Thursday, August 19, 2010

Clouds can't take my Sun Away!

Gary and Kathleen, finally took pitty on me and let me win 6 out of 10 games of Cut Throat (a game for 3) and then we cut for partners when Gary's brother came, and I got to play with Gary...and Gary and I eeked out a win in Spades.  The next game we changed partners and Kathleen and I lost.  Sadly enough Kathleen didn't win at any thing all day.  Unlike when Judy and I went camping with them and Kathleen and Gary couldn't lose.

It's grey her and the lake is calm and quiet....very peaceful....good sleeping weather, but we're all up early as Gary's brother Pat had to leave by 8 a.m.  He had to be in Santiago (north of Becker) by 8:45. 

I'm feeling great, we will pack up and head back to the city right after lunch.  Have company coming for dinner and cards this evening.  Judy is coming to see if we can beat something.  Revenge!!!  Since I was on such a hot streak yesterday, I don't know if I have any luck left to help her.  Wish us luck.  Love and prayers, m

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