Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Day! but Hot!

Luckily I am at home and have air-conditioning as they are predicting a record high for the day.   But I will have to bite the bullet and go out to deliver Meals on Wheels, and have dinner plans for the afternoon, I might even do some birthday shopping as I have 3 grandkids birthdays in September and poor Allie who's birthday was the end of July and still hasn't had a family gathering to celebrate it.
I will have the help of grandkids to deliver meals with me today, as my sidekick Carol Kline, isn't available today. Then Janet will be joining me and Val Knight (a ARCC friend) for dinner. I have a dentist appointment for tomorrow morning, and then think I may head back to the cabin...but need to check my schedule and see what else I have planned for the week. 
I started painting all the spindles of the new railing around the open stairwell.  I am painting it red!  It look so surprise pop of color in the yellow hall.  I finished one coat on all sides before I packed up and came home yesterday.  Hopefully I will get the second coat on tomorrow afternoon before it gets put together.  I think the floor in the bathroom gets laid on Wednesday.....Jimbo got all the doors hung yesterday, but found he had only two locking handles and thinks everyone will want locks on their bedroom doors, so he will be calling the contractor and seeing if we can get them exchanged.Well, must jump in the shower and get moving.  Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, m

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