I arrived at the cabin yesterday morning, amongst a beehive of activity.....well maybe not that much, but more than I had seen in a long time. Brad the trimmer was back and Jimbo was his gopher. Mike the carpet layer was also here....but no matter how hard they worked, neither was able to finish their projects, but it is starting to look pretty good on the main level. On Tuesday the power-line got buried, and the electrician got all the lights and switches installed in the family room and Jimbo's bedroom, but the upper level bedrooms aren't done yet. The flooring is all done on the upper level, but not in the lower level. The stairs are done, but not the railing. etc. etc. Nothing is totally completed, including the painting. I put the first coat on all the window jams but need to do a second coat. I could go on and on as to what still has to be done. It seems like it is unending, but we have come a long way in a fairly short time and have overcome many obstacles in the process. They have completely finished the siding, and I will go out and take a picture when it gets a little warmer.
Rory the contractor showed up, and gave me an update on the cost over runs!! What else is new! We also contacted the guy who is supposed to be adding the 133 feet to the drainfield that the 5 bedroom cabin requires, a condition of the permit.....and he said he'd be out as soon as we cleared the land for it....another job we have to do.....so Jimbo took an armload of tools to the back lot and went to work clearing it. So in calling him back and reporting is was ready....he said he'd be out next week....we'll see!!!!
Cousin Judy is vacationing at a cabin not far from here, so she is coming over to visit this morning. Looking forward to that....even though it means I have to make my bed and get dressed for the day. With this cool weather curling up with a blanket and my cup of coffee is awful enticing.
I have a few errands to run today as well, and I will be on the lookout for the plumber, the electrician or some other form of worker to come and finish their projects. I will add pictures also this afternoon. Love and prayers, m
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