Just as I started writing this morning, sun came up over the houses and popped into my windows. How nice!! Gives me so much more incentive to get things done. I'm pretty ready for the trip, I just have to go get unplugged today at noon, quigong at 3:30 and somewhere in between I need to through in a load of darks, so I have a clean pair of jeans to wear tomorrow morning. I'm thinking I may even shower this evening, so I don't have to do it tomorrow morning, when I have to get up at 4:30 a.m. I get picked up at 5:15 to the airport by 6 a.m. and then the plane takes off at 7:10.
I also need to print all of our boarding passes today...so I'll keep busy for sure.
Yesterday was a good day. I did contact the doctor about a change in my med for RLS and nueropathy, and the doctor decided not to stop the gabapantin, and add requip for the RLS....evidently one is better for the neuropathy and this one is better for the RLS. It's a strange start to it. I take one one hour before bed for 2 nights, and then 2 for five nights, then 3 for 1 week, and then finally 4 for the rest of the month, and then the doctor would like to see me, to see how it is working. So I don't expect it to work immediately, but I didn't have any RLS last night...don't know which med was working.
I was so tired when I went to bed at 10:30, Jay Leno was a repeat, and I couldn't keep my eyes open to read. But after sleeping a few hours, I woke and then just dosed off and on all night. The only good thing was I wasn't in any pain, and just couldn't clear my mind of all the things we had talked about at Nick's party and all the things I had to do today etc.
Nicks party was fun. The grandkids are getting so old, I now have 4 of them with driver's licenses, and one more to come in March. I gave Nick a new billfold with a outside spot for the driver's license, and added a few gift cards, one for gas and one for food, then added a ice scraper and brush for the car, some key chains I found in a junk drawer, I think five of them, as I was going to buy him one, and no stores I went to had any....like five stores. Annie's gift was the highlight, She came in with a huge bouquet of balloons filled with money, One with $16, $15, $14 etc. down to 10, and the last 9 had a dollar each. So Nick had to pop all the balloons to get the money out. Even the little kids enjoyed watching that!
Well, tomorrow you may not hear from me, I don't know if the place we are going has WiFi or not, and we won't get there till later in the afternoon, as we fly into Charleston, rent a car and drive the last 90 miles about 2 hours. So if I can write it will be later in the day. So anyway it may be hit or miss, depending if I have to go in search of WiFi or not....I will do what I can to keep you updated. Just know that I will be having a great time.
I'm not taking my computer so if I upload any pictures they will be uploaded to Facebook from my phone. Facebook may be an easier method to update people during the week, cause my Blackberry will have internet access even if my Nook doesn't.
Till then, keep me and my long list of friends and relatives on my prayer list in your prayers. Love and prayers, m
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Snow Pushing Through This Morning
Hope to get away from these gray mornings. I'm also hoping that Myrtle Beach brings us some sunny mornings. Even though I don't leave till Friday bright and early, I have been packed for a couple of days now. Just throwing in things I couldn't pack till just before I leave like the phone charger cord and my pills.
Yesterday went pretty well. Carol and I walked in basically together only I didn't realize it was her walking in in front of me. Talked to Dr. Londer about my meds, if my acne side effects get worse I can take two of those pills a day instead of one, but for now we will keep it at one. I also talked about the med I take for RLS and neuropathy in my feet as I've had some problems with that in the last couple of days, and he thinks maybe the chemo has something to do with it not working as well, but said it is the best drug for my neuropathy....so maybe I can get a stronger dose....but I have to talk to my primary doctor for that....which I may do today. Then I asked him if I could stretch my trip to Salt Lake and Sedona the end of Feb.....I was going to ask if I could get the chemo there someplace....and he says sure you'll just have 3 weeks inbetween your cycle. He says whats wrong with having 6 sessions in 12 weeks or 13 weeks? So I was thrilled with that thought!!
The rest of the chemo with Carol went pretty much as usual, and we talked non-stop...I sent her to my favorite "El Toro" for lunch for chicken enchilada's and to get something for herself, and she came back with a Taco Laco, it was a deep fried flour tortilla and she says Mary taste this....Yuk the tortilla was fried in rancid oil....she had to scrape all the toppings off and just eat that....than when she left, she took the shell back to the restaurant and got my money back for me. So now, I don't think I want to get food there anymore. It isn't my favorite anymore!
When I got home I noticed on Facebook that Nick had passed his Drivers test, and Ann had posted his picture holding the temporary license to drive. So I downloaded it and added it to yesterdays Blog, so you can go back and check that out. We are celebrating with dinner there tonight.
Got to wrap presents today for Nick and Bill (as I won't be here for Bill's birthday on Saturday.) and don't have any other plans....Probably take a nap!...cause I didn't sleep well last night witch is par for the first night of chemo for me.
The big thrill of yesterday was making arrangements for my trip to SLC and Sedona. Once the doctor gave me the go ahead I started surfing for flights, and actually booked the trip late last night, after emailing back and forth with Gary and then later talking to Kathleen on the phone. So I'm really excited. Wow, 1 week in Mrytle Beach, 3 weeks in Salt Lake and Sedona and 4 days in Boston all booked!!! I'm beginning to be a frequent flyer!!!
Okay enough about me! Please keep that long list of people I have on my prayer list in your prayers, and Thank You so much for all the prayers coming my way!! I feel the love, Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday went pretty well. Carol and I walked in basically together only I didn't realize it was her walking in in front of me. Talked to Dr. Londer about my meds, if my acne side effects get worse I can take two of those pills a day instead of one, but for now we will keep it at one. I also talked about the med I take for RLS and neuropathy in my feet as I've had some problems with that in the last couple of days, and he thinks maybe the chemo has something to do with it not working as well, but said it is the best drug for my neuropathy....so maybe I can get a stronger dose....but I have to talk to my primary doctor for that....which I may do today. Then I asked him if I could stretch my trip to Salt Lake and Sedona the end of Feb.....I was going to ask if I could get the chemo there someplace....and he says sure you'll just have 3 weeks inbetween your cycle. He says whats wrong with having 6 sessions in 12 weeks or 13 weeks? So I was thrilled with that thought!!
The rest of the chemo with Carol went pretty much as usual, and we talked non-stop...I sent her to my favorite "El Toro" for lunch for chicken enchilada's and to get something for herself, and she came back with a Taco Laco, it was a deep fried flour tortilla and she says Mary taste this....Yuk the tortilla was fried in rancid oil....she had to scrape all the toppings off and just eat that....than when she left, she took the shell back to the restaurant and got my money back for me. So now, I don't think I want to get food there anymore. It isn't my favorite anymore!
When I got home I noticed on Facebook that Nick had passed his Drivers test, and Ann had posted his picture holding the temporary license to drive. So I downloaded it and added it to yesterdays Blog, so you can go back and check that out. We are celebrating with dinner there tonight.
Got to wrap presents today for Nick and Bill (as I won't be here for Bill's birthday on Saturday.) and don't have any other plans....Probably take a nap!...cause I didn't sleep well last night witch is par for the first night of chemo for me.
The big thrill of yesterday was making arrangements for my trip to SLC and Sedona. Once the doctor gave me the go ahead I started surfing for flights, and actually booked the trip late last night, after emailing back and forth with Gary and then later talking to Kathleen on the phone. So I'm really excited. Wow, 1 week in Mrytle Beach, 3 weeks in Salt Lake and Sedona and 4 days in Boston all booked!!! I'm beginning to be a frequent flyer!!!
Okay enough about me! Please keep that long list of people I have on my prayer list in your prayers, and Thank You so much for all the prayers coming my way!! I feel the love, Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Day 1 Round 2
Had a hard time getting to sleep again last night....even listened to one of Chun Yi's qigong cd's which is almost an hour long, and that didn't do it either. I also think the med for RLS isn't working like it was. I think I'll talk to Dr. Londer about all that this morning.
Carol will be with me today, and since we haven't seen each other since last February, I'm sure we will have plenty to talk about.
Yesterday, I got the shopping done after lunch like I planned. But lunch was a lot later than I thought. I got there at 11:20 and nobody else showed up till about 11:50. I got the time mixed up with the time the retiree's meet. This lunch is noon, and the other one is 11:30. So I ate a salad first, and didn't eat any pizza till the others showed up, and they almost all came at once. About 10 in all.
For dinner I met Valerie at TGI Fridays at 5 p.m. so I was home by 6:30. When I got home I had an email from Rosie and Bruce that they had made reservations at a hotel in Boston for a wedding we are going to, so I contacted Sandi Hitch who I am sharing a room with, and then called the hotel and got our reservation made too! Tomorrow Bruce will get the flight reservation, and then I will book the flight for Sandi and me. We want to be on the same flight, so need to wait till I get that information from Bruce to do that.
I'm also planning a trip in late Feb. and March to Salt Lake and Sedona. I'm going to be a frequent flyer soon!
Well, I need to get a shower and get dressed cause I need to leave by 8:15. Please pray for Sonja, Lottie, DuWayne, Dr. Tim, the neighbor men (Wally, Mike and Don) Cousins Judy and Louie and anyone I've forgotten.
Also....Happy 16th Birthday to Nick Kiecker!!
He passed the drivers test!
See you tomorrow night! Love and prayers, m
Carol will be with me today, and since we haven't seen each other since last February, I'm sure we will have plenty to talk about.
Yesterday, I got the shopping done after lunch like I planned. But lunch was a lot later than I thought. I got there at 11:20 and nobody else showed up till about 11:50. I got the time mixed up with the time the retiree's meet. This lunch is noon, and the other one is 11:30. So I ate a salad first, and didn't eat any pizza till the others showed up, and they almost all came at once. About 10 in all.
