Friday, November 30, 2012

Cloudy....But Happy Day!!

Yesterday, Rosie picked me up right on time, and I was all ready to go....I couldn't wait to be with Rosie, and get unplugged.  Rosie even brightened the conversation at HHH with the nurses and other staff.  I was wearing my Miz Mooz high green boots with skinny pants, and everyone was commenting on the fashion plate I was, so that made me happy, then I was wearing a cute flower boiled wool button on my coat, and all day I got comments on how cute that was. Even the guy at the door at Costco commented on it. So just what I was wearing made my day. It was a gift from Kathleen a few years ago.
At HHH Rosie got into a shoe conversation with my Nurse, Rosie is shoe nut like me too! After getting unplugged we went to Panera (Thanks Wendy for the gift worked great) in Coon Rapids,and Rosie made the comment that she must know someone there. I said that I did, cause JoAnn Erhler was there with a friend,so I went over and visited with her. Then on my way back tot he table I noticed someone that I knew Rosie knew too! It was Vickie LaPanta, who's late husband taught at the college when I first started there, and they also owned the Hallmark Card Store in the Red Owl shopping center across the street from the college. We all knew so many people in common. When Vickie and her friend and former employee at the store, recognized us and stopped to talk,which turned out to be at least a 1/2 hour visit. So fun. You can imagine by now I was totally out of the funk I had been in all week. Then Rosie took me shopping, Michaels, Archivers, JoAnn's and finally Costco.
I didn't get home till about 4:20, and was greeted by a few packages delivered by mail, one being a grabber....or I can pick things up that fall on the floor, or reach something from a high place I can't reach.  The big surprise was that their were two in the package....I didn't realize I was ordering two, but is great cause I can put one back in my bedroom, and one in the kitchen or living room where I drop things the most often.
The evening was filled with company (my son Bill came to deliver a centerpiece I ordered from Tommy's scout troop) at about 7:15 and stayed till almost 10 p.m. Then I got calls from Karen and Annie and earlier in the day from Aunt Loretta.  They were all checking up on me.  I hope you can tell I'm doing great now.
My night wasn't as great....I had restless leg syndrome last night, and I haven't had that in months.  I got up and walked around a couple of times and at about 2 a.m. realized I hadn't taken my bedtime pills, which has the med I take for restless leg, so I got up then and took that, but it took till after 3 a.m. till I finally fell asleep.  I slept till about 7:15 when I finally heard my alarm (the radio) and I got up and took my pills and went to the couch and fell back to sleep and didn't wake up till almost 10 a.m. (I guess I needed the sleep after the early part of the night).  Anyway all is well now, and I have a few calls I need to make.  I have to change my dentist appointment once again, as chemo is interfering with that.  And Aunt Loretta needs a few addresses for her Christmas Cards, so I promised her I would call her last night, and couldn't do that with the company here last night.  Then I'll be onto working on presents I'm making. Nooooo, not more scarves, another project that Rosie and I shopped for yesterday.  Thank you for all the nice emails and calls. Love and Prayers, m

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