However yesterday was a very nice day despite the rain. My friend Jan and I went out to the Mall of America early so we could do some shopping. She was looking for a new outfit, but I did all the buying. I had a few great coupons, and managed to score at New York & Co. Got a bunch of stuff already on clearance and unbelievable low price and then with my coupon I cut it in half! So that made me really happy. I love bargain shopping.
Then while walking through
Finally we met Cherie and Barb the other half of the Birthday Bunch for dinner at Crave. Really good food, but we quickly realized we could have ordered half as much and all been full. As it was we all got lunch for today to take home.
Conversations were great and loved the small gifts we exchanged....we always come up with great ideas and treasure them. Barb even made us personalized bookmarks that are so cute, and then gave us a box of Penzeys Spices along with a catalog filled with recipes for grilling. Yum!
Cherie shared pictures of her youngest granddaughter (Mary) who is one.....OMG she looks exactly like her mom. Exactly!!!! What a cutie.
We've been friends so long, I love having these great strong loving women in my life. Even though we don't get to see each other as often, we are able to fall right in line with life stories (well almost we get older the mind seems to be going on some of us, no names mentioned).
My weight seems to have held yesterday...I did a better job of eating all day, and keeping those fluids flowing. I slept well last nite, and all is well.
Today I may go to a early afternoon movie with my friend Bonnie and maybe Lois, but other than that is will be another quiet day of reading the last of a 3 book series that I can't set down.
Love and prayers, m
m, YOU GO GIRL, I can't get enough of how you are fighting this cancer you don't deserve! You cotinue to amaze me, love Jeanie