Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sun is Out!

It rained during the night.....but the sun is out this morning.  Had a full day yesterday, and slept late this morning, and have to hurry up and get dressed and to the dentist.

Nicole and Allie accompanied me to deliver Meals on Wheels, and I enjoyed visiting with them and then treated them to lunch after.  Then I went shopping for Tommy's birthday which is on Friday, and then went to dinner with Val and Janet.  Inbetween I did three load of laundry.  Not much time to get into trouble.  During my visit with Janet, we realized that next week starts the visits to Mayo!!  Already!

This morning I have a dentist appointment, and then I have a few errands to run....need more paint for the cabin....and then I need to pack for the the cabin as I don't think I'll be back in town.  Then I want to drive up to St. Cloud on my way to the cabin, and see the girls fun in a Cross Country meet at Apollo High School.  So it will be a busy day again today.

Jim and Doug were both at the cabin again yesterday working...and Brad was going back up this morning to lay the floor in the lower level.  I hear the electrician was also there hanging lights and fans etc. yesterday, and will be back another day this week to finish.  They all plan on being finished by Friday....so they can get the final inspection.  Can you believe?  I can't!!  What a summer it has been.
Enough for today....love and prayers, m

Monday, August 30, 2010

Surprise of the Day!

Jimbo and Brad must have gone to the cabin early this morning, as Jimbo emailed this to me before noon today.  These are the spindles I painted before I left last night.  But they were not attached to the railing when I painted them.

Happy Day! but Hot!

Luckily I am at home and have air-conditioning as they are predicting a record high for the day.   But I will have to bite the bullet and go out to deliver Meals on Wheels, and have dinner plans for the afternoon, I might even do some birthday shopping as I have 3 grandkids birthdays in September and poor Allie who's birthday was the end of July and still hasn't had a family gathering to celebrate it.
I will have the help of grandkids to deliver meals with me today, as my sidekick Carol Kline, isn't available today. Then Janet will be joining me and Val Knight (a ARCC friend) for dinner. I have a dentist appointment for tomorrow morning, and then think I may head back to the cabin...but need to check my schedule and see what else I have planned for the week. 
I started painting all the spindles of the new railing around the open stairwell.  I am painting it red!  It look so cute...as surprise pop of color in the yellow hall.  I finished one coat on all sides before I packed up and came home yesterday.  Hopefully I will get the second coat on tomorrow afternoon before it gets put together.  I think the floor in the bathroom gets laid on Wednesday.....Jimbo got all the doors hung yesterday, but found he had only two locking handles and thinks everyone will want locks on their bedroom doors, so he will be calling the contractor and seeing if we can get them exchanged.Well, must jump in the shower and get moving.  Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, m

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunny But Sweatshirt Morning!

Claims of upper 80's for the day, but I had my blanket pulled up around my neck and pulled on a sweatshirt as soon as I got out of bed.  It's State Fair weather!

As you can see, I for the first time ever....I got to sleep in my own bedroom in the cabin!!!  Jimbo finished putting the closet doors on, hung the door and added the hardware and carried up an air mattress for me.  I actually have a door that locks!  Then we stole a lamp and clock from the living room and I was all set.  Slept well too! ....even though I had to go searching for blankets during the night.  I suppose I could have closed the windows, but then I couldn't hear the waves lapping on shore.  I don't know why, but I can hear the waves so much better from my bedroom than the living room....their the same distance from the lake.

The electrician didn't show up yesterday like he said he would, so we still need lights hung in the upper level, but the outlet worked so I could plug in my lamp and the vacuum.  The trimmer is returning around noon today, and hopes to finish the railing around the stairwell, but can only stay for a few hours so I don't imagine he will get much else done.  Then maybe the electrician will come back too!

I painted all the little knobs for the closet doors, and will help get a second coat of white on the trim around the windows today.  Little by little it is becoming liveable!!!  I'm so excited.  I rarely even think about what comes next month.

Thanks for reading and praying!  Love ya, m

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Here I am!

Jimbo's room.
Entry way and new railing almost done!
View of the back side totally sided and air conditioner in place.

I know you are all wondering where the pictures are and where the blog is.....I got distracted with Jimbo, Ann and Doug busy helping to get this addition completed.  And I actually got on the computer a couple of times to write this morning, and somehow got distracted.  The reason for no pictures yesterday is that my battery was dead.  So I now have it charged and I took pictures this morning.

Future Family Room!  Now work space!
Carol and Carrie came for lunch yesterday, and then last evening Doug, Ann and Jimbo came up to work.  Had a very nice visit with Carol and Carrie, they were amazed at the addition.  Doug spent most of last evening and this morning filling nail wholes in all the trim (which is a gazillion) and Jimbo is busy painting his bedroom door and hanging closet doors etc.  By nightfall I will be sleeping on an air mattress in my new bedroom.  We have to go to Janets to get my real bed that she is donating, but until then the air mattress will be better than the couch! Yippee!!

