Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I love viewing the world through my children's eyes.  Their enthusiasm and innocence is a something I want to cling to.  They're able to simplify a situation and add surprising clarity to situations we complicate with all our adult, worldly experiences.  My daughter said something to me the other day that really made me stop in my tracks: live in the present because it really is a gift! I was taken back by her wisdom.  She couldn't take credit for this brilliant perspective of course, as it was on one of her programs but I appreciate the message just the same!  I know Mary lives her life with this philosophy and its a great reminder for me!  Today is a gift!!

It had been a tough morning for Mary. Her stomach was very upset to the point where she threw up.  She did feel much better afterwards and did end up eating a little bit.  Her PT has already had her sitting up at 3 different times and is working on stretching that right leg.  Pain level is still around a 3' as long as she isn't moving a round.  All other vitals are good.  Her spirits are high and that is probably due to the fact that all her kids are in town.  Tom drove up early this morning and they'll all be together tonight.  That is definitely something to smile about.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Grace.  A verb, noun, a prayer. In our daily lives we see grace in all these forms and grace is ever present in Mary's life.

It was a busy day today for Mary. She had a care meeting with her team of theapists and care givers. They all laid out their goals and expectations.  I didn't get specifics but everyone is clear on what needs to happen for Mary to continue treatment.  She had radiation and PT and although painful she gracefully completed each task as best she could.  Movement in general provides a great amount of effort and challenge. She did, however, sit up for a solid 10 minutes today, so she's gaining a small amount of strength each day. We pray it continues.   Tomorrow she is going to get her hair washed and cut which I'm sure will do wonders!

At numerous points during her day she faced surprises.  She received a beautiful bouquet of flowers that now grace her room. It really brightens the place up and she so appreciates the thoughtfulness.  She also has received lots of cards and notes of love and support.  Friends of old have stopped in and even when tired her display of grace is remarkable!

Grace: The state of being protected or sanctified by the favor of God!  This is probably my favorite definition and it is without question that Mary has an abundance of grace in her life.


Monday, February 25, 2013


We have become such a society of convenience.  Fast food, cell phones, convenient stores and fast lanes all feed our need to get there, have that, get in touch immediately.  I for one, will admit, that I enjoy all of these things as patience is not something I excel with.  In speaking with Mary today, it occurred to me, that she is facing each day with a tremendous amount of patience and I'm amazed at how she's able to tackle one obstacle after the next.  They are small obstacles.  Today it was sitting on the edge of the bed for 7 minutes.  This was 6 minutes longer than the day prior.  How hard it must be to curve your mind not to want to just get up and walk.  Patience.  Today she did not have radiation as the ambulance transport is ridiculously expensive so it was delayed till tomorrow. Patience.  Her stomach continues to give her fits but she knows they'll find the cause of the trouble.  She has decided to stay away from the tropical fruits to see if that helps.  Patience.  She is constantly tested.  She is constantly challenged to remain patient.  During our Lenten journey, I'm reminded that Jesus was tested too, in patience. Isn't our faith all about patience? Patience is often rewarded.. we just have to be.. well.. patient!

Mary had a wonderful visit from the Priest at St. Tim's.  This was the highlight of her day.  They sat and prayed and chatted for a good 1/2 hour.  She also had many other visitors and we can't thank you enough for taking the time to stop in and brighten her day.  Her PT is giving her small goals each session and Mary is doing her best. She's continues to be rather weak as she doesn't have a ton of food in her system to fuel this amount of activity.  Chemo is on hold for now as she's not strong enough for the Doctors liking.

I read the Blog comments to her so please know all your thoughts and prayers are getting to her and it is a true blessing!!

That's all to report for now.  I for one, am going to try and do a better job at relishing the moment, slowing down and being patient.  Mary never stops being a Mom and continues to teach all of us "kids" the lessons in life!


Sunday, February 24, 2013


"Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
Mark 6:49

I couldn't believe that today's church sermon focused on this verse! It was a great reminder that we are never alone. That although the waters may be rough and we struggle for control and understanding, GOD is always in the boat. We are never alone.  I couldn't help but have Mary in my heart/mind as the scripture was read.

