Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama Wins!!

So did most of the other's I voted for.  I'm sure that full page of Judges un-opposed won!!  Why do we even have to vote for them?
I worked hard yesterday, and took a nap as well, but at 6:30 p.m. I was ready when the guests arrived!  After voting I was home by 10 a.m. and had plenty of time to make my cake (that's a story too).  Other than the cake I only had to make my crab dip, and the rest was ready-made, and all I had to do was put it in serving bowls.
The cake on the other hand I made from scratch, and I thought I was being really careful reading the directions, and I had everything setting out before I started, but somehow adding the nuts was mixed in with the other dry ingredients, and I had the cake in the oven and was putting things away, when I saw the bag of nuts....luckily already chopped when I bought I opened the oven and poured nuts over the top of the cake.  I didn't measure, I just poured till the cake was covered with a single layer of nuts.  Thankfully it tasted good, and even though two of the eight left before dessert, I only have half left, and I think I'll share that with the neighbors.  I have lots of other things leftover, but I think I can get rid of most of it.
Card club is always fun, and last night was no different.  We had one sub, and she has subbed before.  Sandi is an election judge, so obviously she couldn't come.  We did a lot of laughing, and a lot of one eye on the TV watching for results.  Happily the president was confirmed before most left for the night.  I then went to the couch, and saw the concession speech, and the presidents acceptance speech, but fell asleep soon there after, and then woke up at 3:22 a.m. still in the same spot.  I woke at 6 a.m. (my body hasn't adjusted to the time yet)....but I went right back to sleep, and when the alarm went off at 7 a.m. I got out of bed....took my meds and went back to the couch for another hour or so.  Shortly after 9 a.m. I was done with breakfast (2 of the dozen small caramel rolls) and drinking my coffee when Sharyl called to see when I would be ready to go shopping? I told her around 11 I figured I better get this written now, before I forget like yesterday.  Sorry about that!
Say a few prayers for Twylla's husband who has suffered from severe headaches since a car accident they had last year, and they are going to do a scary procedure to deaden the nerves that are causing them.  When she explained the procedure everyone was cringing as he has to be awake during it, so they get the right nerves to cauterize.    Love and Prayers, m

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