Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Early Morning Furneral

Rita Culshaw picked me up at 9 a.m. for the funeral of Addie Knight, Kathie Kelly's mom.  It was at St. Alphonse's  in Brooklyn Center.  It was a wonderful celebration of her life, and the wonderful person she was.  The pastor there is so good at doing funerals....that is where Joe Neis's funeral was.  He really makes you feel like he knew the person well, and talks about celebrating their lives, as they would be celebrating in Heaven on her arrival.
Also, to add to that, their were so many people I knew there, from St. Tim's that I hadn't seen in ages, and got to visit with.... in fact Laurie and Dwayne Mohs were the last to walk out of the building, along with Rita and me.  They gave me their phone number and told me to call them if I needed anything.  So nice to have people offer to help in any way they can.  I hate calling and asking, but I know people would be happy to help, and I have enough on the list, that I'm not calling the same people all the time.
While talking with Laurie Mohs, I found out she grew up just a few blocks apart from me in South Mpls.  She lived over by Matt's on 35th and Cedar, and I lived on 36th and 15th Ave. a block from Powderhorn park.  She went to Folwell, and I went to St. Margarets.  I forgot to ask her what her maidenname was, but need to call and talk to her some more. We might know lots of people in common....and you all know how much I like making connections.
On the way home, Rita and I were talking about how I was missing my ring, and I had also lost a gold coin, that the husband of a friend of Rita's that was at HHH the same day I was their last week having chemo, had given one to each of us.  I thought I had put the coin in my coin purse in my billfold, and Rita thought she remembered me putting it there too.  So when I opened my purse to look for it, I couldn't find my snickers bar I put in my purse on Sunday when I was shopping.  That was really weird, and now I was missing 3 things.  So Rita told me to dump my purse, which I did on my lap in the car, and found the candy bar, but neither the ring or the gold coin.  So she told me when I got home to dump my black bag, that I carry my cribbage stuff in, etc.  When I got in the house, the first thing I did was check my black bag, and in the bag I keep my dice, and cards etc.  I found the gold coin.  So I immediately called Rita and told her we had now found 2 out of 3 of the missing items, but couldn't find the ring yet....even after dumping the black bag.  So St. Anthony is sorta helping, but we still need to pray to find my ring.
Going shopping in the morning to buy pie for Jimbo's Thanksgiving dinner....plus a few other things.  Other than that, no big plans for either day.
I have to figure out how many of the three things I'm invited to on Thursday I can do, I may have to cut out the early morning Turkey Trott at Bill's.  8 a.m. might be a little early for me to start the long day.  9 a.m. was plenty early this morning.
Love and Prayers, m

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