Monday, August 9, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine!

Looks like it is going to be a really hot one today.  I'll be leaving the cabin shortly and heading home for the day. But first I have to wait till Mark the painter gets here to give him orders (not really orders).  I just have to tell him where the paint is and what color goes where etc. Then I will head back to Coon Rapids, where I will meet with the retiree's and wannabee's for lunch.  Bonnie Sass and I plan on a movie after lunch, so it should be a fun day. 

While I'm gone today, Paige Culley will be celebrating her 15th birthday here with a bunch of girls.  Yesterday we had Katies 14 1/2 birthday....or at least that is what she was calling it, as her birthday was in March and she just now had a party.  Much more fun to celebrate in August with a party at the lake...than in March on the frozen tundra of Minnesota.  Happy Birthday Paige!!

Bad weather was predicted for late in the evening, but it looks like everyone but us on Lake Sylvia got it.  Only a heat warning out for today so far.

Tomorrow I will vote in the primary, and then head back up I have company coming.  We all plan on meeting here about noon.  I also expect Jimbo to be coming up for the day.

Well off to the big city!!  Love and prayers, m

P.S. the siders are here again this morning....maybe it will be done when I come back tomorrow.

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