug left from dropping of my prescriptions hie had picked up for me on his way to work. So just was able to put it down again, and am finally writing this, so I can get dressed and go get unplugged. Rita will be picking me up at 11:30 a.m. and then when I get home, I'll be set for the day. To maybe finish the book, or really get going on that housework that has been piling up while I've been out of the house for days....or a week or more. I haven't even opened the suitcase I took to Chicago, last weekend. It's still setting next to the back door where I left it on Monday night when I came home.
Yesterday, June and Len came while I was in the shower (20 minutes earlier than I expected) and knocked and called me on my phone, and I didn't hear either till I turned the water off and grabbed for my towel. I heard the loud pounding on the door, and saw Len walking around the house trying to see if I was in here. I pulled on my bathrobe, and ran to the door to let them in, and quickly returned to the bathroom to dry off and rush to the bedroom to get dressed and dry my hair. By 9:35 I was ready to go and off we went to Shakopee to see Judy.
Visited till after noon, and Len had fixed some things in the house, and then headed to Chili's for lunch, and then back to Judy's to visit some more. Around 3 p.m. we headed back to the North side of town. They dropped me off around 4 p.m.. traffic was already horrid. Then they headed back to North Branch hoping to be at home by 5 p.m.
Trick and Treaters started arriving around 6 p.m. and by 8 p.m. I was down to one piece of candy and 8 plastic spider rings. At 8:15 p.m. four boys around 11 or 12 yrs old rang the bell, and I apologized and told them I only had one piece of candy left, and the boy in front looked into the house and said he'd take that spool of thread lying on the floor, and I said really...and he said I gave it to him, the next boy said he was the oldest so he got the candy...the next said he'd (reluctantly) take the plastic black spider ring, and the next one asked if he could have my basket....I said no, and then he settled for the ring as well...not very happy about it. I turned off all the outside lights, and closed the door and it rang again once, and I ignored it...even though I had 4 plastic rings left. So that was the end of it.
I better start getting ready for Rita Culshaw to pick me up...don't want to be late again today. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday, June and Len came while I was in the shower (20 minutes earlier than I expected) and knocked and called me on my phone, and I didn't hear either till I turned the water off and grabbed for my towel. I heard the loud pounding on the door, and saw Len walking around the house trying to see if I was in here. I pulled on my bathrobe, and ran to the door to let them in, and quickly returned to the bathroom to dry off and rush to the bedroom to get dressed and dry my hair. By 9:35 I was ready to go and off we went to Shakopee to see Judy.
Visited till after noon, and Len had fixed some things in the house, and then headed to Chili's for lunch, and then back to Judy's to visit some more. Around 3 p.m. we headed back to the North side of town. They dropped me off around 4 p.m.. traffic was already horrid. Then they headed back to North Branch hoping to be at home by 5 p.m.
Trick and Treaters started arriving around 6 p.m. and by 8 p.m. I was down to one piece of candy and 8 plastic spider rings. At 8:15 p.m. four boys around 11 or 12 yrs old rang the bell, and I apologized and told them I only had one piece of candy left, and the boy in front looked into the house and said he'd take that spool of thread lying on the floor, and I said really...and he said I gave it to him, the next boy said he was the oldest so he got the candy...the next said he'd (reluctantly) take the plastic black spider ring, and the next one asked if he could have my basket....I said no, and then he settled for the ring as well...not very happy about it. I turned off all the outside lights, and closed the door and it rang again once, and I ignored it...even though I had 4 plastic rings left. So that was the end of it.
I better start getting ready for Rita Culshaw to pick me up...don't want to be late again today. Love and Prayers, m
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