Had a great conversation with Mary yesterday. She sounded strong and happy. She's relieved to be out of the hospital and closer to home.  The staff at Camilla Rose has been absolutely incredible.  Her PT and OT seemed to have been hand picked specifically for her.  I believe it was her PT's husband who is from Fairfax and what a wonderful coincidence! I'm sure Gene sent this angel to watch over Mary.  Radiation has continued but there hasn't been any improvement in her mobility.  It may take a couple weeks for the benefits to take effect so we remain hopeful.  Her pain level lingers at around a 3 but she is very uncomfortable anytime she sits up.  This makes it difficult to shower but the nursing and therapy team are solution driven and are determined to find a way to get her all shiny!! Since her transfer her appetite seems to have improved and she actually has been hungry. That has not been the case for ages.

Again, please feel free to call and drop in for a visit.  We hope to get the mealtrain calendar up so we can arrange for a stream of visitors throughout the days she there.  Short 15/20 min visits are great. No pressure to stay all day. The more visitors the merrier!


Friday, February 22, 2013

With a Little Help from My Friends

It has been quite a week.  Kathleen and Gary were here and a definite bright spot to Mary's days. They left today and you can imagine how hard it was for Mary to see them go! Friends and family can do so much to lift her spirits!!

Mary went off her pain drip on Tuesday and was given the green light to be moved to the rehab center.  She arrived at Camilla Rose late this afternoon.  Her phone number is tel:763-489-3633.  She is room #106 and visiting hours are 9 to 9.  Needless to say, if you want to visit please do!! It is super important to her to see family and friends.

Otherwise,  there is not much new to report. Her pain level is still troubling and she has not "walked" or had PT since Monday.  She has continued with  radiation though. Her Chemo Doctor did tell her that if she is not in "optimal" shape they would not resume chemo.  She is rather weak as she still hasn't had much to eat and her stomach is still a bit sour.  Grandson Matthew even proclaim that she looked skinnier.  He had just been with her less than a week ago.  We continue to pray that Mary gains some momentum in the right direction. It's all about small attainable goals!!

Rejoice in hope,
Be patient in tribulation
Be constant in prayer
Romans 12:12

Good night to all! Blessings.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


My apologies for not posting an update yesterday. I'm traveling and I wasn't able to connect to get all the latest! Plan on getting information today and will update immediately!!!


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Small Steps

Not only did Mary go to radiation yesterday she also had PT this morning. She got out of bed and walked 5 or 6 steps. She still isn't able to put much pressure on her right leg. She has a ways to go with that. Really important to get her moving as much as possible. She is still on her pain drip and the doctors are working to get her to a pill form of  pain management. She is very anxious to get out of the hospital. Still doesn't have an appetite but she did eat tiny bit this a.m.  Her blood pressure is stil elevated, but not horribly so and that darn potassium is still low.  Not being as nauseous will hopefully get her eating to aid those potassium levels. As I update I believe Kathleen has arrived.  I know Mary is really looking forward to that.

That's all I have to report for now!!


Monday, February 18, 2013


We were able to get some information from the doctor this morning.  Although extremely unpleasant    Mary did manage to have the GI test.  There is no blockage so the thought is her stomach isn't emptying completely or much at all so they are going to give her a medicine to aid the process.  When she returned from her test she had a room full of visitors.  So happy to see family and friends.

The other development is they are going to put Mary back on Oxy to manage her pain.  It's a going to be a pretty significant amount that she'll take three times a day in addition to a break out pill.  Not sure if they've  taken her off the drip already but that will be a process.  If all goes well Mary will move to transitional care on Wednesday.

I haven't had a chance to get a full download about how Mary is managing everything today but when I do I'll be sure to update.


Sunday, February 17, 2013


It's funny how things evolve.  Just got a note from Annie and Mary called her to let her know that she sat for about 15min as the nurses changed her sheets!  Given the day she's had that is truly a miracle!  She never ceases to amaze!

HE gives strength to the weary
 and increases the power of the weak.
Even the youths grow tired and weary,
 and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD
 will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
 they will run and not grow weary
 they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:29-31



Today has presented itself with numerous challenges.