For dinner I met Valerie at TGI Fridays at 5 p.m. so I was home by 6:30. When I got home I had an email from Rosie and Bruce that they had made reservations at a hotel in Boston for a wedding we are going to, so I contacted Sandi Hitch who I am sharing a room with, and then called the hotel and got our reservation made too! Tomorrow Bruce will get the flight reservation, and then I will book the flight for Sandi and me. We want to be on the same flight, so need to wait till I get that information from Bruce to do that.
I'm also planning a trip in late Feb. and March to Salt Lake and Sedona. I'm going to be a frequent flyer soon!
Well, I need to get a shower and get dressed cause I need to leave by 8:15. Please pray for Sonja, Lottie, DuWayne, Dr. Tim, the neighbor men (Wally, Mike and Don) Cousins Judy and Louie and anyone I've forgotten.
Also....Happy 16th Birthday to Nick Kiecker!!
He passed the drivers test!
See you tomorrow night! Love and prayers, m
Monday, January 23, 2012
Snow!!! Really Snow!!
I'm sure Jimbo is jumping up and down in excitement!! He's been waiting for snow to jumpstart the tire business!! I think this should do it!!
I have some shopping to do, but also am going to lunch with the ARCC gang. Then I also have a dinner date....so I guess I shop in between.....by then the snow will be done and the roads will begin to clear. Dinner is here in Coon Rapids, so not that I have to drive any distance.
Didn't do anything yesterday. Bill stopped by with a delivery of some Butter braids that the kids had sold for Cross-Country ski team. He sat and visited for a while. We always seem to have so much to talk about. (when don't I?) One of the things we talked about was an email I got earlier in the day from my friend Barb, letting me know that Fr. Tim Power has been diagnosed with Luekemia, and also that Tom O'Brien had died a few weeks ago. (Tim, Tom and Pat Griffen were co-pastors at St. Tims back in the day when I worked there). So prayers for Tim please!!
I don't know why, or how but the conversation lead to Grief and the stages of it, and that it didn't have to be death that you grieved. That you grieve for yourself. It can be any lose....So anyway the final stage is acceptance....and I guess that's were I am with this cancer process!! I'm now working on the patience part!! Giving it time to heal!! God's time and mine don't necessarily match! But through the grace of God you all keep helping me to work on that!
Tomorrow I go back for Round 2 of chemo, and Carol my sister-in-law will be my chemo partner. It should be a fun day. I also already have a few of those acne like spots on my face. One on my cheek and one in my eyebrow...so just two half treatments, and already taking the antibiotic for it....hasn't hindered it at all. Well I suppose it could be as bad as it was last summer. Hopefully that won't happen.
Keep the prayers coming for all those I've requested, including Lottie who is having round 3 of chemo today, and the nausea she continues to have....and Tim Power!! Love and Prayers, m
I have some shopping to do, but also am going to lunch with the ARCC gang. Then I also have a dinner date....so I guess I shop in between.....by then the snow will be done and the roads will begin to clear. Dinner is here in Coon Rapids, so not that I have to drive any distance.
Didn't do anything yesterday. Bill stopped by with a delivery of some Butter braids that the kids had sold for Cross-Country ski team. He sat and visited for a while. We always seem to have so much to talk about. (when don't I?) One of the things we talked about was an email I got earlier in the day from my friend Barb, letting me know that Fr. Tim Power has been diagnosed with Luekemia, and also that Tom O'Brien had died a few weeks ago. (Tim, Tom and Pat Griffen were co-pastors at St. Tims back in the day when I worked there). So prayers for Tim please!!
I don't know why, or how but the conversation lead to Grief and the stages of it, and that it didn't have to be death that you grieved. That you grieve for yourself. It can be any lose....So anyway the final stage is acceptance....and I guess that's were I am with this cancer process!! I'm now working on the patience part!! Giving it time to heal!! God's time and mine don't necessarily match! But through the grace of God you all keep helping me to work on that!
Tomorrow I go back for Round 2 of chemo, and Carol my sister-in-law will be my chemo partner. It should be a fun day. I also already have a few of those acne like spots on my face. One on my cheek and one in my eyebrow...so just two half treatments, and already taking the antibiotic for it....hasn't hindered it at all. Well I suppose it could be as bad as it was last summer. Hopefully that won't happen.
Keep the prayers coming for all those I've requested, including Lottie who is having round 3 of chemo today, and the nausea she continues to have....and Tim Power!! Love and Prayers, m
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Co;d and Dark
Sunday mornings, are always rough on me. Church at 8:30 isn't that early....but it sure is for me. I need to write fast and get into the shower fast.
Yesterday was a pretty boring day. I did laundry and started packing for the trip, but that's about all.
Don't have any plans for today either. I do need to do some birthday shopping for Nick and Bill, but other than that.....maybe I'll see if Bonnie and Lois want to go to a movie. I'd like to see War Horse and so would Bonnie.
Lottie and Duwayne are asking for prayers again....Duwayne has a flu bug and Lottie doesn't dare visit, and she is also having problems with Nausea, and they are trying some different medicine on her that she hopes will work.
Sonja Driste is facing a big surgery for her cancer that has returned, and Judy is trying to get her arm and knee back in shape, however knee surgery is still in the mix of things they might do. Louie and I am still in need of prayers, as we deal with our inflictions as well. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday was a pretty boring day. I did laundry and started packing for the trip, but that's about all.
Don't have any plans for today either. I do need to do some birthday shopping for Nick and Bill, but other than that.....maybe I'll see if Bonnie and Lois want to go to a movie. I'd like to see War Horse and so would Bonnie.
Lottie and Duwayne are asking for prayers again....Duwayne has a flu bug and Lottie doesn't dare visit, and she is also having problems with Nausea, and they are trying some different medicine on her that she hopes will work.
Sonja Driste is facing a big surgery for her cancer that has returned, and Judy is trying to get her arm and knee back in shape, however knee surgery is still in the mix of things they might do. Louie and I am still in need of prayers, as we deal with our inflictions as well. Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Sunshine and Laughter
The sun is shining this morning, and the laughter was flowing last night. Plus I slept terrific. Seems the night after I didn't sleep, I make up for it!
Only about 16 of us showed up at Houlihans last night, but it was a great 16!! We laughed so much, and poor Rosie pretty much got roasted!!....cause she was the root of most of our crazy stories each of us told. We asked each person to tell a funny story about working at the CDC, and we had some doozies!!! We started telling stories at about 5:15, and didn't leave for home till 10:30.
We missed those that were unable to come, but added some stories about them. When your not there we talk about you.....so next time you better show up!! lol Unfortunately the weather scared a few off, and then Strep throat and colds kept others a way...that had planned on coming.
We all thought we need to do this again, so maybe we'll have to make it a yearly thing. Working at the CDC was really a unique experience for all who worked there, cause we had such a great work atmosphere. We laughed, loved, eat, sang and worked together!!
Thought I was going to watch hockey today, but just looked at the schedule, no hockey today!! In fact it looks like I won't beable to see any more of their games. I have chemo on Tuesday and next Saturday I'll be in Myrtle Beach. Sad!!
Keep those prayers coming for all those I've asked you to pray for, and for me!!!
Love and prayers, m
Only about 16 of us showed up at Houlihans last night, but it was a great 16!! We laughed so much, and poor Rosie pretty much got roasted!!....cause she was the root of most of our crazy stories each of us told. We asked each person to tell a funny story about working at the CDC, and we had some doozies!!! We started telling stories at about 5:15, and didn't leave for home till 10:30.
We missed those that were unable to come, but added some stories about them. When your not there we talk about you.....so next time you better show up!! lol Unfortunately the weather scared a few off, and then Strep throat and colds kept others a way...that had planned on coming.
We all thought we need to do this again, so maybe we'll have to make it a yearly thing. Working at the CDC was really a unique experience for all who worked there, cause we had such a great work atmosphere. We laughed, loved, eat, sang and worked together!!
Thought I was going to watch hockey today, but just looked at the schedule, no hockey today!! In fact it looks like I won't beable to see any more of their games. I have chemo on Tuesday and next Saturday I'll be in Myrtle Beach. Sad!!
Keep those prayers coming for all those I've asked you to pray for, and for me!!!
Love and prayers, m
Friday, January 20, 2012
Clean and White!
Snow is falling, and I can hardly see the brown grass sticking out. Maybe we'll get enough to plow. I kinda doubt that in my yard, but maybe south of the cities. I think it's supposed to stop around noon.
Yesterday was a busy day....I did some shopping in the morning, and at noon I was at Abbott-Northwestern in South Mpls to see Carrie and Jason's little girl. What a beautiful baby! Carrie is doing well, enjoying every minute she gets in the hospital before she goes home to two under 11 months. I'm sure she'll do just fine. Her mom is here for a few weeks to help too!
At 3:30 I was at Sheila Judds to have another session of Qigong. It seems to really help in my pain management....well, it's almost completely rid me of the pain I was taking 6 Ibuprofen a day for. I'm not taking any now, and only an occassional tylenol. I'm going to see her again next Thursday after I get unplugged from Chemo, and hopefully she can help flush the residuals out of my system, so when I leave for my vacation, I'll be strong.
For some reason I didn't sleep well last night, I was thinking about tonights party, and all the people I worked with, and the changes Continuing Ed went through etc. I had a diet coke after I left Sheila's, and wonder if it was the caffeine? I am so sensitive to that....or maybe Sheila had worked up my energy and it needed to calm back down? I really feel rested when she's done. Don't know the answer.