I repainted the bathroom door red, so it will match the new railing when I paint it....and now I am busy painting 8 closet door knobs white!  Putsy work!  The electrician and plumber were both here yesterday, but neither of them are finished.  The electrician said he may come back this afternoon, but haven't seen him yet.  I'll believe it when I see the whites of his eyes.

Hope you enjoy the pictures, love and prayers, m

Friday, August 27, 2010

It Feels Like Fall

Yesterday, I made the comment that I hadn't seen the orioles at my feeder in the last week, and then I pulled out my bird book and read...."the first to arrive in the Spring and the first to leave in the Fall"!  So I guess they knew that Fall is almost here....everything has been early this year!  The hummingbirds have been making up for the orioles by rushing in and drinking their fill every few minutes.

It is a beautiful morning except for the couple flys that keep buzzing my head.  The breeze has picked up a little, but they are predicting a high of 85, so it will come in handy later this afternoon.  I am getting company again for lunch.  Yesterday cousin Judy was here for lunch and a peaceful afternoon or conversation and bird watching.  Today my sister-in-law Carol and neice Carrie will be here.  Carol and brother Bill live in Florida, so I don't get to see her much, but she is in town for her mom's birthday.  Haven't seen Carrie since she got pregnant, so that will be fun too!

The plumber arrived a little bit ago, and I had to run and comb my hair, but am still in my pjs.  I need to see if it's okay for me to jump in the shower, or if the water is going to be shut off.  I think he is working on the air conditioning.  One more thing almost done.

I drove back to St. Cloud (second time in two days) and went to Home Depot and got a chandelier for the entry way and a vacuum for the new carpeting in the bedrooms.  Haven't taken it out of the box yet, but plan to this morning before I get company.

Sorry I didn't take the pictures I promised....but will today....maybe I'll include Carol and Carrie in them.  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bright Sun but Cool Morning

I arrived at the cabin yesterday morning, amongst a beehive of activity.....well maybe not that much, but more than I had seen in a long time.  Brad the trimmer was back and Jimbo was his gopher.  Mike the carpet layer was also here....but no matter how hard they worked, neither was able to finish their projects, but it is starting to look pretty good on the main level.  On Tuesday the power-line got buried, and the electrician got all the lights and switches installed in the family room and Jimbo's bedroom, but the upper level bedrooms aren't done yet.  The flooring is all done on the upper level, but not in the lower level.  The stairs are done, but not the railing.  etc. etc.  Nothing is totally completed, including the painting.  I put the first coat on all the window jams but need to do a second coat.  I could go on and on as to what still has to be done.  It seems like it is unending, but we have come a long way in a fairly short time and have overcome many obstacles in the process.  They have completely finished the siding, and I will go out and take a picture when it gets a little warmer.

Rory the contractor showed up, and gave me an update on the cost over runs!!  What else is new!  We also contacted the guy who is supposed to be adding the 133 feet to the drainfield that the 5 bedroom cabin requires, a condition of the permit.....and he said he'd be out as soon as we cleared the land for it....another job we have to do.....so Jimbo took an armload of tools to the back lot and went to work clearing it.  So in calling him back and reporting is was ready....he said he'd be out next week....we'll see!!!!

Cousin Judy is vacationing at a cabin not far from here, so she is coming over to visit this morning.  Looking forward to that....even though it means I have to make my bed and get dressed for the day.  With this cool weather curling up with a blanket and my cup of coffee is awful enticing.

I have a few errands to run today as well, and I will be on the lookout for the plumber, the electrician or some other form of worker to come and finish their projects.  I will add pictures also this afternoon.  Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Clear and Cool

Have to rush this morning, my son Bill called last night and asked if I could take grandson Tommy to the High School this morning....he needs to be there by 8 a.m.....so that meant that I had to be there by 7:40 and leave home by 7:30.  So that is why you see I wrote this at 7:15.....I'm usually not writing till 9:00 a.m. or later.  I will leave home and go directly to the cabin as I need to meet with the contractor at 10:30 a.m. for the total bill.

I had a great evening with my High School friends calling it "Get Your Kicks at Sixty Six"  Barb Wahl (maiden name) came up with the idea of having dessert delivered to us with each plate reading in chocolate one word of the sentence....and we obviously loved it!!!  Earlier conversation were also enjoyable.  Even though there were only six of us, we managed to talk about many more, as each of us knew someone or three of those who were not there

Well....more later must get packed and to Tommy's house!  Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine!