1. Mary is in a tremendous amount of pain, which is barely managed by pain medication.
2. She has not moved in 24 hrs
3. There is concern that bed sores may arise, which could present a whole bunch of other issues.
4. She continues to be nauseous.
5. She isn't eating more than a bite of food a day
6. She refused physical therapy.
7. Her potassium is low and she doesn't want to take it in liquid form as it bothers her throat. The pill form isn't good    for her either as it's difficult to swallow.
8.  The Doctors would like to do a G.I test, but if it entails her lying flat on her back there is no way she can manage that with the amount of pain she's in.
9. She's extremely weak.

In order for her to be moved to transitional care, she needs to have all her iv's removed.  However, the Doctors can't get a true sense of Mary's pain levels.  As long as she doesn't sit up, her pain level is around a 3, but if she's moved at all the pain increases significantly.  Until they can figure out the amount of pain medication she needs, and are able to administer it in pill form, it sounds like she will remain in the hospital.

I apologize for the blunt nature of this blog.  There were so many obstacles today that I couldn't come up with a way in which to convey all the information.  Sometimes I try and sugar coat to make it more palatable for all of us, but today I just felt it best to lay out all the information as it truly sits on this day!  Both Mary and the Doctors are trying to do all they can but many of the options suggested are just so difficult for Mary to manage given the tremendous amount of pain she's in.

That is all for now.  We continue to ask that you lift Mary up in prayer and know we are reading her all the notes of love.  Please feel free to leave comments!



Thank you for all the comments and prayers!!!
Mary had a better day yesterday. Not spectacular, but at least the nausea wasn't so severe that she couldn't eat. She did have a little bit of food. In an effort to see if the pain meds were the cause  they did adjust her medication.  She is now on Dilaudid and is taking about 3 times the amount then she is currently prescribed.  She has been in serious discomfort. We're hoping this will be the answer to the stomach issue.  She did not have radiation today but that will resume on Monday unless Mary is still not feeling well. It also sounds like she will be out of the hospital and moved to rehab. There she will get some physical therapy in an effort to gain the use of her leg.  Again this will all be predicated on how she's feeling. I know each day, I wake and pray that today will be the day she feels better!!

The hospital room did get a workout yesterday as Mary had lots of visitors!  Her brother Phillip stopped in along with sister-in-law Rhonda and niece Lynn. The Bill Kiecker family and the Stalboeger clan all hung around too and kept Mary company.  She had the opportunity to receive communion and had a wonderful conversation with the visiting Priest.  She also had lots of phone calls! Thank you family and friends for reaching out to let her feel your love and support.

As for today, Annie is hoping to catch the doctor and touch base, so I may have some more info to share.  Please continue with those prayers!

For I know the plans I have for you," declares The Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray with me and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you."
Jeremiah 29:11-14


Friday, February 15, 2013

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back...

It has been a very tough day for Mary.   The Valentines Day festivities, as great as they were, had taken a toll.  The biggest issue today has been nausea.  We can only surmise what the cause is.  Given the amount of pain medication being administered, it could be the cause for the upset stomach.  That combined with radiation and she ate more yesterday than she has in a quit some time. All these are very valid causes and we're hoping that its not the cancer invading her stomach.  Bill was there today for her radiation treatment but they ended up not doing it as she just felt horrible.  Mary was quiet and rested as Bill and Judy sat with her.  Big change from yesterday.  We hope tomorrow will be a better day and Kathleen is coming on Monday which is certain to lift her spirits!

Sorry there is not more to report. If we learn anything new, regardless of how small, I'll be sure to update!!  Continue your prayers as you know Mary can feel  them! It provides great comfort!


Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Greatest Gift of All

I apologize for such a late update. As I mentioned in the morning post the Doctor gave Bill, Jimbo and Annie a plan of attack. They hope that radiation therapy will alleviate the pressure on her sciatic nerve. It's not a guarantee that she'll  regain movement in her right leg, but we're glad they're willing to try.  She will have 10 rounds and she'll have it everyday except on the weekends.  She had her first round late this afternoon at the same center where she has chemo.  She had to lay on her stomach, which was not ideal, especially as she was not on her pain drip.  She also was left waiting after her treatment for two hours until an ambulance became available to pick her up. By the time she got back to the hospital she was very uncomfortable and fuming mad!! Not the best of afternoons!