Looking forward to the party and seeing so many people I haven't seen in years.
Sonya Driste found out that she needs a huge surgery to remove her cancer that has returned and they will need to remove part of her tailbone as well. So up the prayers for her and her family.
My cousin Louie mentioned me in his Caringbridge site the other day, and said I had a "zest for life" and all that life brought, the good and the not so good....we are just happy to be alive. I think life is a gift from God, and I try to live that life to the fullest and thank him for each day. Thank you for helping me to do that, and for all the love you bring to me. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday was a busy day....I did some shopping in the morning, and at noon I was at Abbott-Northwestern in South Mpls to see Carrie and Jason's little girl. What a beautiful baby! Carrie is doing well, enjoying every minute she gets in the hospital before she goes home to two under 11 months. I'm sure she'll do just fine. Her mom is here for a few weeks to help too!
At 3:30 I was at Sheila Judds to have another session of Qigong. It seems to really help in my pain management....well, it's almost completely rid me of the pain I was taking 6 Ibuprofen a day for. I'm not taking any now, and only an occassional tylenol. I'm going to see her again next Thursday after I get unplugged from Chemo, and hopefully she can help flush the residuals out of my system, so when I leave for my vacation, I'll be strong.
For some reason I didn't sleep well last night, I was thinking about tonights party, and all the people I worked with, and the changes Continuing Ed went through etc. I had a diet coke after I left Sheila's, and wonder if it was the caffeine? I am so sensitive to that....or maybe Sheila had worked up my energy and it needed to calm back down? I really feel rested when she's done. Don't know the answer.
Looking forward to the party and seeing so many people I haven't seen in years.
Sonya Driste found out that she needs a huge surgery to remove her cancer that has returned and they will need to remove part of her tailbone as well. So up the prayers for her and her family.
My cousin Louie mentioned me in his Caringbridge site the other day, and said I had a "zest for life" and all that life brought, the good and the not so good....we are just happy to be alive. I think life is a gift from God, and I try to live that life to the fullest and thank him for each day. Thank you for helping me to do that, and for all the love you bring to me. Love and Prayers, m
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Record Breaking Cold!
Not that it is so cold, but the latest time below zero this winter. We broke the record by one day!! It's been a warm dry winter so far. The sun is shining this morning, but they are talking about some light fluffy snow this evening. Still not enough to plow, but maybe.
Yesterday I delivered Meals On Wheels, and then did a little shopping for groceries for myself. Didn't need much, but managed to stretch it over $60. I had a coupon for $5 off $50, so I purposely bought a few things that I knew I would use, but wasn't desperate for. Like Kleenex and batteries.
Finalized more plans for the trip next week. Talked Paul Prather into taking four of us to the airport at 5 a.m.....he doesn't get to my house till 5:30. Twylla and Paul live in Elk River, so they'll stop and pick up Lois in Anoka, and then Bonnie and me at my house. We fly out at 7:15, so I'm hoping getting to the airport at 6-ish will be in good time....cause I don't want to get up any earlier than I have to. I hate mornings. Luckily when we come home it is an afternoon flight and we don't get home till 8 p.m.
Also called Houlihans and got things set up for the Reunion tomorrow night. Was able to give them a number of 22 for sure, and they said they would set for 30 just in case. I'd be shocked if we got more than a couple extra's but we'll see!!
Today, I have a few errands to run, and then I'm going down to see my newest great neice! Syndney Lee Effertz. 1/18/12 Carrie and Jason (Bill and Carol's daughter) had her second little girl in 11 months. She's going to have her hands full, but MacKenzie is so good, she can only hope Syndney is the same.
Later this afternoon, I go to Sheila's and have some more Qigong. The Qigong is working well, and I feel so much better every time I go. I've also added some exercises and some meditations on my own. It's amazing what a difference it has made.
My daughter-in-law Karen was stuck in Seattle with this last snowstorm. Hope she made it home safely. Prayers for my growing list. Love and Prayers, m
Yesterday I delivered Meals On Wheels, and then did a little shopping for groceries for myself. Didn't need much, but managed to stretch it over $60. I had a coupon for $5 off $50, so I purposely bought a few things that I knew I would use, but wasn't desperate for. Like Kleenex and batteries.
Finalized more plans for the trip next week. Talked Paul Prather into taking four of us to the airport at 5 a.m.....he doesn't get to my house till 5:30. Twylla and Paul live in Elk River, so they'll stop and pick up Lois in Anoka, and then Bonnie and me at my house. We fly out at 7:15, so I'm hoping getting to the airport at 6-ish will be in good time....cause I don't want to get up any earlier than I have to. I hate mornings. Luckily when we come home it is an afternoon flight and we don't get home till 8 p.m.
Also called Houlihans and got things set up for the Reunion tomorrow night. Was able to give them a number of 22 for sure, and they said they would set for 30 just in case. I'd be shocked if we got more than a couple extra's but we'll see!!
Today, I have a few errands to run, and then I'm going down to see my newest great neice! Syndney Lee Effertz. 1/18/12 Carrie and Jason (Bill and Carol's daughter) had her second little girl in 11 months. She's going to have her hands full, but MacKenzie is so good, she can only hope Syndney is the same.
Later this afternoon, I go to Sheila's and have some more Qigong. The Qigong is working well, and I feel so much better every time I go. I've also added some exercises and some meditations on my own. It's amazing what a difference it has made.
My daughter-in-law Karen was stuck in Seattle with this last snowstorm. Hope she made it home safely. Prayers for my growing list. Love and Prayers, m
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Good Morning Sunshine
Promise of frigged weather and snow is continually in the forecast, but we seem to keep avoiding it. Tonight the frigged part is supposed to come, and I think I believe them, but it's still going to be in the upper 20's low 30's over the weekend. I think they talked about snow several times in the next week, but we'll see!!
I have to deliver Meals on Wheels today, so I'm happy the weather is descent today!
Yesterday I went and had my infusion of Exturba (the targeted drug) at HHH, and while I was there I got a visitor!! Sherri Cady, computer faculty from ARCC who I worked with for atleast fifteen years, was there for radiation for her breast cancer. She had her chemo there this Fall, so she knew my nurses, and all the staff that I am on a first name basis with. So fun to see and visit with her. She hopes to stop by again next Tuesday when I'm there for chemo. My sister-in-law Carol will be my chemo partner that day, and she and Sherri have birds in common, so I think they would enjoy meeting each other.
Also, Sherri and her husband can use your prayers, I've asked you to pray for Sherri before, but I didn't know her husband is also in need. He has a ruptured disc in his back that has been repaired once and he was doing well, but this winter it blew out again, and he is in terrible pain. It seems each day I'm adding more to my list. Sherri says it seems she takes one step forward and two back....I remember saying that myself lots of times. Right now, it's hard to feel sorry for myself, when so many friends are in so much worse shape than me.
Not much else to report for the day, I did get a chance to talk to Aunt Loretta, and got a few emails of people RSVPing for a Reunion we are having on Friday night. I think we will have about 24 partying with us, who all worked at the building on the hill, the church, the CDC/TDC/PTC or whatever they called the building I worked in for a lot of years. It should be great fun.
Till tomorrow, keep those thoughts and prayers, coming. Love and prayers, m
I have to deliver Meals on Wheels today, so I'm happy the weather is descent today!
Yesterday I went and had my infusion of Exturba (the targeted drug) at HHH, and while I was there I got a visitor!! Sherri Cady, computer faculty from ARCC who I worked with for atleast fifteen years, was there for radiation for her breast cancer. She had her chemo there this Fall, so she knew my nurses, and all the staff that I am on a first name basis with. So fun to see and visit with her. She hopes to stop by again next Tuesday when I'm there for chemo. My sister-in-law Carol will be my chemo partner that day, and she and Sherri have birds in common, so I think they would enjoy meeting each other.
Also, Sherri and her husband can use your prayers, I've asked you to pray for Sherri before, but I didn't know her husband is also in need. He has a ruptured disc in his back that has been repaired once and he was doing well, but this winter it blew out again, and he is in terrible pain. It seems each day I'm adding more to my list. Sherri says it seems she takes one step forward and two back....I remember saying that myself lots of times. Right now, it's hard to feel sorry for myself, when so many friends are in so much worse shape than me.
Not much else to report for the day, I did get a chance to talk to Aunt Loretta, and got a few emails of people RSVPing for a Reunion we are having on Friday night. I think we will have about 24 partying with us, who all worked at the building on the hill, the church, the CDC/TDC/PTC or whatever they called the building I worked in for a lot of years. It should be great fun.
Till tomorrow, keep those thoughts and prayers, coming. Love and prayers, m
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Dusting of Snow!
I don't know what happened to the snow and cold this winter....not complaining much....saving money from plowing the cabin out....but it's really strange. I thought we were going to get an inch this morning, but my driveway is barely dusted with snow. We are going to get a few days of cold....maybe in the first negative temps below zero on Thursday night....which will be a record too!
I slept great again last night, but I think it was cause I worked so hard watching Janet clean my house yesterday. Really I did help. I put away all the Christmas jewelry I had strewn on top of the dresser and also through all my dirty clothes down the shoot. I bagged up a bag of clothes for Lupus which is being picked up today. I put all the Christmas CD's back in their cases and put them away. I took down all the Christmas decor like the Nativity scene etc. and went through my large basket of magazines, and through away a whole bag of recycling from it. By the time Janet left at 3 p.m. I was beat, but I didn't nap...just rested, watching TV and playing on the computer. When 10:30 came I was ready for bed!!
