Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sun is Out!

It rained during the night.....but the sun is out this morning.  Had a full day yesterday, and slept late this morning, and have to hurry up and get dressed and to the dentist.

Nicole and Allie accompanied me to deliver Meals on Wheels, and I enjoyed visiting with them and then treated them to lunch after.  Then I went shopping for Tommy's birthday which is on Friday, and then went to dinner with Val and Janet.  Inbetween I did three load of laundry.  Not much time to get into trouble.  During my visit with Janet, we realized that next week starts the visits to Mayo!!  Already!

This morning I have a dentist appointment, and then I have a few errands to run....need more paint for the cabin....and then I need to pack for the the cabin as I don't think I'll be back in town.  Then I want to drive up to St. Cloud on my way to the cabin, and see the girls fun in a Cross Country meet at Apollo High School.  So it will be a busy day again today.

Jim and Doug were both at the cabin again yesterday working...and Brad was going back up this morning to lay the floor in the lower level.  I hear the electrician was also there hanging lights and fans etc. yesterday, and will be back another day this week to finish.  They all plan on being finished by Friday....so they can get the final inspection.  Can you believe?  I can't!!  What a summer it has been.
Enough for today....love and prayers, m

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