She is back at North Memorial now and will be there for the next couple days for sure.  She is open to visitors and phone calls.  I just got off the phone with Tom (he drove up early this morning) and he reports she's in good spirits!  She has gotten to spend Valentines Day with all her kids!!

North Memorial
3300 Oakdale Ave N

I end this post with a prayer...

Trust in The Lord with all your heart
 And lean not on your own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge him
 And HE will make your path straight
Proverbs 3:5-6

God Bless

Straight to the Point

Good Morning,

We were hopeful to get some answers after Mary had an MRI.  Unfortunately there was just too much pain to bare and the medication wasn't doing enough to make her comfortable.  They ended up doing a CT scan which gave us some answers.

The bone cancer is no longer stable.  I'm not sure to what degree and rate it is growing.  It is the cancer that is pressing on her sciatic nerve and making her immobile.  The plan of attack is to do direct radiation on the area where the cancer is centrally located.  They hope that this will alleviate the pain and give her some independence.  Given that she can not fully care for herself she will stay in the hospital for a few days and then be moved to a nursing home until she is able to  move around. Her vitals are strong and she won't be having Chemo while they give her radiation.  She is on a pain drip which will give the Doctors a true picture of where she needs to be and they will adjust her meds going forward with the new pain management protocol.

I believe that is all I have to report at this hour.  I will update the blog later this afternoon as we learn more!

Thank you for all the prayers of healing and support!  Happy Valentines Day to all!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Calling for Prayers

Hello Family and Friends,

Mary has had a tough afternoon.  She woke in quite a bit of pain in her back.  Her sciatica has also made things extremely painful and she is unable to move her right leg.  Given this, she went to see the Doctor thinking a bladder infection was the issue.(Thank you Lloyd for driving her!  You are certainly a living angel) Once at the Doctor he immediately felt she needed to go to the E.R to get an MRI to see what the heck is going on!  She is in a tremendous amount of pain so the nurse has administered pain meds along with Valium so she's able to lay on her back for the MRI, which would be impossible had they not knocked her out!  After the MRI they will do an ultra sound on her leg. We are optimistic that we will know something this evening!  Jimbo and Annie are with her at North Memorial and they are overwhelmed at how the entire staff has handled Mary's care!  They have been incredibly efficient and have managed her every need!  We are so happy to have things moving along so quickly.

Heavenly Father, We lift your child, Mary, up in prayer.  Please, good and gracious Lord, lay your loving hands upon her and comfort her as she is in so much pain! Wrap her in the embrace that only you can provide and give her the strength she needs.

Answer me when I call to you
O my righteous God
Give me relief from my distress
be merciful to me and hear my prayer
Psalm 4:1

Continue your prayers!  God Bless all of you and your commitment to the constant prayers!


Another Short One!

I had a good morning working on Valentines, and tied eating every two hours, but I still am not eating that much.  The cookie with the morning meds seems to be working well, However this morning I ran out of my cookies, but to my great surprise, Jan Ranum brought over oatmeal raisin cookies....well they are more then oatmeal and raisins, but very moist and very good.  I've already had one, and look forward to my morning meds so I can eat another one.
The highlight of my day however was doing Qigong with Sheila Judd.  She gave me five things to work on a few minutes every day. She said to contact her again next week, and set up another time.  In the meantime, she will be send me good energy,
Jan called and asked if she could make a cookie run this evening, and I told her only if she didn't look at me, and then ran to the bathroom and wet down my hair so it wasn't standing straight up. Before she left, she told me I looked better than she expected....I left and told her it was only because I worked on it before she came.
Barb Datko also called today, and is bringing over some soup ane visiting for awhile this afternoon (Wed).  I look forward to seeing her,,,haven't for a long time.
Today was also Tom and Karen's 14th Anniversary.  Happy Day!!!  Love you both!
That's it for the day.  Love and prayers, m

Monday, February 11, 2013

Each Day Get's a Little Better

I figured that maybe some of my stomach problems had to do with not taking food with the pills.  So this morning I had a cookie with me 7 a.m. pills and didn't have any burping or stomach problems till later in the afternoon.  So I guess that will be my plan from now on.
When you read this it will be Janet's birthday, but she never reads this, so I guess I'll still have to call and sing happy birthday to her.
I got the stuff for my confirmation student done from now till confirmation.  So Annie is taking them up to church for me on Wednesday.  I also gathered more stuff for valentines, and tomorrow I'll get those for the Chicago Kieckers done, and in the mail.
The Mail Train site is doing well, and I thank all of you who have volunteered, and those who asked to be put on the list,  I'll be adding more dates soon.
Must get to bed....Love and Prayers, m

Lots of Work Day!