The house is cobweb free and smells so nice and clean. I can't hardly stand it.
While we were taking buckets to the basement and putting them in the storeroom, she picked up this old guitar and asked who's it was?...I don't remember where it came from, but I knew it didn't work well, and cousin Jeannie had tried to fix it once, but said it wasn't fixable....the kids have all abused it, and I don't know why I was keeping it....so Janet suggested I put it out with the clothes I was giving to Lupus....so I did. Then when she left she put the guitar and bag out in front on the garage, and made the comment that it wouldn't go anywhere, and I said even if it was stolen I didn't care. Later in the evening, I got a knock on the front door and went to the door to find my neighbor Wendy and her son LJ, and she said he wanted to ask me something. So he asked if he could have the guitar? I said sure and he was thrilled. How fun!! I hope he doesn't drive them crazy with it.
Today I go for my infusion for that targeted drug (Erbitux) that is supposed to make the chemo work better. It will take a couple of hours, and I plan on going by myself and do some reading or playing on the computer for a while.
I have a few new requests for prayers. My dear friend (almost brother) Jim Zimmer who was my dance partner, had back surgery to correct a twisting spine and a lot of pain he's been in for years last week. He is doing well, and is now straight and an inch taller than he was. He will be in rehab therapy for a few months, but is doing well. My cousin Judy saw the ortho doctor again yesterday about her knee and arm, and he is sending her to a surgeon, and for an MRI of her arm. May have cortezone shots in both the arm and knee again, before they go to surgery on the knee. Anyway, she can use some prayers. Keep up all the prayers for all the others I have on my list...and Thank you for all the prayers for them and me. Love and Prayers, m
I slept great again last night, but I think it was cause I worked so hard watching Janet clean my house yesterday. Really I did help. I put away all the Christmas jewelry I had strewn on top of the dresser and also through all my dirty clothes down the shoot. I bagged up a bag of clothes for Lupus which is being picked up today. I put all the Christmas CD's back in their cases and put them away. I took down all the Christmas decor like the Nativity scene etc. and went through my large basket of magazines, and through away a whole bag of recycling from it. By the time Janet left at 3 p.m. I was beat, but I didn't nap...just rested, watching TV and playing on the computer. When 10:30 came I was ready for bed!!
The house is cobweb free and smells so nice and clean. I can't hardly stand it.
While we were taking buckets to the basement and putting them in the storeroom, she picked up this old guitar and asked who's it was?...I don't remember where it came from, but I knew it didn't work well, and cousin Jeannie had tried to fix it once, but said it wasn't fixable....the kids have all abused it, and I don't know why I was keeping it....so Janet suggested I put it out with the clothes I was giving to Lupus....so I did. Then when she left she put the guitar and bag out in front on the garage, and made the comment that it wouldn't go anywhere, and I said even if it was stolen I didn't care. Later in the evening, I got a knock on the front door and went to the door to find my neighbor Wendy and her son LJ, and she said he wanted to ask me something. So he asked if he could have the guitar? I said sure and he was thrilled. How fun!! I hope he doesn't drive them crazy with it.
Today I go for my infusion for that targeted drug (Erbitux) that is supposed to make the chemo work better. It will take a couple of hours, and I plan on going by myself and do some reading or playing on the computer for a while.
I have a few new requests for prayers. My dear friend (almost brother) Jim Zimmer who was my dance partner, had back surgery to correct a twisting spine and a lot of pain he's been in for years last week. He is doing well, and is now straight and an inch taller than he was. He will be in rehab therapy for a few months, but is doing well. My cousin Judy saw the ortho doctor again yesterday about her knee and arm, and he is sending her to a surgeon, and for an MRI of her arm. May have cortezone shots in both the arm and knee again, before they go to surgery on the knee. Anyway, she can use some prayers. Keep up all the prayers for all the others I have on my list...and Thank you for all the prayers for them and me. Love and Prayers, m
Monday, January 16, 2012
Waiting for the Sun
Yesterday I wrote when it was still dark, but as the day progressed, the sun came out and was shining so brightly, it made it difficult to drive when facing it. But it was a lovely day.
After church I went home had breakfast a quick rest and then took off for the hospital, didn't need the rest but didn't want to go to the hospital at 10:30 a.m.
When I arrived at the hospital I found Mary sitting up in a lounge chair bright and smiling....you'd never have guessed that she was the patient supposed to be lying in that bed next to her. Their is no doubt that she is going to pull through this without a problem.
She is a walker and walks about an hour each day, and said she walked right up till she went to the hospital to have the surgery....even her doctor told her that that is what was going to pull her through.
We visited for about an hour, talking a lot about the good old days and all the fun we had when our kids were little and almost the same age, and we went to the same ob etc. My cousin Joe and Sandi had Joey and Lynn, our friend Bonnie and Bob had Joe, Bill, Mary and Sue, and Jerry and Mary had Terry, Bob, Ron and Mike. We all were in the same boat, and we spent weekends at the lake and dances at the local ballrooms, while our kids all grew up together. It was such a great time of our lives. Then school and sports and jobs got in the way, and we kinda drifted a part...not really, just not as close as we were when the kids were little. But we stayed friends all these years. So anyway it was a good time reminiscing.
About an hour or so after I arrived, some of Mary's relatives from Wisconsin arrived, so I took off, but I was sure that all the prayers coming her way were really working!! Thanks!!
Today I will be cleaning house with my cousin Janet....or maybe I'll watch! hehe!
I've actually already started cleaning, as I took the coffee grounds out of the pot and was going to throw them into the garbage the filter broke and poured out onto the floor and rug, so I've already had to clean that up. YUK!
No other big plans. I did have a good night, and am feeling great, so keep those prayers coming. Also for Mary, Sonja Driste who see's a specialist tomorrow for her rectal cancer that has returned, Lottie who is looking for hunger to eat, and her husband DuWayne who wants a quieter non swearing roommate....and always cousin Louie.
Love and prayers, m
After church I went home had breakfast a quick rest and then took off for the hospital, didn't need the rest but didn't want to go to the hospital at 10:30 a.m.
When I arrived at the hospital I found Mary sitting up in a lounge chair bright and smiling....you'd never have guessed that she was the patient supposed to be lying in that bed next to her. Their is no doubt that she is going to pull through this without a problem.
She is a walker and walks about an hour each day, and said she walked right up till she went to the hospital to have the surgery....even her doctor told her that that is what was going to pull her through.
We visited for about an hour, talking a lot about the good old days and all the fun we had when our kids were little and almost the same age, and we went to the same ob etc. My cousin Joe and Sandi had Joey and Lynn, our friend Bonnie and Bob had Joe, Bill, Mary and Sue, and Jerry and Mary had Terry, Bob, Ron and Mike. We all were in the same boat, and we spent weekends at the lake and dances at the local ballrooms, while our kids all grew up together. It was such a great time of our lives. Then school and sports and jobs got in the way, and we kinda drifted a part...not really, just not as close as we were when the kids were little. But we stayed friends all these years. So anyway it was a good time reminiscing.
About an hour or so after I arrived, some of Mary's relatives from Wisconsin arrived, so I took off, but I was sure that all the prayers coming her way were really working!! Thanks!!
Today I will be cleaning house with my cousin Janet....or maybe I'll watch! hehe!
I've actually already started cleaning, as I took the coffee grounds out of the pot and was going to throw them into the garbage the filter broke and poured out onto the floor and rug, so I've already had to clean that up. YUK!
No other big plans. I did have a good night, and am feeling great, so keep those prayers coming. Also for Mary, Sonja Driste who see's a specialist tomorrow for her rectal cancer that has returned, Lottie who is looking for hunger to eat, and her husband DuWayne who wants a quieter non swearing roommate....and always cousin Louie.
Love and prayers, m
Sunday, January 15, 2012
It's Still Dark so I Can't Comment on the Day!
I had a good night, and now am up getting ready for church....I hate getting up early in the morning, but for some reason, it doesn't feel too bad today, I must have gotten enough sleep...and I'm not in pain.
I was vegging yesterday after my cousin Judy left around 1:30, and then around 2:30 got a phone call from Jimbo checking up on me, and wondering if I had the ornaments off my tree yet, so he could come and take it down, I said no, and I thought it wouldn't happen till today or tomorrow when my cousin Janet comes to help me clean. As I hung up and layed back down on the couch I felt a little guilty, and finally went downstairs and got the boxes I needed to pack the ornaments in and sat down in front of the tree and started undecorating it. Soon, I called Jimbo back and said give me 15 minutes and I'll have it all done...well it took him a little longer than that to get here, but by 4:30, we were sitting visiting with the tree and ornaments already in the basement. It feels so good. Thank you Jimbo for giving me that boost I needed to get that done.
As soon as he left, I left for the Hockey games. I stopped at Arby's and got some dinner and took it in with me....and proceeded to sit for 4+ hours on a bench. I did do a lot of standing when possible inbetween periods, but was yawning a lot by about 9 a.m., and when the game ended I took off for home. Didn't stay up late either, I think I was in bed by 11 pm.
I found out yesterday morning on Facebook, that my cousin Jerry's wife was in North Memorial Hospital and had had surgery on Friday to remove a cancerous tumor from her lung. They removed 3/4 of her lung and 1 lymph node. I guess she was diagnosed 2 weeks ago. I plan on going up to the hospital to see her this afternoon, but I would ask you to please pray for her and her family. She is also a widow, and has already lost one son to ALS, it's been a rough last 10 years.