I had so many things I wanted to accomplish yesterday, I had made myself a list so I wouldn't forget anything.  I did accomplish everything on my list, and feel really good about that.  But still don't know how I missed writing in the blog.  I guess I should have written it down on my list.  So anyway, this morning it is on the top of my list!!!

The weather report is for a sunny less humid day, and I can't wait to enjoy it.  I have plans for dinner with High School classmates, and I'm looking forward to that.  Must do some laundry today and pack for the cabin which I plan on heading up again tomorrow morning.  Think I will stay throughout the weekend.  I have to be back again on Monday.  Funny story about yesterdays deliveries.....I got a call later in the afternoon, that the first lady I delivered too, didn't get her meal.....yes I said "that I delivered to"....she obviously is also having problems with her memory.  I assured the coordinator of the program that I had delivered to her, and had personally handed the woman the lunch.  I've been delivering to this woman for over 5 years now, and had even spoken to the women about the weather.  Oh Well, we are all getting older!

Still can't believe that the power company hit the old ceptic tank and caved it in.....I guess what surprises me the most is where it was located.  I always believed it was directly under the bridal wreath bush....and that's why mom planted the bridal wreath bush there.....so that nobody would drive over it.....hummmmm.....I was wrong!  How could that be?

Looking forward to the rest of the week!  I'll write again tomorrow early before I head for the cabin, and I hope to have more pictures for you then as well.  Love and prayers, m

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sorry I forgot!

Don't know where my brain was this morning, I did make all the calls and run all the errands I had to do this morning, but I forgot to blog!!  I successfully delivered Meals on Wheels, and while I was doing so, I got a call from Jimbo saying that the contractor had called and while the Electric company was burying the powerline, they somehow caved in the old ceptic tank....so now they have to fill that in.  Don't know what that will cost me....I keep thinking what else can happen.

The trimmer had to go home last nite because his son had football practice this morning, so he only got stuff done on the main floor, but he has the whole great room to put down the floor and trim.  So that isn't done, I'm hoping that the electrical can get done today....with the problem they had....the carpet can't get laid till the trimmer gets done....etc.

I am home today, and will still be here tomorrow....then on Wednesday I will go back up and see what is going on.  Tomorrow I'm going to dinner with classmates from SMA.  But no other plans.  I'll try and remember to blog tomorrow in the morning.  Love and prayers, m

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Few New Pictures

View out a back bedroom with trim on the window!
New stairs below:
View out the entry way window looking onto the deck.

Rise and Shine

No clouds and just a bit of fog over the lake.  It's going to be a beautiful day.  Annie and Doug and the kids came up yesterday afternoon, and got some tubing in before and after dinner.  I got the bathroom painted and even put on a quick second coat.  So it was a productive day.

Late last nite Brad Hollenbeck (Ann's stepbrother) the trimmer arrived with his son, and this morning he will start putting on the trim in all the rooms and laying the flooring in the entry and hallway.  He has a lot of work to do...and may take him well into tomorrow.  He will put in a 12 hour day, and then re-assess.

Boy, could I feel the painting in my arm and hand last evening.....same arm and hand that were sore earlier in the week from weeding.  I guess I need to do physical labor a little more often and get my muscles into shape.  The rest of me is doing good though.

I'm heading home this evening, as I have Meals on Wheels to deliver tomorrow.  And a few other errands to run.  I'll probably be back here either Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon....depending on a lunch date I have pending.  Lots of work to do in the mean time,  Love and prayers, m

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Waiting for the Fog to Lift!

I can't even see a hint of the other side of the lake or a boat or even the lake....the fog and the lake look as one.  I can see the humming bird outside my window and to the edge of my deck, but from that point on it is just a white back drop.

When I got here yesterday, I was so disappointed....nothing had been done since we left at noon on Thursday, and nothing was happening when we left.  I thought they were going to do the electrical work on Th and Friday, and bury the power line on Friday afternoon, but the only thing done was the dumpster was gone....which I'm guessing had to be done so they could make room for burying the wires.

Kathleen and Gary left at about 2:30 yesterday and I won't see them for a while.  Kathleen will fly in for my surgery in Oct.  But I don't know when I'll see Gary....maybe next spring.  I'll really miss having them around, but before they left Gary downloaded Skype onto Kathleen's computer so we can Skype each other.  We also played a couple of rounds of Cut Throat....4 to be exact and I won 2 and they each won one.  So not only did I beat Gary the day before in Spades, I won 2 more games of Cut Throat.  I think that was 8 out of 14.....which is very unusual....I usually lose them all!!!!  So luck was with me this week.