For Annie, not for me.  She worked so hard.  I don't know how many loads of wash that she did, plus folded and put away.  Cleaned out the fridge, and a couple of cupboards so she could move food into eye view for me.  Swept the floor, brought a card table up for me, so I can work on Valentines. She also worked on a computer program called the "MealTrain", so people can volunteer to help me out with rides and meals etc. If you would be like to be put on the list of volunteers, just email me at:
My strength hasn't seemed to improved, and am so glad I have gotten the walker to get around the house.  I can sure use your prayers,  I thought by now I'd be up and running.
Hope Bonnie and her son John were able to leave for AZ this weekend despite the weather.  Coon Rapids seems to have gotten the most as far as the Twin Cities goes.  4" of wet heavy snow.  Funny one of the towns with large amounts was Murdock out west in Swift County.  That is where my mom was born, and a very small town that most people have never heard of, unless you are from Benson or some other small town. I never heard it named in a weather report before.
Well, time for bed.  Love and Prayers, m

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sunny Day!

Loved the sun this morning, but I don't know where my energy went, but I guess it went down with the sun this afternoon.  Getting dressed and ready for the funeral this afternoon took all the energy out of me.
I took my new walker, and Bill was here to help me get my boots on.  First I had him help me get my right sock on, then tried to put my black dressy boots on, and because my right foot is swallon, we had to go to my Uggs, which meant taking off the socks.  Then he got me to the car and into the funeral home just down the street, and then into the building.  All of this couldn't have been done without his help.  We got in, and other than the grand-kids of Don's, Bill was about the youngest one there.  All the immediate neighbors were in attendance, but it was a small crowd.  I'm used to 250 or more people at funerals.  But Don and Cherie both had small families   Don's son in-law got up and spoke during the ceremony, and he did a really great job.  I had never been to an evening funeral so this was a first for me.  I don't know how much longer the service went on, but after about 40 minutes, my body gave out, and I had Bill get the car and bring it to the door, and I took my walker and quietly left.  Wally had supplied me with a pillow which helped, but even though I took 2 break-out pills at 5 p.m., I planned on taking my 7 p.m. pill when the time came, but in the bottle their wasn't a 40 mg pill.  So I din't get to take it till I got home. I can't figure out what the pills were that were in there, but not what was supposed to be.  I'll have to work on getting that filled correctly.
When I got home I went directly to the couch, Bill covered me up, did some cleaning of my kitchen and emptied my dishwasher and reloaded it. He kissed me goodbye and left.  I woke up at 9:50 and turned the TV on and watched the news and Jay Leno, and then decided I better eat something and get this written.  Now it's time for me to go to bed....but I am feeling a little better. Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cloudy Lazy Day

I didn't get a lot accomplished today....well maybe I did, but nothing anyone could tell.  I went into the computer room and started gathering stuff to make valentines, and then got side tracked and started shredding two years of tax stuff from 2006 and 2007. So then I had to get the hand vacuum and clean up the floor after emptying the shredder.
After dragging out the few things I had found for valentines, I needed to eat and take a nap.  I did that kind of stuff all day, work for a while, eat and take a nap.  So kind of a boring day.  I did talk to Janet for almost an hour this afternoon, and for a much shorter time to Kathleen this evening.  Janet had to call and remind me that her birthday was next week, and she expects me to call and sing her Happy Birthday. I told her I'd think about it....but didn't make any promises.
Well that was my day.  I read that Don's funeral is tomorrow night at 7 p.m. with reviewal 2 hours before hand.  Bill is going to take me. I read his obituary and couldn't believe that it said he was a Hennepin County Sheriff.  I don't know which Don Salisbury that was, but not the one that lived across the street from me. The part about being a stamp collector was true, and the family names etc. but I am pretty sure he was a machinist or something like that.
Other than that I don't have any plans for the day.  Am worried about Bonnie and son John who planned on leaving for Sedona on Sunday.  This storm coming may make them leave a day earlier.  I think I'll call and see tomorrow.
Well that's all for now.  Love and Prayers, m

