Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Another Gray Start!

No sun yet, but I'm sure the Son is here! I'm headed back down to Rochester in a few minutes. Hopefully at the end of this day I will have some idea of what is planned for me. It sounds like they will do some radiation before they do surgery. And I was told that even though the spots were gone, and my lungs were in remission....they can always come you spot removers still have your work cut out for you. As for the other end....radiation should shrink it, and surgery and intra-operative radiation will take care of least that is what I think will happen this morning, we'll see how the day plays out. This is my hope!!
Yesterday was a long day as I got up at 5 and was at the Mayo by 6 a.m., then proceeded to wait for one appointment or another....not only were they spaced a mile apart, they were all late in starting, and so it made the day even longer. Missed my luncheon date I had set up, but Janet kept it in my absence (waiting for a CT scan not previously on my schedule). I imagine today will have added appointments when I get there too!! So I don't know how soon I will get out of there today either.
I slept better last night than I have in weeks, didn't even get up once, for a bathroom trip. But for some reason I still feel tired. I will try and update during the day if I can. Keep those thoughts and prayers coming! Love m

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