I need something to do that when I'm here by myself! I got up early this morning and showered and rushed off to church! Needed to be with people if only for an hour. (No offense to Kenny the sheet rocker...but I barely see him....he's working such long and hard hours) I'm sure God was happy to see me sitting in the pew too! Even though I only saw one person I recognized (a cashier at the County Market) I felt at home. I did get a surprise call to break the silence yesterday. Elaine, my cousin who lives in Maui, called and we visited for quite awhile. Even did some laughing. A bright spot in my day.
Back at the cabin, the partly cloudy 10% chance of rain forecast doesn't seem right. I do see a patch of blue here and there, but don't really see any rays of sun. So I'm wondering if the weather man looked out the window? Hopefully by noon he'll be right!
Not much else to talk about....the sheet rock was all hung on Thursday and for two days Kenny's been mudding every screw and seam....but he still has a long way to go.....it's not drying as fast as it should....he's had fans blowing on it all night.
I haven't seen hide nor hair of the raccoons. Killing that skunk must have scared them off.
Heading for home this evening. Janet and I will be leaving for Rochester around noon tomorrow, and I have to get unpacked and repacked for the trip. Today's sermon was about not being greedy, knowing that God would take care of our needs. So I've put this trip in God's hands....I know he will take care of me. Thank you for all you do to help me in this process! Love and prayers, m
P.S. The sun just came out! Hurrah!!!
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