Sunday, November 11, 2012

More Sun Please!!

What's up with all this cloudy, gloomy weather ..I know I should be looking on the bright side....but yesterday was short lived!!!  I want more like that!
Yesterday day was a sunny day all around.  I got picked up right at the time I expected, and we headed to Shakopee for the Baby Shower for Cousin Ed's daughter, Amanda.  Debbie, Denise, Kelly and Ed were all there from that Generation of Ed Schiebers'. Along with Ed's wife Trudy.  Ed and Trudy have been here from Texas for the last week, helping to get the baby's room ready and help prepare for the shower.  Then Joe, Debbie's son, and his daughter Hallie and one of her girlfriends. Janet, June and I rounded out the guests from our side of the family.  Amanda's Mom, Aunt, a couple cousins and friends made up the crowd, and it was a very big one.(In rereading this it sounds like a 1940's newspaper article.)  We played a couple of fun games.  I haven't been to a baby shower in 15 years or so.  They really have some nice new things for baby's now, and wow did she get cute clothes.  She's going to be the best dressed little girl ever.  I suppose there are other little girls well dressed, but she really did get some beautiful things.  Her mom gave her a few things that she wore as a baby that her sister had knit.  Also a blanket that the aunt had made.
As we were leaving Debbie wanted to send some food home with me, and I turned it down, as I have a fridge full of food, and I need to eat that before it spoils.  But not 5 minutes after arriving home, the neighbor (Wendy) rang the bell, and handed me back the cake pan that I had sent over the left over's from the card club on Wednesday, and also a container of warm chilli that Wendy had just made.  So that was my dinner.  Sure glad I didn't take home anything from Debbies, all though it was really good.
I did some more crocheting and watched HGTV all evening. Not very productive, but after the busy day, I guess I didn't need to be.
Today, I have been up for a while, but got hung up as to who the other little girl was, and needed to call Debbie to get the answer, but I didn't have Debbie's phone number in her new house.  I tried calling Janet, but no answer, then tried calling her sister Darlene in Phoenix, but no answer.  Tried to call Denise, but only had a home phone number for her, and she was at Debbies.  So I finally went to the invitation for the shower, and called the RSVP number, and low and behold it was Debbies.  She answered and I had to talk to her a while, but finally found out that the little girl was just a friend of Hallies, that goes almost everywhere Hallie goes.  I also answered several emails before starting this, and the neighbor called to tell me the paper was inside the doors, and I asked him if he would come over and fill my bird feeder for me.  He agreed, but I told him the wrong place the food was, and had to go to the garage and figure out where it was....still on the floor where I left it, but thought I had moved it by the rest of the bird stuff.  Anyway I started this blog, and keep getting distracted by the TV, and it's taking me a long time.
I need some prayers for cousin Ed, who has had some spots of melanoma removed and one lymph node that had cancer in it.  They are now going to do PETscan, and hope for the best.  So lots of prayers please.  Also we have just found out that my lost brother is in Phoenix, but unfortunately he was again arrested for trespassing, which probably means sleeping under a bridge or something like that.  So please say some prayers for him too.  Then of course prayers for a healthy baby for Amanda and her husband.  Love and Prayers, m

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