I think I will get dressed and run into town for the farmers market and see if I can get some veggies for dinner and some good bread.  Then I want to finish painting the bathroom that we had run out of paint for.  Talk to you all again in the morning, Love and prayers, m

P.S,. I can now see the trees on the other side of the lake...it's looking up!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Another Cloudy Start

It's supposed to rain (or storm) between 11 and 3 p.m. this afternoon, but then they are talking about it being a wonderful weekend.  I get to visit and enjoy Kathleen and Gary for a few more hours, and then they are heading off the Mary Jo and Phil's wedding...and so I won't be seeing Kathleen till she returns for my surgery in Oct.

I finally got the pleasure of beating Gary in Spades yesterday.  We changed partners each of three games, and when Kathleen and I were partners, we beat Gary and Judy.  Which was the first time I've seen anyone ever beat Gary at cards.  No matter who has been his partner, no one has been able to beat Gary.  So Tom and Phil...eat your heart out.

After my morning visit with Kathleen and Gary, I will head to Home Depot and buy the fans for the ceilings of the bedrooms and then head back to the cabin for the weekend.  Lots of things happening at the cabin this weekend.  So I really will take pictures.  Love and prayers, m 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Clouds can't take my Sun Away!

Gary and Kathleen, finally took pitty on me and let me win 6 out of 10 games of Cut Throat (a game for 3) and then we cut for partners when Gary's brother came, and I got to play with Gary...and Gary and I eeked out a win in Spades.  The next game we changed partners and Kathleen and I lost.  Sadly enough Kathleen didn't win at any thing all day.  Unlike when Judy and I went camping with them and Kathleen and Gary couldn't lose.

It's grey her and the lake is calm and quiet....very peaceful....good sleeping weather, but we're all up early as Gary's brother Pat had to leave by 8 a.m.  He had to be in Santiago (north of Becker) by 8:45. 

I'm feeling great, we will pack up and head back to the city right after lunch.  Have company coming for dinner and cards this evening.  Judy is coming to see if we can beat Gary.at something.  Revenge!!!  Since I was on such a hot streak yesterday, I don't know if I have any luck left to help her.  Wish us luck.  Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Looks Like a Little Rain May Fall

But Kathleen and Gary are here so I still have sunshine.  We are heading to the lake anyway, and Gary is going to get some good soup bones from Knaus's Meat Market in Kimble, and make us some soup.  Yum Yum.  His brother Pat is coming this evening, and we will play some cards....so we don't care if it's raining outside.  Can't wait to see the cabin and the changes they've made.

I'm feeling great, can't complain about anything cept my arm which is sore from pulling weeds, but I finished the whole front of my house and my patio (a corner in the back of the house).  I still have lots more weeds but don't know what to do with them all.  Jack came and mowed yesterday, so it really looks good from the street.  Maybe get to the rest of it early next week....after I rest up my arm.

I'll write again tomorrow and give you the update on the cabin, and if I was able to beat Gary in a game of Spades.  Not really my goal in life, but it would be nice to win once.  Love and prayers, m

P.S.  Oh my Gosh, I almost forgot to wish Presley a Happy Birthday.  Presley is "4" today!  Will have to Skype her this evening and sing Happy Birthday to her.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Welcome Back Sunshine

Yes, the sun has been shining for days now....but the sunshine I'm referring to is Kathleen and Gary.  They will return to MN this afternoon.  I can't wait.  Unfortuneately it won't be for long, but gives me another chance to beat either of them in another card game.  It doesn't matter what game or which one.
I did pull some weeds yesterday, and I could feel it already last evening, but even more so this morning.  Needless to say, I only pulled a very small area and have days more of work.  Still recruiting help.  I need a gang.  I'm sure I have 5 or 6 grandkids who could fit the bill....but they are all so busy with sports, with school right around the corner.  I came to the realization yesterday while pulling weeds, that this was something Gene did well, and I really miss him.  He would really be upset with my lack of gardening expertise.
Tomorrow we will go back to the cabin to see what they have accomplished in the days I've been gone.  For Kathleen and Gary it will be a lot of changes, for me not so much.  I will take pictures for all of you.
Gorgeous weather today, so I will take advantage and pull some more weeds.  Love and prayers, m

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lots of Sunshine

...and a cool breeze.  Unlike last week, mother nature has mercy on us, and given us the sun without the heat and humidity.  I will take advantage of this day and weed my garden.  I was going to do it yesterday, but I just didn't get around to it.  I can't even explain what I did that kept me so busy, but it wasn't weeding the garden.

I slept till 7:30 this morning and have been sipping my coffee and watching the birds just like at the cabin....but I can sit in my chair next to the window and watch the birds fly up and eat out of the feeders right outside my window.  It seems to be a constant stream of them.  But I can't do this all day.  I need to get up and start moving.