Operator Error

Yesterday went pretty well, I had to get up and take my pills at 7 a.m., then again at 8 a.m. I had to call Health Partners Pharmacy to get my pills refilled asap, and they said they were already working on it....but when Doug got there, he found out that they didn't have enough of the one I really needed, so they gave me enough for 2 days, and told him to come back this morning and get the complete refill.  (So he did)
Some where in between calling HP and Doug bringing me what they had, I had a knock on the door, and it was Jim from across the street to tell me that Don Salisbury had died the night before at about 2 a.m.  So now I await the info on the funeral arrangements.
I finally got in the shower and got dressed as Bonnie was picking me up at 10:30 to get unplugged. When she got here I was just putting on my lipstick, and walked out to see the snow coming down like mad.  I couldn't believe it, as when I went into the shower it wasn't snowing at all, and I came out to about 1/2 inch already on the ground.  Bonnie drove very slow, and so was everyone else, needless to say I was a few minutes late for the unplug, but no problem there.
When Bonnie and I left HHH in Robinsdale the snow had already stopped...but I don't think they got as much as we did.  We went from there to Baker's Square for lunch (second time in 3 days).  Free pie day, so of course we both brought a piece of pie home with us for later enjoyment. I also brought home enough leftovers of my roast beef pot pie for another couple of meals.
While there, I realized my phone was dead.  When I got home I plugged it in right away, and then a few hours later, I checked to see if it was fully charged and found it still dead....I guess in the plugging in of the phone, I unplugged the cord from the wall. (Therefore operator error!) So I had to replug it in. Sorry to anyone who tried to call.  I also then plugged in my ipad, so I wouldn't have the same problem with it. My laptop pretty much stays plugged in all the time, so I never have that problem.
My pot of bulbs have started to bloom!!!  Yippee! The ppruple crocus was the first, then a pink Hyacinth.  I thought it was going to be the daffodils cause I could see the buds, but the crocus beat them.  I'm so enjoying them all.
I didn't accomplish much more for the day... trying to eat as often as possible and get some weight on these bones.  Bonnie and I also stopped at Walgreens and got some vitamins that my doctor suggested to help my neuropathy.  Wow, expensive!! Let's hope they work.
Well that was my day, I forgot to do this last night, but I will try to do better this evening.  Love and Prayers, m

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sleep does a Body Good

After writing the blog at 2 a.m., I went to sleep, and woke to the alarm at 7 a.m. to take my pain pill, and went back to sleep till 11 a.m. When I awoke I was up for the next 5 hours, and it was like I drank that "5 Hour Energy" drink.  I was going till 4 p.m.  I ate, and then went back to work on the taxes, getting lots of exercise running back and forth to the computer room for more info etc.. I finally finished and filed both the State and Federal.  So happy to have that accomplished.  I'm even getting a few bucks back.
Did lot of talking on the phone, Bonnie to set up my unplugging tomorrow.  Need to be read by 10:30 for that.  Then Lois to make sure she had a sub for cards tonight, cause I was supposed to be gone, and she really didn't cause she thought I might come as I didn't leave with Bonnie on our trip.  I said I wasn't up to that, so she went on a hunt for a sub, and in the meantime found out that one of our regular subs was already subbing for Twylla, as she has Shingles.  Ouch!!!  Say some prayers for her. She did finally find a sub.  Then I talked to Jan Ranum, who had surgery last week too.  I sent her flowers or one of those pots of spring bulbs exactly like the one Mary McGraw sent me, and I found out that Mary had sent her one too!  So she has two.  But they are growing at a different pace, so will be blooming at different times too.  How fun.
This evening Annie called to check in on me, and then Karen did the same.  Karen was waiting to get on a plane in NY to come home, and had 45 minutes to spare.  She promised she wouldn't talk for that long, as she knew I was watching "Smash" which I religiously watched in season one, and couldn't wait for the 2 hour premier for this year.  It was very good and the story line for this year looks really interesting.  I let her know she was safe cause a commercial had just started.
I got up gathered my pills to fill my containers for the week, and realized I was out of one that I needed was completely gone after I take my night time pills before I go to bed.  I also needed another but not that badly.  So I went online to HP to order them, and it said they wouldn't be ready till Thursday at 2 p.m., and it gave me a number to call if it was an emergency.  Well a lot of good that number did, the person I talked to was at Riverside, and said I should just call HP Coon Rapids at 8 a.m. when they open, and explain it to them.  So I hope that works.  I have Doug lined up to pick them up at about 8:45 a.m.  If you read this prior to that you can say some prayers for me too. Love and Prayers, m

