Monday, November 5, 2012

Only One More Day of Political Ads

I'm sick of all the ads, for a person how has the TV on as much as I do (company in the house for me), I don't remember seeing an ad for something I could buy in days.  Even cable that used to have no commercials is plastered with them.  Oh, Well, only one more day!!  And I'm not going to be home most of the day today, thank goodness!
I didn't get dressed yesterday, but got so much done...of course I had an extra hour to do that too!  Jimbo came early and got the gutter guards put up in no time at all..  He said he didn't bother to call Doug to come and help, but he did say he had work to drop off for him on his way home.
I also had Jimbo help me get the board out of the dining room table so we could play cards around it...he also brought up a bunch of pop up from the fridge in the basement, so I didn't have to run the stairs doing that.  Thank you Jimbo.
I dug out some serving pieces, and got out the cards and score sheets etc.  So I'll be ready for cards, if nothing else.  Late in the evening I scrubbed the stove top, fridge shelves and microwave....I don't know what got into me.  I did some more scarf making....I think I made three yesterday.  It's surprising what you can do with an extra hour in a day!
Today, Judy is coming up from Shakopee, and the two of us will go to North Branch to see her sister June and husband Len.  So that will be my day, no other plans....cept maybe Judy will stop at the grocery store for me to pick up those three items I forgot on Saturday when Annie took me shopping.
I have drivers for all the list of things I needed to get to in the next couple of weeks.  Surprisingly the volunteers came within minutes of me sending out my email.  I really appreciate all of you who will be driving me around.  I need to shower and get ready before Judy arrives.  Please pray for my cuz Louie, he has had a few rough days this last week. Also, say a few prayers for Aunt Loretta, I heard she was in the hospital a days last week, she is now home.  Something to do with falling...they think it was something to do with her medications.  Love and Prayers, m

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