Tomorrow I get to pick Kathleen and Gary up at the airport. and Wednesday we will go back to the cabin and survey the changes.  Maybe I'll even take a few pictures for you.

Nothing new on the health front.  Just arranging drivers and lunches etc.just in case...till I get into Hope Lodge. It seems the time is flying....yet it seems like it's been going on forever.  Was so nice yesterday to get to hug some of my spot removers.  It's great to have them see how well their prayers have worked.  It's hard to believe I still have something growing in me that it takes 15 days of radiation and surgery and intra operative radiation to get rid of it.  I know you all will continue to pray, and at the family reunion on Saturday I got several more volunteers....I will get through this just as well as I've survived the last 6 months.  Love and prayers, m

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Yes, I am still here!

I got up early this morning, and went to church.  Then came home and read the paper and some laundry and took off to do some shopping.  Needed to take back the shower faucets that the plumber said wouldn't fit, and get some more paint for the bathroom,   Finished shopping for Presley's birthday, now I have to get it packed up and in the mail by morning.  I totally forgot about blogging.  Jimbo just called to see if I was alive.  Yes, alive and well!!
The family reunion for the St. Paul Schoenecker's was fun.  It's always nice to see all the cousins, and meet some of their children.  I brought some old pictures along and they had fun looking at them, and trying to figure out who some of them were.  Still don't know who some of them are of.  They were no help!  I promised to scan a picture for one cousin, and bought a book the Roger just wrote and had published. 
Think I'll work on the yard and gardens tomorrow....that and cleaning house.  Not anything exciting.  Till tomorrow, love and prayers, m

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bright and Sunny

Came home last nite....so I don't know what the lake looks like, but I bet it's beautiful.  I have lots to do today, the Schoenecker Family Reunion (Herb Schoenecker Family Reunion) that they let me crash each year.  This year it is at the Lake Susan Park, near Channhassen, which is a little jaunt for me, but I'll make the most of it, and visit cousin Judy in Shakopee while I'm in the neighborhood.  Also got to get some laundry done. I brought home a big pile of it.

Tomorrow I need to get Presley's birthday present wrapped and ready to mail to Naperville.  I hope to get it there in time, but it's not looking good.  Hopefully she won't have to wait to long for it.

I walked two miles each day the last three days....don't know if I'll get a walk in today, but will be doing more activity than when I'm at the cabin....maybe I'll get a walk in tomorrow when I don't have so much planned.  I am feeling good.  Only thing the chemo has left me with is neropathy in my finger tips and soles of my feet.  I have the most problems with that when they are cold...so I don't mind the warm weather   But it does effect my grasp of cold things out of the ice box, and holding cold beverages.  Doctor says it could take months for that to go away, cause I need to grow new nerve ending.

Slept in again this morning, as I was up at 6 a.m. almost every morning while the painter and builders were at the cabin.  They always start working at 7 a.m. so I need to be up and dressed before they get there.  So it felt great to stay in bed.  When I woke up early I just rolled over and went back to sleep.  Must get moving now.  Love and prayers, m

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Rain Keeps Coming

It's been a crazy morning already in the last hour it has gone from blue sky to black with wind whiping up the lake to white cap status, to blue sky and then a five minute out burst of rain, back to blue sky again.  It just can't make up it's mind if it wants to rain or shine.  The lake is back to a calm gentle ripple.
The painter is done and gone, the plumber is not quite done but gone for a while...he'll be back next week.  The carpenters are working mostly indoors today, going to hang the doors in the bedrooms etc.  But even though it's not the kind of things you can capture in a picture.  Got all the hall and entry way and basement painted with what we thought was the same color as the old part of the cabin is....but it's not!  So now I can't figure out what to do with the joining room....it needs to be repainted....but what color?  So I have to contemplate that...and do some consulting of my kids.  Also we ran out of paint for the bathroom...so I'll have to go back and get more of that.  The plumber said the shower faucet I bought won't work, so he will take care of that and I will have to take mine back...but the sink faucets will be fine.  The plumber also said that the furnace they got won't work with air-conditioning, so that has to be changed too.  Can anything go right.  When the plumber left on Wednesday he thought everything he had done (connecting the old sewer with the new, and moving the water heater to a new location) was working fine, but we had no hot water....so we asked the contractor if the plumber was coming back yesterday and told him we had no hot water....so he returned and apologized as he thought it was all working fine when he left, but low and behold the thermostat had gone out....wasn't his fault at all.  But it was a new water heater last year....so why did it go out so quickly?
Nothing new on the health front.  I walked two miles yesterday and the day before....so keeping my strength up.  Finished my book, and taking it back home with me so others can borrow it.  Have a stack of books to choose from as what to read next....but which one will be the challenge to decide.
Heading home this afternoon, and tomorrow is the Schoenecker family reunion picnic.  Looking forward to seeing those cousins on my dad's side of the family.  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