Keep those thoughts and prayers coming. Love and Prayers, m
I was vegging yesterday after my cousin Judy left around 1:30, and then around 2:30 got a phone call from Jimbo checking up on me, and wondering if I had the ornaments off my tree yet, so he could come and take it down, I said no, and I thought it wouldn't happen till today or tomorrow when my cousin Janet comes to help me clean. As I hung up and layed back down on the couch I felt a little guilty, and finally went downstairs and got the boxes I needed to pack the ornaments in and sat down in front of the tree and started undecorating it. Soon, I called Jimbo back and said give me 15 minutes and I'll have it all done...well it took him a little longer than that to get here, but by 4:30, we were sitting visiting with the tree and ornaments already in the basement. It feels so good. Thank you Jimbo for giving me that boost I needed to get that done.
As soon as he left, I left for the Hockey games. I stopped at Arby's and got some dinner and took it in with me....and proceeded to sit for 4+ hours on a bench. I did do a lot of standing when possible inbetween periods, but was yawning a lot by about 9 a.m., and when the game ended I took off for home. Didn't stay up late either, I think I was in bed by 11 pm.
I found out yesterday morning on Facebook, that my cousin Jerry's wife was in North Memorial Hospital and had had surgery on Friday to remove a cancerous tumor from her lung. They removed 3/4 of her lung and 1 lymph node. I guess she was diagnosed 2 weeks ago. I plan on going up to the hospital to see her this afternoon, but I would ask you to please pray for her and her family. She is also a widow, and has already lost one son to ALS, it's been a rough last 10 years.
Keep those thoughts and prayers coming. Love and Prayers, m
Saturday, January 14, 2012
They keep saying we are going to get snow, but I don't see any...not that I'm complaining, but I know some of you really need it!
Judy (my cousin) came up to Coon Rapids, for dinner and a play with me and my Women's Club. We say the "Dixie Swim Club Team" at the Lyric Arts Theater in Anoka. It was hilarious, and just the medicine we needed. We laughed all the way through it. If you are looking for a laugh, I encourage you to go.
I got the coffee on, but Judy is still in bed, I imagine she'll be up soon and we'll have breakfast and she will wander back to Shakopee....just hoping she doesn't get stuck in the snow if it does come.
Got to check out the hockey schedule and see if I have something to do this afternoon and evening. My back is feeling so much better as the week goes on and the bladder infection is gone.
Keep the prayers coming, we can always use them. Love and Prayers, m
Judy (my cousin) came up to Coon Rapids, for dinner and a play with me and my Women's Club. We say the "Dixie Swim Club Team" at the Lyric Arts Theater in Anoka. It was hilarious, and just the medicine we needed. We laughed all the way through it. If you are looking for a laugh, I encourage you to go.
I got the coffee on, but Judy is still in bed, I imagine she'll be up soon and we'll have breakfast and she will wander back to Shakopee....just hoping she doesn't get stuck in the snow if it does come.
Got to check out the hockey schedule and see if I have something to do this afternoon and evening. My back is feeling so much better as the week goes on and the bladder infection is gone.
Keep the prayers coming, we can always use them. Love and Prayers, m
Friday, January 13, 2012
Still Grey But Warming up a Bit!
The chemo is done for the week and I am feeling fine. I slept in again this morning till 9 a.m., but I got up at 5 a.m. and took two extra strength tylenol. So that may have helped.
I have Judy coming this afternoon and we are going to the play up at the Lyric Arts Theater, and proceed that with dinner at Bennegin's up at Riverdale. Sounds like she is having problems with her knee, so hope she brings her walker and handicapped sticker to hang in my car. Luckily we don't have snow and ice for her to contend with.
I missed the garbage pick up today, but saw the trucks go by when I opened by blinds this morning. I think I can wait till next week, as I only had two small bags in the bottom of the can, and it's cold enough to keep the smell down. Last week they picked up on Saturday, and this week on Friday, so Thursday night I forgot all about it.
Must do so tidying up of the house before Judy comes, and need to do some shopping...I'm out of bread and a few other things....plus we need to bring socks tonight to the play for the ACBC food shelf.
Nothing else new around here....DuWayne, Lottie's husband is doing great and will be moved to a rehab in Anoka today. Haven't heard about the others but hope they are doing good too!
Love and Prayers, m
I have Judy coming this afternoon and we are going to the play up at the Lyric Arts Theater, and proceed that with dinner at Bennegin's up at Riverdale. Sounds like she is having problems with her knee, so hope she brings her walker and handicapped sticker to hang in my car. Luckily we don't have snow and ice for her to contend with.
I missed the garbage pick up today, but saw the trucks go by when I opened by blinds this morning. I think I can wait till next week, as I only had two small bags in the bottom of the can, and it's cold enough to keep the smell down. Last week they picked up on Saturday, and this week on Friday, so Thursday night I forgot all about it.
Must do so tidying up of the house before Judy comes, and need to do some shopping...I'm out of bread and a few other things....plus we need to bring socks tonight to the play for the ACBC food shelf.
Nothing else new around here....DuWayne, Lottie's husband is doing great and will be moved to a rehab in Anoka today. Haven't heard about the others but hope they are doing good too!
Love and Prayers, m
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Day 3 Round 1 or so and Get Unplugged!
Slept late, must have been making up for the night before. But it has thrown off my whole day....I took all my meds late, and then turned on the computer (Which I left Hibernated) and it went to a windows screen and I said to open normally, and that took a about 10 minutes or so, then Adobe Screen came up and said I needed to install updates, so I said okay, and then it had to restart the computer again, and then I went into my email, and had a message on facebook I wanted to go into, and then they didn't like my password, so I had to redo that which took me to several screens answering questions, and going back to my email to get a code to put in to enter a new password etc. etc. etc. then I'm finally in to my blog. Actually a whole hour after I got out of bed. A little exasperated by now.
The weather is bleak, but no snow on the ground which I'm sure is disheartening to Jimbo and the tire business, but I think Chicago may have some, so those Sorels may leave Kick's shoes shelves. As for me I hate the blawsss but I know the Son is here with me, as I'm feeling great and the chemo gets unplugged today!
Got several phone calls yesterday checking on me. Jimbo,(who will come and take down my Christmas tree when I have it undecorated) Janet (who is coming to help me decobweb my house next Monday) LaVonne, who brought over the book I told you about yesterday, and some broccoli salad and then returned with her husband and the neighbor Jim to scrap the ice off my driveway before snow arrived and made it worse. Then Jim the neighbor called later and told me he had been back and put salt on the driveway as well. Talked to Bonnie and have tied up the plans for our trip....and I'm sure I talked to more....the phone rang a lot, but I can't remember right now. Got lots of well wished on Facebook too! So the Son is shining behind all those grey clouds.
No big plans after getting unplugged this afternoon....I think I'll come back home and hibernate again. Love and prayers, m
The weather is bleak, but no snow on the ground which I'm sure is disheartening to Jimbo and the tire business, but I think Chicago may have some, so those Sorels may leave Kick's shoes shelves. As for me I hate the blawsss but I know the Son is here with me, as I'm feeling great and the chemo gets unplugged today!
Got several phone calls yesterday checking on me. Jimbo,(who will come and take down my Christmas tree when I have it undecorated) Janet (who is coming to help me decobweb my house next Monday) LaVonne, who brought over the book I told you about yesterday, and some broccoli salad and then returned with her husband and the neighbor Jim to scrap the ice off my driveway before snow arrived and made it worse. Then Jim the neighbor called later and told me he had been back and put salt on the driveway as well. Talked to Bonnie and have tied up the plans for our trip....and I'm sure I talked to more....the phone rang a lot, but I can't remember right now. Got lots of well wished on Facebook too! So the Son is shining behind all those grey clouds.
No big plans after getting unplugged this afternoon....I think I'll come back home and hibernate again. Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Day Two Round 1 of Numerous other Round 1's
The Son shone brightly yesterday bringing many blessings, and a record high temp of 52. I did have a few mishaps or problems, like later in the afternoon around 1:30 I got a little light headed, and near nausea, but not quite....so they stopped the chemo drip for a while, and had Dr. Londer come over and check me. They took my blood pressure, listened to my heart took my pulse etc. and Dr. Londer told me I looked great, an I told him he always says that, and then he said well medically I looked great and then he back peddled a little bit and said I also "look" great. I laughed. But they resumed the drip and I felt a little better by the time I went home. The other problem was all the fluids they were pumping into me all day, also flushed my urinary tract very well, in fact, I think it took care of that bladder infection, but the bad part was that every time I stood up it flowed out of me uncontrollably, I filled two poise pads, wet my pants and jeans and finally they found me an adult diaper to wear which held me till I got home. So even though it was embarrassing, I no long have that back pain that was bothering me for the last week or so. They did do another urine sample before they would refill the antibiotic for that infection, but if that was still there, they will know tomorrow, and give me more ciperol, I'm guessing it is gone by the way I feel today.
My neighbor LaVonne Burrington was great company for the day, and we pretty much talked non-stop. She also grew up in South Minneapolis, so that made for lots of conversations, and she is now reading a book called "Life on Pleasant" which is about life in the 60's along Pleasant Avenue. She attended Incarnation, and Theres McCarthy (mom's cousins, Ma Bluett's daughter) lived on 35th and Pleasant. Also knew lots of other families in that area as it bordered on Holy Name Parish community. She's going to give me the book to read as soon as she is done with it. I can't wait.
The evening went well, although I did take a few cat naps throughout the evening.
