Thursday, November 1, 2012

Windy, Cold and Cloudy!!

Didn't go to bed till 2:15 a.m. this morning.  Started reading a book on the train the other night, and picked it up last night, and couldn't put it down.  I did the same thing again this morning at 8:30 after Doug left from dropping of my prescriptions hie had picked up for me on his way to work.  So just was able to put it down again, and am finally writing this, so I can get dressed and go get unplugged.  Rita will be picking me up at 11:30 a.m. and then when I get home, I'll be set for the day.  To maybe finish the book, or really get going on that housework that has been piling up while I've been out of the house for days....or a week or more.  I haven't even opened the suitcase I took to Chicago, last weekend.  It's still setting next to the back door where I left it on Monday night when I came home.
Yesterday, June and Len came while I was in the shower (20 minutes earlier than I expected) and knocked and called me on my phone, and I didn't hear either till I turned the water off and grabbed for my towel.  I heard the loud pounding on the door, and saw Len walking around the house trying to see if I was in here.  I pulled on my bathrobe, and ran to the door to let them in, and quickly returned to the bathroom to dry off and rush to the bedroom to get dressed and dry my hair.  By 9:35 I was ready to go and off we went to Shakopee to see Judy.
Visited till after noon, and Len had fixed some things in the house, and then headed to Chili's for lunch, and then back to Judy's to visit some more. Around 3 p.m. we headed back to the North side of town.  They dropped me off around 4 p.m..  traffic was already horrid. Then they headed back to North Branch hoping to be at home by 5 p.m.
Trick and Treaters started arriving around 6 p.m. and by 8 p.m. I was down to one piece of candy and 8 plastic spider rings.  At 8:15 p.m. four boys around 11 or 12 yrs old rang the bell, and I apologized and told them I only had one piece of candy left, and the boy in front looked into the house and said he'd take that spool of thread lying on the floor, and I said really...and he said I gave it to him, the next boy said he was the oldest so he got the candy...the next said he'd (reluctantly) take the plastic black spider ring, and the next one asked if he could have my basket....I said no, and then he settled for the ring as well...not very happy about it.  I turned off all the outside lights, and closed the door and it rang again once, and I ignored it...even though I had 4 plastic rings left.  So that was the end of it.
I better start getting ready for Rita Culshaw to pick me up...don't want to be late again today. Love and Prayers, m

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