It is absolutely gorgeous this morning.  Not a breeze and the lake is perfectly still.  I slept well and am ready for the day....only problem is I can't take a hot shower...the plumber moved the hot water heater yesterday and it's not hooked up to the electricity yet....so no hot water.  But I guess we will survive.  Just may have to jump in the lake if it doesn't happen today.
Went for a walk yesterday, so I'm getting some exercise in, Need to make sure I'm strong for next month.  Don't want to just sit around all day reading.  Although I am doing a lot of that too!  I'm now reading Dorothy Sauber's book  "Cancer Essays, Not the Book I was Planning to Write" and even though it isn't fiction I am enjoying the read.  Her perspective on things is so interesting....for another cancer patient to read.  And as I knew her fairly well, I can hear her saying the words as I read them.
Still have company, and enjoying having someone to talk and eat with.  The painter is almost done, and then he will tile the floor in the bathroom and be done with my project and head back to Chicago to his wife and kids.
Thanks for reading this blog, after reading Dorothy's excerpts from her journal, mine is a lot of nothing....but it is therapeutic for me.  Love you all, and appreciate your prayers, m

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Suns Gonna Shine

It's been another foggy morning, but the sun is starting to burn through.  A slight breeze that I thought should help get this fog out of here sooner....but it hasn't seemed to help.  I can't even see the other side of the lake yet this morning.

It rained off and on yesterday...but I did get to grill outside for dinner and sit outside and watch the sun set.  It was a beautifful red sky.  So I expected it to be a beautiful day today.  The weather man says it will be hot again.  But not predicting rain. 

My cousin and his friend are staying at the cabin for a few days, so I have company, plus the painter and this morning the plumbing and heating guy showed up to install the heat and air.  So things are moving right along.

Mayo called and added another day onto my visits in September.  I have to go down the day before the radiation starts to meet with the Oncologist to set up the chemo they want me to have during the radiation to make the tumor more receptive to it.  It will be a very low dose of the same kind of chemo I was on before....but it might be in pill form....atleast I hope it is.  Don't want to be carrying around that pump for three weeks.

Several people have volunteered to drive me to Rochester if need be....so I've got a full schedule right now.  Thank you for continuing to keep me in your prayers.  Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Some Like it Hot!!

I don 't mind the heat....but you're not supposed to need air conditioning at the cabin.  I think it will be working overtime this week.  I need to stop and vote this morning, and then I will be off to the cabin. 

Ann sent a picture last nite of the back of the cabin and they still weren't done with the siding, but looks like it will be today.  I talked to the contractor last nite and he thinks they will be done with all their work by the end of next week.

I enjoyed having lunch with the old ARCC crew yesterday.  There were about 10 of us there. Bonnie and I then went to a movie and when I got home I had a surprise visit from cousin Judy. She was bumming around looking for someone to have dinner with....so we went out for dinner together.

Nothing more to report....love and prayers, m

Monday, August 9, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine!

Looks like it is going to be a really hot one today.  I'll be leaving the cabin shortly and heading home for the day. But first I have to wait till Mark the painter gets here to give him orders (not really orders).  I just have to tell him where the paint is and what color goes where etc. Then I will head back to Coon Rapids, where I will meet with the retiree's and wannabee's for lunch.  Bonnie Sass and I plan on a movie after lunch, so it should be a fun day. 

While I'm gone today, Paige Culley will be celebrating her 15th birthday here with a bunch of girls.  Yesterday we had Katies 14 1/2 birthday....or at least that is what she was calling it, as her birthday was in March and she just now had a party.  Much more fun to celebrate in August with a party at the lake...than in March on the frozen tundra of Minnesota.  Happy Birthday Paige!!

Bad weather was predicted for late in the evening, but it looks like everyone but us on Lake Sylvia got it.  Only a heat warning out for today so far.

Tomorrow I will vote in the primary, and then head back up here....as I have company coming.  We all plan on meeting here about noon.  I also expect Jimbo to be coming up for the day.

Well off to the big city!!  Love and prayers, m

P.S. the siders are here again this morning....maybe it will be done when I come back tomorrow.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday Sonday!

Not much sleep last night was awake for several hours (1-3 a.m.) waiting for a storm to attack, but through all the lightening and continual thunder we had no high winds and not a drop of rain.  I guess I must have gotten just the edge of it.  Finally did get to sleep....but only in one to two hour increments.
The lake is calm and the sky is blue and it feels like it is going to be hot!  I'm sure Katie and her friends will be glad they are in the water.  It's already pretty warm...didn't cool much last night.

