It is Emily’s birthday today, and she is now 19. She is my first born granddaughter of six,
and so special to me, as they all are.
Hope she has a sunshiny day and that
it lasts all year long. Emily is in her
first year of college at Bloomington/Normal, IL., and I think is loving
it. Looks like she is having fun on
Yesterday, I went to lunch with the retiree’s from ARCC, and
to our surprise five of the wannabees showed up. No school, so they were free to come. We ended up with 18 or so. It was so fun. If you are a facebook user,
you can see pictures that I and Sheila Provost took. Mary Brue was my driver
for the day, and I asked her to take me across the street to Michaels to buy
more yarn and a few other supplies, and then to the drive thru/ATM at Wells
Fargo so I could deposit a check I had gotten in the mail on Saturday. More
from the insurance company, so I now have a savings of over $500 for parking my
car. Even though I didn’t get to shop on Sunday, I still was able to use my 25%
off coupon at Michaels that was for everything, even if it was on sale, so a
great deal. I ended up buying 8 skanes
of yarn. How do you spell that? Spell
check can’t!
I came home and started crocheting right away. Then took a nap and ate the leftovers from lunch
for dinner. I needed to eat something more
before I went to bed….so I had a nutrition shake. I was nibbling on candy corn and peanuts leftover
from card club, and I couldn’t stop eating it….hope it’s gone soon….also eating
a popcorn mixture of regular, caramel and cheese that I served for the women too!
Today, Rita Culshaw is picking me up at 8:45 for chemo, and
then I plan on beating her at cribbage…but that’s doubtful….I can only hope the
cards are in my favor. Doug is picking
up a couple of prescriptions for me and dropping them off on his way to
work. Then this evening I have Women’s
Club, and Mary Ward is picking me up and we are going to make blankets to
donate to ACBC food shelf. So I’m hoping
I feel good enough to go.
Tomorrow I have a lunch date with Rosie Mortenson, Ann
Christianson, and Sandi Hitch. The four
of us get together for each of our birthdays and other occasions during the
year, and Wednesday we will be celebrating Ann’s birthday, which is actually
today….same as Emily. Tomorrow is Lois
Bjerke and Val Knights birthdays, and I will be celebrating with them
separately on Thursday and Friday. It’s
going to be a busy week. Love and
Prayers, m
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