Sleeping during the night on the other hand was back to par for the 1st night of chemo, and I slept till 1:30 and got up to pee, and then slept till 2:48 and that is the last I slept till sometime after 6:06 when the alarm radio went off, and I remember listening to the music for a short while and then I fell asleep till just after 7 a.m. and forced myself to stay in bed till just after 8 when I couldn't stand it anymore. I do feel fine, as I spent a lot of the time meditating and in prayer. Thankfully I was not in any pain as the med for RLS and Nueropathy seems to be working well.
Today I have no plans was supposed to deliver Meals on Wheels but cancelled out last night figuring I wouldn't be in any shape to work, and they found me a replacement right away. I'm on the list for next week too, and I'm sure I'll be able to do that. Looks like with the weather today, I'm really glad I backed out.
Thank you all for all the great prayers, I really felt the blessings. Evidently the prayers for Lottie's husband worked well too! Keep them coming, Love and Prayers, m
My neighbor LaVonne Burrington was great company for the day, and we pretty much talked non-stop. She also grew up in South Minneapolis, so that made for lots of conversations, and she is now reading a book called "Life on Pleasant" which is about life in the 60's along Pleasant Avenue. She attended Incarnation, and Theres McCarthy (mom's cousins, Ma Bluett's daughter) lived on 35th and Pleasant. Also knew lots of other families in that area as it bordered on Holy Name Parish community. She's going to give me the book to read as soon as she is done with it. I can't wait.
The evening went well, although I did take a few cat naps throughout the evening.
Sleeping during the night on the other hand was back to par for the 1st night of chemo, and I slept till 1:30 and got up to pee, and then slept till 2:48 and that is the last I slept till sometime after 6:06 when the alarm radio went off, and I remember listening to the music for a short while and then I fell asleep till just after 7 a.m. and forced myself to stay in bed till just after 8 when I couldn't stand it anymore. I do feel fine, as I spent a lot of the time meditating and in prayer. Thankfully I was not in any pain as the med for RLS and Nueropathy seems to be working well.
Today I have no plans was supposed to deliver Meals on Wheels but cancelled out last night figuring I wouldn't be in any shape to work, and they found me a replacement right away. I'm on the list for next week too, and I'm sure I'll be able to do that. Looks like with the weather today, I'm really glad I backed out.
Thank you all for all the great prayers, I really felt the blessings. Evidently the prayers for Lottie's husband worked well too! Keep them coming, Love and Prayers, m
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Day One of Round One
Well, here we go again....restarting the process of getting rid of these darn spots!
I woke up at 6 a.m. and waited for the alarm to go off in 6 minutes. So can you believe I am writing this at 6:20?
It's going to be a beautiful day with record temps and lots of sun so maybe God is sending me lots of Sonshine to start my chemo. I can only hope! I know the warm dry weather is killing a lot of business(nobody wants boots or tires) but they are talking about a little snow tomorrow and really cold for a few days. I know this is MN and we will pay for this spring weather we are having.
I was going to have this written last night before I went to bed and just upload it to the blog this morning, but I was really busy getting tickets for our trip. A couple of weeks ago the cheapest way to Myrtle Beach was $401 and had 2 stops. Then we looked last week thinking prices would go down after the Holidays, but to our surprise that same ticket was going to cost $425. So we waited to see if they finally would go down, and low and behold the same ticket was now $502. Well we weren't going to pay that, so Bonnie and I talked and since we had only 5 going, maybe we could fly into Charleston and rent a car and drive the 94 miles to Myrtle Beach. So I went in and changed my destination to Charleston, and would you believe we can fly there with only 1 stop for $375 each? Wow what a deal. We also got a full size car for only $225. So with gas, it probably will only cost about $50 each, and we'll have a car to go anywhere we want during the week. Like grocery shopping so we can make some of our meals. So it's looking good all around!
This morning LaVonne Burrington will pick me up at 7:45 and go with me to HHH in Robinsdale to have my chemo. I have my deck of cards and a few magazines etc. to keep up busy, and I'm taking my new Nook to see how it works with different WiFi systems. I want to get good at using it. They are having a class of Barnes and Noble on Thursday night, so hopefully I'll make that too!
My friend Lottie who I've asked you to pray for, now needs prayers for her husband who is having surgery today. Sonya is having a biopsy today too, so lots of prayers needed. Love and prayers, m
I woke up at 6 a.m. and waited for the alarm to go off in 6 minutes. So can you believe I am writing this at 6:20?
It's going to be a beautiful day with record temps and lots of sun so maybe God is sending me lots of Sonshine to start my chemo. I can only hope! I know the warm dry weather is killing a lot of business(nobody wants boots or tires) but they are talking about a little snow tomorrow and really cold for a few days. I know this is MN and we will pay for this spring weather we are having.
I was going to have this written last night before I went to bed and just upload it to the blog this morning, but I was really busy getting tickets for our trip. A couple of weeks ago the cheapest way to Myrtle Beach was $401 and had 2 stops. Then we looked last week thinking prices would go down after the Holidays, but to our surprise that same ticket was going to cost $425. So we waited to see if they finally would go down, and low and behold the same ticket was now $502. Well we weren't going to pay that, so Bonnie and I talked and since we had only 5 going, maybe we could fly into Charleston and rent a car and drive the 94 miles to Myrtle Beach. So I went in and changed my destination to Charleston, and would you believe we can fly there with only 1 stop for $375 each? Wow what a deal. We also got a full size car for only $225. So with gas, it probably will only cost about $50 each, and we'll have a car to go anywhere we want during the week. Like grocery shopping so we can make some of our meals. So it's looking good all around!
This morning LaVonne Burrington will pick me up at 7:45 and go with me to HHH in Robinsdale to have my chemo. I have my deck of cards and a few magazines etc. to keep up busy, and I'm taking my new Nook to see how it works with different WiFi systems. I want to get good at using it. They are having a class of Barnes and Noble on Thursday night, so hopefully I'll make that too!
My friend Lottie who I've asked you to pray for, now needs prayers for her husband who is having surgery today. Sonya is having a biopsy today too, so lots of prayers needed. Love and prayers, m
Monday, January 9, 2012
The Sun is Shining!
Love waking up to Sun!! Had a pretty good night of sleep. I didn't get up and take any meds during the night, but I did take two vicadone pills before I went to bed. Also my regular meds....the fourth day pill of five for the bladder infection. It is better, but it doesn't seem to be gone as far as the back pain goes. Luckily I see the doctors tomorrow when I start chemo. My goal is to rid myself of all those extra pain stuff. But I think I've been on them (Ibuprofen) for the last 18 months or so....well at least since I had my surgery in Oct. of 2010.
Enough of that...Yesterday Bonnie, Lois and I went to the show "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo". We all enjoyed it, liked the actors playing the special characters. I especially like Rooney Mara who played Lisbeth. She looked exactly like what I had made her look like in my mind when I was reading the books. I was worried about the bad things that happen and that I would be closing my eyes....but that never happened. I guess I knew what was going to happen, and it wasn't as graphically horrid as it could have been. All in all I liked it a lot, and can't wait for the next two movies come out. Lois and Bonnie felt the same way.
When I got home, I worked on my Christmas cards....almost done....but need to print out another 14 letters....the envelops are addressed and ready for them to be stuffed. So I'll finish that this morning. I maybe would have finished last night, but I also got several phone calls.
Norma called and her friend doesn't want to go on the trip with us the end of the month and then I called Jan Ranum and she can't go, so I guess we will be going with 5, and after talking to Bonnie, we've resolved that 5 would be easier if we rent a car, so it will be fine. We'll have fun no matter what the number.
I also talked to Kathleen, and she really is enjoying her new job. She likes all the people she is working with, she likes her office space, and she likes working with the clients. I think this is just what the doctor ordered....or in other words...great for her!! Plus it gives her something to do so she's not spending all her time worrying about me.
After talking to Kathleen, Aunt Loretta called (another one who worries about me). I told her I was doing fine...but that I had a bladder infection, and she was shocked that the doctor only gave me a 5-day prescription for ciperol. She always gets a 10 day prescription, and has even had to have that refilled. She has had several infections in the last couple of years, so she knows what she's talking about. She thinks I should tell the doctor to give me more!! LOL I guess we'll see how I feel tomorrow...maybe she's right!
Today I'm having lunch with the Retiree's and Wannabee's, and then I have the rest of the day to do something. I guess I should start taking down the Christmas decorations....we'll see. I'll need help with the tree. So we'll have to see who can come and help with that.
Nothing else to report. Please keep all my friends in your prayers, Love and Prayers, m
Enough of that...Yesterday Bonnie, Lois and I went to the show "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo". We all enjoyed it, liked the actors playing the special characters. I especially like Rooney Mara who played Lisbeth. She looked exactly like what I had made her look like in my mind when I was reading the books. I was worried about the bad things that happen and that I would be closing my eyes....but that never happened. I guess I knew what was going to happen, and it wasn't as graphically horrid as it could have been. All in all I liked it a lot, and can't wait for the next two movies come out. Lois and Bonnie felt the same way.
When I got home, I worked on my Christmas cards....almost done....but need to print out another 14 letters....the envelops are addressed and ready for them to be stuffed. So I'll finish that this morning. I maybe would have finished last night, but I also got several phone calls.
Norma called and her friend doesn't want to go on the trip with us the end of the month and then I called Jan Ranum and she can't go, so I guess we will be going with 5, and after talking to Bonnie, we've resolved that 5 would be easier if we rent a car, so it will be fine. We'll have fun no matter what the number.
I also talked to Kathleen, and she really is enjoying her new job. She likes all the people she is working with, she likes her office space, and she likes working with the clients. I think this is just what the doctor ordered....or in other words...great for her!! Plus it gives her something to do so she's not spending all her time worrying about me.