Not much else to report, I think my painter will be in town this evening (he lives in Chicago) and will start painting tomorrow morning.  I hope to head back to town tonight or tomorrow morning.  I have a luncheon date with the retiree's and wannabee's, and then Bonnie and I are going to a movie....just haven't decided which one.

Love you all, and I'll keep you in my prayers, m

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Rain or Shine?

I managed to roll over and go back to sleep when I saw it was raining.  The couple of extra hours seemed to be much appreciated.  So sorry I'm so late in writing this morning.  But it's Saturday!

Original cabin with the addition from deck.
New sided addition from deck.
Hope you like the pictures.  They haven't completely finished siding the cabin, but it looks good from the lake...only the back or road side isn't done yet.  The sheet rocking took all week to get finished (mudding and sanding) as it was so humid he couldn't get it to dry....but finally has the ceiling sprayed and is done.  Now the painter comes on Monday morning....thought that would happen a lot earlier, but couldn't paint till the other was done.  So goes my life....everything takes longer than I think it will....including trips to Mayo....but I'm beginning to expect it all to take longer.

I have Judy, Janet, Rita and Kathleen all signed up to drive with me to Mayo next month.  So in case I can't get into Hope House right away, I'm ready.  Kathleen plans on staying two weeks...she will come the Sunday before the surgery and stay while I'm in the hospital and hopefully a few days after I get home.  I am so lucky to have her here with me....she and Gary spent almost three weeks here in July and will be back again the 17th of August for a wedding, and now she'll be back in September.  All four of these caregivers have taken the majority of the burden off of my kids, and I hope they know how much we all appreciate them.

Just plan on vegging most of the day....I do have a few jobs to take care of....but not much!  Then tomorrow Katie is going to celebrate her (March 2) birthday at the cabin with five of her girlfriends.  Sounds like fun to me!

Nothing else to write.  Thank you all for your love and prayers expressed in emails and on facebook, love you all, m

Friday, August 6, 2010

Date Set for Surgery

October 6 is the big day, and I start radiation on Wednesday September 15....so I have a month to coordinate getting there.  Already have 3 volunteers, Judy Vermuellen, Janet Gendreau and Rita Culshaw. Love you all!

Another Sunshinie Day!

Still just sitting and waiting....well not only sitting....I did accomplish a few things yesterday, I did go grocery shopping and did 3 loads of laundry. But no call from Mayo yet....and so another day of waiting. I didn't really expect the call yesterday, but I do today!
I have had a couple volunteers to help take care of me. The first one to call and volunteer was Judy. She was thrilled to be number one! However that made Janet number 2, so now she has to try harder! It will have to be more than a red clown nose to make me smile!! Well that will do too. Did I tell you not only did she get a semi to honk at her....she had the radiologist almost on the floor with that nose! Never a dull moment with Janet!
I plan on packing and going to the cabin this afternoon. Can't wait to see what they have accomplished while I was gone this week. I'll take pictures for you too. I think Mark Hutar, my painter, will come this weekend and get the painting done, then they can do the floors and trim work. While they are working I'm sure the plumber and electrician can get their parts done too! So it's looking like it should be done in the next month, and we can move in. I suppose soon as they finish I'll be banished to Rochester and won't be able to enjoy all the new space and beautiful Fall weather. Well enough for today, keep those thoughts and prayers coming! Love and prayers, m

Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's a Sunshine Day!

Well another long long day at Mayo....but I did get the information I've been waiting for since January. Dr. Nelson has agreed to do my surgery, and the radiologist will do radiation both before the surgery in the form of 5 days a week for 3 weeks and intra-operative surgery. I don't have the dates yet, as they need to coordinate all the schedules (operating room, surgeon and radiologists). But they plan on calling me with that information today or tomorrow.
I was also told it is a very long surgery, and I will probably be in the hospital for 10 days. I asked about having the radiation at HHH where I had my chemo, but they said no, I had to have it at Mayo....so that they could be sure I have the care I need. (They were very strong on this point) The thought of driving the almost 2 hours down there each day and paying for parking etc. and then driving back home another 2 hours for a 1/2 hour treatment doesn't particularly sound good. They do have a place called Hope House where patients can stay free, so they are looking into getting me in there too. Until that happens, I will be looking for volunteers to accompany me on those daily trips.
It finally seems like there is a light at the end of the tunnel!! I am so grateful to all of you who have supported me in this journey, and hope you will continue to keep me in your prayers till I reach the point of being rid of this cancer thing hiding in me.
So I continue to wait for Mayo to call....seems the words "Mayo" and "waiting" are sinominous with each other. Till tomorrow, love and prayers, m

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Another Gray Start!