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Just A Few Words

I had to get up at 7 a.m. this morning, and I did.  Then had to get ready for the chemo appointment.  Rita picked me up at 7:45 on schedule, and as I just took my pain medicine at 7 a.m., I was moving very slowly and weakly.  We made it to the car, and I realized I hadn't put my glasses on....Rita says "Oh that's why you don't look right". She ran back inside and found my glasses where I thought they were and then she thought I looked like me.  Traffic was horrid again, I just told Annie traffic hadn't been bad since she drove me once to chemo and it was an early appointment.  So I guess that is the reason....rush hour!
We got there and they took me right in, and didn't see the doctor, went right to chemo.  By 11:45 they were done....oh were supposed to get that bone building drug you only get once a month.  So because of that, we weren't out of there till about 1 p.m. It all went well.  From there we went to Baker's Square at Northtown. Oh, on our way past Rainbow, I made Rita go get me a dozen Oatmeal Raisen cookies, jum jum!!!  At about 3 p.m. we got me home, and I was exhausted.  I went right to the couch, and slept for 3 hours.  I realized at 7 p.m. my phone had again I plugged it in. Did eat some, and went back to the couch.  Did watch Biggest Loser, and then HGTV, the 10 oclock news and started watching Jay Leno, and fell back asleep.  Watched some of Jimmy Fallon, and then decided I better get this written before I fall back to sleep again.  So that was my day and why I'm short on words a second night in a row.
Oh, and by the way Rita beat me 3 out of 3 games.  Love and Prayers, m

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Bowl?

The ten o'clock news was claiming it one of the best ever.  I didn't find it that, but the super bowl party at my  house was the best I've had....or attended at my may be the only one too! The kids surprised me yesterday with the news that they were all coming here and bringing all the snacks, so I wouldn't have to go out.  I really had a great time.  They even cleaned up after themselves.
The early part of the day was filled with taxes.  I had to dig out a lot more info, and I thought I had gotten so organized before I started.  Oh well sooner or later I'll be done.
I am feeling better each day, but have to get to bed, as I have to be picked up for chemo in the morning at 7:45 a.m.  Rita Culshaw has volunteered to do that.  So I see cribbage in my future.
Good night, Love and Prayers, m

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dead Phone Hiding Under Pillow

For anyone who tried to call me today, that is my excuse!!  I had company all afternoon....Bonnie came over and we watched "Hugo" and loved it.  Then at 7 p.m. I was wondering why my alarm didn't go off to tell me it was time for my I went looking for the phone....not on the couch, not next to either computer, nor in the kitchen, not in either bathroom and sure enough there it was under my pillow where I left it this morning.  I then tried to turn it on, and it was completely dead.
So I took it to the living room and plugged it in.  About 10 minutes later the alarm went off....I suppose it was for the 10th time, but the phone was dead!!!  I imagine it's now fully charged, and it's ready to put back under my pillow for a good night's sleep.
I did work on my taxes this afternoon, but only got the income section done, now I have to work on the deductions etc. tomorrow.  That's really the hard part. But it's got to get done, and I have nothing better to do.
I hope to start answering some of your emails, now that I have my laptop up and running. Nothing much more to report for the day.  I am working at eating and getting my strength back, but it's much harder than I thought it would be.
I'm sorry you now have to put up with my entries and not Karen's   She does such a great job, and I really appreciate her doing it for me.  Thank you Karen, Love you.
Love and Prayers, m