After talking to Kathleen, Aunt Loretta called (another one who worries about me). I told her I was doing fine...but that I had a bladder infection, and she was shocked that the doctor only gave me a 5-day prescription for ciperol. She always gets a 10 day prescription, and has even had to have that refilled. She has had several infections in the last couple of years, so she knows what she's talking about. She thinks I should tell the doctor to give me more!! LOL I guess we'll see how I feel tomorrow...maybe she's right!
Today I'm having lunch with the Retiree's and Wannabee's, and then I have the rest of the day to do something. I guess I should start taking down the Christmas decorations....we'll see. I'll need help with the tree. So we'll have to see who can come and help with that.
Nothing else to report. Please keep all my friends in your prayers, Love and Prayers, m
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Looks Like A Great Day
I woke up 1/2 hour after I set my alarm for. I don't know why it didn't wake me when it came on (it's the radio not a buzzing alarm)? I do know I had to hurry and get my shower, get dressed and do my hair and make-up done. I walked into church a couple of minutes late, but not by much. The standing in church was killing me, and I ended up sitting down a lot when every one else was standing.
After church I ended up coming home and taking a nap. So thus, the late writing of this blog. I may have to start writing the night before and just posting it in the morning. I have to be at chemo at 8:30 on Tuesday, and if I had trouble with church at 8:30, it will be even harder at HHH. They want you there 15 min. early for an appointment, and it takes 20-25 minutes to get there depending on the traffic. So for sure I'll write that one the night before.
This afternoon I will go with Bonnie and Lois to the Movie, and then I will finish doing my New Years Cards (really Christmas cards...but really late) I started last night and did about 25 or so of them. I guess if I go print another 25, I could do them while listening to the football game...as I really don't care who wins.
Having lunch with the retiree's and wannabee's tomorrow at Boston's in Riverdale, so that will be fun, no other big plans for either evening.
Forgot to remind you to pray for Sonja Driste (mother of a hockey player on Nicole's team). Sonja has a similar cancer to mine, but it hasn't gone to her lungs. She has been in remission for about 2 years, and now is having problems and they are doing a biopsy on Tuesday. So it may be growing again. So keep her in your prayers along with all those I mentioned yesterday. Love and prayers, m
After church I ended up coming home and taking a nap. So thus, the late writing of this blog. I may have to start writing the night before and just posting it in the morning. I have to be at chemo at 8:30 on Tuesday, and if I had trouble with church at 8:30, it will be even harder at HHH. They want you there 15 min. early for an appointment, and it takes 20-25 minutes to get there depending on the traffic. So for sure I'll write that one the night before.
This afternoon I will go with Bonnie and Lois to the Movie, and then I will finish doing my New Years Cards (really Christmas cards...but really late) I started last night and did about 25 or so of them. I guess if I go print another 25, I could do them while listening to the football game...as I really don't care who wins.
Having lunch with the retiree's and wannabee's tomorrow at Boston's in Riverdale, so that will be fun, no other big plans for either evening.
Forgot to remind you to pray for Sonja Driste (mother of a hockey player on Nicole's team). Sonja has a similar cancer to mine, but it hasn't gone to her lungs. She has been in remission for about 2 years, and now is having problems and they are doing a biopsy on Tuesday. So it may be growing again. So keep her in your prayers along with all those I mentioned yesterday. Love and prayers, m
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Strangest January I can Remember
Strange weather and strange pains! I guess you all know about the weather, so I won't go into that, but the strange pains are mine. I took my new med for the RLS and neuropathy last night before I went to bed at about 10:30, then at about 11:30 I remembered I hadn't taken my normal med simvistatin so I got up and got that, then at 12:15 I still wasn't sleeping, and my low back and tailbone was aching so I got up and took a vicadine and went back to bed, and at 1:30 my back was even worse than it was at 12:15, so I got up and took another vicadine and went back to bed and started praying....I don't know how long that went on, cause I finally fell asleep and didn't wake up till 7:30 this morning, and decided to get up and take the neurotin all 3 times today as recommended by the doctor. He originally said I should start by only taking it at night, so I did, but now will take it every 8 hours as prescribed. I don't know if the back pain is the bladder infection or what...but it isn't helped by the neurotin med at all...and it obviously isn't causing me to go to sleep, so it's safe to take during the daytime.
I went to the women's club meeting at the Schwanns Center in Blaine to talk about the decorations for our Spring Brunch and Style Show. I had volunteered to help with that, and they need an older member of the club, cause all the other volunteers are new to the club. This is also a new venue and I was familiar with it as the College had used it in the past. So I do have some knowledge I can share with them.
Then last afternoon and evening I did 4 loads of laundry. It's all folded and put away too!
Today I plan on going to the Andover Hockey Rink to see Nicole and Allie play, and then come home and figure out something to do. I may start gathering all my stuff for my taxes. All the medical info is the biggest challenge for that. But other than that I have no plans.
Tomorrow I will go to church and hope to find someone to go to breakfast with. Then Bonnie Sass, Lois Bjerke and I will go to see a movie (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo). All three of us have read the trilogy and look forward to seeing the movie.
Looking forward to that, except I may have to close my eyes through parts of it.
Keep praying for my friends who are also battling cancer like me....Sherri Cady, Ginny Martinson, Lottie Virnig, Mike Burrington and also my cousin Louie. Love and prayers, m
I went to the women's club meeting at the Schwanns Center in Blaine to talk about the decorations for our Spring Brunch and Style Show. I had volunteered to help with that, and they need an older member of the club, cause all the other volunteers are new to the club. This is also a new venue and I was familiar with it as the College had used it in the past. So I do have some knowledge I can share with them.
Then last afternoon and evening I did 4 loads of laundry. It's all folded and put away too!
Today I plan on going to the Andover Hockey Rink to see Nicole and Allie play, and then come home and figure out something to do. I may start gathering all my stuff for my taxes. All the medical info is the biggest challenge for that. But other than that I have no plans.
Tomorrow I will go to church and hope to find someone to go to breakfast with. Then Bonnie Sass, Lois Bjerke and I will go to see a movie (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo). All three of us have read the trilogy and look forward to seeing the movie.
Looking forward to that, except I may have to close my eyes through parts of it.
Keep praying for my friends who are also battling cancer like me....Sherri Cady, Ginny Martinson, Lottie Virnig, Mike Burrington and also my cousin Louie. Love and prayers, m
Friday, January 6, 2012
Heading Up the Hill
Yesterday was the start of a New Year (not very well) but today is better, and I hope will each day will continue the climb up out of this pit I'm in. I awoke this morning with an aching pain in my hips, but I took my meds, and I'm already feeling better. I slept so much better last night only waking up once which is amazing for me. So may be I layed in one position long enough to make my hips stiffen up. My head feels a lot clearer.
I spent most of the afternoon sleeping, and went to bed around 11 p.m. which is really early for me. So nothing to report that you don't know.
Today I'm going over to Schwanns Center, to meet some of the Women's Club to see the venue where our Spring Brunch has moved too for 2012. We will beable to make some decisions on decorations etc. They took my recommendations on the colors of green and yellow and grass and daffodils for the centerpieces. I'm looking forward to that!
No big plans for the rest of the day, I may have to resort to laundry and maybe a little grocery shopping.
OMG the garbage is being picked up today....I thought tomorrow....I need to get mine out quick. Love and Prayers, m
I spent most of the afternoon sleeping, and went to bed around 11 p.m. which is really early for me. So nothing to report that you don't know.
Today I'm going over to Schwanns Center, to meet some of the Women's Club to see the venue where our Spring Brunch has moved too for 2012. We will beable to make some decisions on decorations etc. They took my recommendations on the colors of green and yellow and grass and daffodils for the centerpieces. I'm looking forward to that!
No big plans for the rest of the day, I may have to resort to laundry and maybe a little grocery shopping.
OMG the garbage is being picked up today....I thought tomorrow....I need to get mine out quick. Love and Prayers, m
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Today is Doctor Day!
I really don't have much to report, but I thought I would write and ask you to come back later this afternoon to see what the results was from both my appointments. I've added to the list another thing to talk to the doctor about. Over the Holidays I've been tired, have a backache on the right side mostly, have an urgency to go to the bathroom and yesterday started having a burning when I went to the bathroom....the urine is cloudy and strong smelling, so all those symptoms match that of a bladder infection. So hopefully the doctor will do a urine test and prove me right. I just put it all together yesterday when I went to have Qigong session with Sheila Judd...as I was telling her about all that was going on. More later. m
Hi, Dr. Londer (oncologist) is as frustrated as we all are. But says this is a cancer that is difficult to rid yourself of. He also said I looked great. Also frustrating is that Mayo's report and recommendations hasn't gotten to them yet....but they will track it down before they start chemo next Tuesday. I also told him of the symptoms I was having and that I had self diagnosed myself with a bladder infection. He said no problem he would send in a prescription for that without even waiting for the results of the urine sample. Then I headed for Coon Rapids HP and Dr. Norquist the GP to talk to him about my RLS (restless leg syndrome) and between the RLS and my neuropathy in my feet, he is taking me off the narcotics (Oxycodone) and replacing it with a drug called Neurotin (not a narcotic) and works to relieve the pain by blocking the nerves....or something like that. So between that and the antibiotic for the urinal tract infection, I should be feeling a lot better soon. That and the Qigong session I had last night should really help.