No sun yet, but I'm sure the Son is here! I'm headed back down to Rochester in a few minutes. Hopefully at the end of this day I will have some idea of what is planned for me. It sounds like they will do some radiation before they do surgery. And I was told that even though the spots were gone, and my lungs were in remission....they can always come back.....so you spot removers still have your work cut out for you. As for the other end....radiation should shrink it, and surgery and intra-operative radiation will take care of that....at least that is what I think will happen this morning, we'll see how the day plays out. This is my hope!!
Yesterday was a long day as I got up at 5 and was at the Mayo by 6 a.m., then proceeded to wait for one appointment or another....not only were they spaced a mile apart, they were all late in starting, and so it made the day even longer. Missed my luncheon date I had set up, but Janet kept it in my absence (waiting for a CT scan not previously on my schedule). I imagine today will have added appointments when I get there too!! So I don't know how soon I will get out of there today either.
I slept better last night than I have in weeks, didn't even get up once, for a bathroom trip. But for some reason I still feel tired. I will try and update during the day if I can. Keep those thoughts and prayers coming! Love m

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Off to a Foggy Start

A light fog is covering the streets of Rochester....and my mind....as I had to get up at 5 a.m. to get here by 6 a.m. Then stood in 3 different lines to get checked in and get my blood drawn. That only took 40 minutes....now what do I do till 9:15. Thank goodness I have access to a computer! I don't know anything yet....will update as the day goes by.
Janet and I came down yesterday afternoon, and after getting checked in to the motel, we went shopping....picked up a couple of great deals on the clearance racks...and looked for towels for the new bathroom at the cabin. Then headed for dinner....couldn't believe it was already 7 p.m. First restuarant we went to was closed and then we were getting desperate and starving...so we turned around and headed for a TGIF Janet saw back a few miles. By the time we got there we were both ready to eat the menu we were so hungry. Got back to the hotel around 9 p.m. and pretty much got read for bed. Not too exciting. But 5 a.m. comes fast!
I'll add later when I have something to update you on. Love and prayers, m

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Suns Gonna Shine

They've predicted scattered thunder showers for the day, but the sky looks pretty blue, and the sun is shining right now. I woke up in my own bed this morning....seemed strange....I kinda had to look around and figure out where I was. Unfortunately tomorrow will be another strange bed.
More birthdays today....Happy Birthday Rhonda (Gene's sister) and Cherie Gardner (long time friend). Yesterday was nephew Danny's.....so I've had a birthday to celebrate everyday for a full week. I tried to figure out when they all were conceived (a silly thing I do) and Thanksgiving is the only thing I can come up with! Okay enough of that!

Janet will be here before I'm ready to go....so I best get busy. I still need to pack and gas up the car. I'm looking forward to playing around in Rochester this evening with Janet. Then tomorrow I've set up a luncheon date with an old friend who works at Mayo. As my day starts at 6:10 tomorrow, I probably won 't get to the blog till later in the day....but I will try to keep you all informed of how the day is going. I've had a couple of people asking me to pray for them, or someone close to them, so please include them in your prayers, love, m

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sunshine Almost Always Makes Me High!

Above:View from the old cabin into the new entry way. Below: View from the new front (or back) door.
Below: View again from the new back door looking down the stairs to the lower level.
Kenny at work!
View from my deck which I am graced with every morning.

I need something to do that when I'm here by myself! I got up early this morning and showered and rushed off to church! Needed to be with people if only for an hour. (No offense to Kenny the sheet rocker...but I barely see him....he's working such long and hard hours) I'm sure God was happy to see me sitting in the pew too! Even though I only saw one person I recognized (a cashier at the County Market) I felt at home. I did get a surprise call to break the silence yesterday. Elaine, my cousin who lives in Maui, called and we visited for quite awhile. Even did some laughing. A bright spot in my day.
Back at the cabin, the partly cloudy 10% chance of rain forecast doesn't seem right. I do see a patch of blue here and there, but don't really see any rays of sun. So I'm wondering if the weather man looked out the window? Hopefully by noon he'll be right!
Not much else to talk about....the sheet rock was all hung on Thursday and for two days Kenny's been mudding every screw and seam....but he still has a long way to go.....it's not drying as fast as it should....he's had fans blowing on it all night.
I haven't seen hide nor hair of the raccoons. Killing that skunk must have scared them off.
Heading for home this evening. Janet and I will be leaving for Rochester around noon tomorrow, and I have to get unpacked and repacked for the trip. Today's sermon was about not being greedy, knowing that God would take care of our needs. So I've put this trip in God's hands....I know he will take care of me. Thank you for all you do to help me in this process! Love and prayers, m
P.S. The sun just came out! Hurrah!!!