Monday, August 16, 2010

Lots of Sunshine

...and a cool breeze.  Unlike last week, mother nature has mercy on us, and given us the sun without the heat and humidity.  I will take advantage of this day and weed my garden.  I was going to do it yesterday, but I just didn't get around to it.  I can't even explain what I did that kept me so busy, but it wasn't weeding the garden.

I slept till 7:30 this morning and have been sipping my coffee and watching the birds just like at the cabin....but I can sit in my chair next to the window and watch the birds fly up and eat out of the feeders right outside my window.  It seems to be a constant stream of them.  But I can't do this all day.  I need to get up and start moving.

Tomorrow I get to pick Kathleen and Gary up at the airport. and Wednesday we will go back to the cabin and survey the changes.  Maybe I'll even take a few pictures for you.

Nothing new on the health front.  Just arranging drivers and lunches etc.just in case...till I get into Hope Lodge. It seems the time is flying....yet it seems like it's been going on forever.  Was so nice yesterday to get to hug some of my spot removers.  It's great to have them see how well their prayers have worked.  It's hard to believe I still have something growing in me that it takes 15 days of radiation and surgery and intra operative radiation to get rid of it.  I know you all will continue to pray, and at the family reunion on Saturday I got several more volunteers....I will get through this just as well as I've survived the last 6 months.  Love and prayers, m

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