I know you all worry about me, but....we will beat this thing!!! So keep those thoughts and prayers coming. Love ya, m
Hi, Dr. Londer (oncologist) is as frustrated as we all are. But says this is a cancer that is difficult to rid yourself of. He also said I looked great. Also frustrating is that Mayo's report and recommendations hasn't gotten to them yet....but they will track it down before they start chemo next Tuesday. I also told him of the symptoms I was having and that I had self diagnosed myself with a bladder infection. He said no problem he would send in a prescription for that without even waiting for the results of the urine sample. Then I headed for Coon Rapids HP and Dr. Norquist the GP to talk to him about my RLS (restless leg syndrome) and between the RLS and my neuropathy in my feet, he is taking me off the narcotics (Oxycodone) and replacing it with a drug called Neurotin (not a narcotic) and works to relieve the pain by blocking the nerves....or something like that. So between that and the antibiotic for the urinal tract infection, I should be feeling a lot better soon. That and the Qigong session I had last night should really help.
I know you all worry about me, but....we will beat this thing!!! So keep those thoughts and prayers coming. Love ya, m
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Heading Back Up the Hill
Yesterday I contacted the Oncologists office so I can get started with the chemo regimen again, and I have an appointment for tomorrow at 10:40, and then at 1 p.m. I will see my GP about my Restless Leg Syndrome. So it begins!!!
Last night we had card club and I won for high score....so the year is beginning well.
Today Bonnie is coming to town from Emily, and we will work on plans for our trip to Myrtle Beach the end of this month.
Then at 3:30 I will go have another session of Qigong. Hopefully with that, and the visit to the doctor tomorrow about the RLS I will beable to sleep a lot better. Sleeping in 1-2 hour increments isn't optimal rest.
Not much else to report, I really miss having all the family close. I need to thank you all for the gifts, greeting cards and letters and especially all the prayers. Love and prayers, m
Last night we had card club and I won for high score....so the year is beginning well.
Today Bonnie is coming to town from Emily, and we will work on plans for our trip to Myrtle Beach the end of this month.
Then at 3:30 I will go have another session of Qigong. Hopefully with that, and the visit to the doctor tomorrow about the RLS I will beable to sleep a lot better. Sleeping in 1-2 hour increments isn't optimal rest.
Not much else to report, I really miss having all the family close. I need to thank you all for the gifts, greeting cards and letters and especially all the prayers. Love and prayers, m
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Quiet House
Woke up at 4:10 this morning, knowing that Tom and family would be getting up at 4:30 and packing to leave at 4:30 a.m., I got up and put on the coffee pot and went back to bed.....but by 4:45 a.m. I was up again watching them slowly but surely empty the living room. Then each hugged and kissed me saying goodbye and headed to the car with blanket and pillow's in hand. I'm sure they will all go back to sleep, at least for a while. I did! But around 8:30 I woke up again and decided to get up for the day.
Yesterday was kind of a lazy day. Didn't do much all morning, and most of the afternoon. The kids went to an open skate with Annie's kids....all seven of them had a great time, and the Chicago Kieckers were impressed with both the out door and indoor rinks at CRIC.(Coon Rapids Ice Center)
The they picked me up at about 4:30 and we headed to Matt's Bar for the world famous Jucy Lucy's. All but Bill's family were able to go. Bill's family had to go to a scouting pot luck and missed out on the great burgers. Most of the kids other than Jack and Nick had never been there, and didn't know what to expect. They were mostly surprised by the Bar itself expecting a much bigger and fancier place. But all but the three little kids had the famous Jucy Lucy and loved them.
All in all, it was a wonderful weekend, and I loved all my gifts, but mostly I loved spending it with all my family. Love them so much. Love and prayers, m
Yesterday was kind of a lazy day. Didn't do much all morning, and most of the afternoon. The kids went to an open skate with Annie's kids....all seven of them had a great time, and the Chicago Kieckers were impressed with both the out door and indoor rinks at CRIC.(Coon Rapids Ice Center)
The they picked me up at about 4:30 and we headed to Matt's Bar for the world famous Jucy Lucy's. All but Bill's family were able to go. Bill's family had to go to a scouting pot luck and missed out on the great burgers. Most of the kids other than Jack and Nick had never been there, and didn't know what to expect. They were mostly surprised by the Bar itself expecting a much bigger and fancier place. But all but the three little kids had the famous Jucy Lucy and loved them.
All in all, it was a wonderful weekend, and I loved all my gifts, but mostly I loved spending it with all my family. Love them so much. Love and prayers, m
Monday, January 2, 2012
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all in One!
I bet you've been wondering what's up with me. I didn't take the computer to the cabin, because I had them turn off the wifi the first of October for the winter. Wouldn't you know all the kids brought their ipads, computers, ipods etc. and had no problem getting them all to work. So even though I am not paying for the service, it never officially got turned off....which left me with nothing to write my blog. I suppose I could have borrowed someones, but they always seemed to be busy using theirs.
So needless to say this is the first morning I've been home to use my own.
So lets go back to Friday nite: We all arrived at Bill and Kim's around 5 p.m. and starting eating all the Appetizers everyone brought...what a great mix! Too many to mention them all...but all were great. Then all of a sudden Santa arrived, and we weren't even singing Here comes Santa Claus yet! He surprised us all. Along with my family we had invited Wendy and her two, and Carrie, Jason and MacKenzie (their 10 month old daughter) who stole the show most of the evening. She is so beautiful. Santa made us all sing and then had the young ones come up and sit on his lap...this is the first year that Presley actually was brave enough to sit on his lap!! But even MacKenzie didn't cry.
After Santa was done handing out presents, we all got our pictures taken with Santa, and then after he left, we started the huge affair of opening our presents for each other. I think all the kids were happy with what they got, especially Tom and Jimbo who I had pre-shortened their fleece pj pants. I almost wet my pants laughing at the two of them holding them up next to each other and laughing at how short the legs were....but funny as it is, they fit!!!
On Saturday we left for the cabin....we all were a little slow on moving, but I think that most of us were there by 1 p.m. and the cabin was warm and buzzing with people.
Jimbo was the first to arrive a little after 10 a.m., and immediately found the cabin at about 40 degrees and realized that I had not turned the thermostat to Heat....I still had it on cool, then realized that the batteries in the thermostat needed to be changed, which he promptly did. Then upon inspection found mice nesting in their bedroom and had also explored a drawer in the kitchen....luckily that was the only drawer we found any sign of them. Jimbo went to town and bought a couple of traps and deacon and placed it around the lower level where his bedroom is. Over the weekend we trapped two for sure...atleast that is the last number I heard. We vacuumed and scrubbed the drawer, and Ann washed the blankets they found birdseeds in. They also had to throw away a cup in their closet that had their toothbrushes in, as there was bird seeds in the bottom of that too!
None of the pipes had frozen....except for the screen for the kitchen faucet had froze and blown out, and the sprayer broke as well.
The afternoon progressive went well, and we ate ourselves silly. The kids strung popcorn and cranberries and cheerio's and hung them on the tree on the patio for the birds, and later in the evening, the kids all played bunko, and really enjoyed that.
Earlier in the evening it started to snow, but we just got a coating and it stopped. For midnight, they filled their glasses with champagne and headed down to the lake, some of them taking off their shoes and stood on the ice to have their picture taken....except for me....I told them Wisdom comes with Age. I watched from my bedroom window where I had a great view. However after coming back up to the deck they did entice me to come out on the deck and have my picture taken with them.
We stayed up and talked for awhile, but I think all were in bed by 1 p.m. or so.
Sunday we had a late breakfast, and then we all started packing and cleaning up, and heading for home. By 2 p.m. I had the last load of wash done and folded and I left as well. After arriving home, Tom and Karen followed me in after leaving their kids at Annies. we warmed up some baked spaghetti leftover from the night before, and by 7 p.m. the adults plus Will, Matthew and Presley arrived for Football and snacks and chatter. I so love having them all together....we laugh a lot!
Bill, Jimbo and Doug all had to work this morning, so we are hoping to all get together again this evening at Matt's Bar for juicy lucy's as a few of the grandkids have never had them....so it'll be another fun evening.
I'll write more and add pictures tomorrow. Love and prayers, m
So needless to say this is the first morning I've been home to use my own.
So lets go back to Friday nite: We all arrived at Bill and Kim's around 5 p.m. and starting eating all the Appetizers everyone brought...what a great mix! Too many to mention them all...but all were great. Then all of a sudden Santa arrived, and we weren't even singing Here comes Santa Claus yet! He surprised us all. Along with my family we had invited Wendy and her two, and Carrie, Jason and MacKenzie (their 10 month old daughter) who stole the show most of the evening. She is so beautiful. Santa made us all sing and then had the young ones come up and sit on his lap...this is the first year that Presley actually was brave enough to sit on his lap!! But even MacKenzie didn't cry.
After Santa was done handing out presents, we all got our pictures taken with Santa, and then after he left, we started the huge affair of opening our presents for each other. I think all the kids were happy with what they got, especially Tom and Jimbo who I had pre-shortened their fleece pj pants. I almost wet my pants laughing at the two of them holding them up next to each other and laughing at how short the legs were....but funny as it is, they fit!!!
On Saturday we left for the cabin....we all were a little slow on moving, but I think that most of us were there by 1 p.m. and the cabin was warm and buzzing with people.
Jimbo was the first to arrive a little after 10 a.m., and immediately found the cabin at about 40 degrees and realized that I had not turned the thermostat to Heat....I still had it on cool, then realized that the batteries in the thermostat needed to be changed, which he promptly did. Then upon inspection found mice nesting in their bedroom and had also explored a drawer in the kitchen....luckily that was the only drawer we found any sign of them. Jimbo went to town and bought a couple of traps and deacon and placed it around the lower level where his bedroom is. Over the weekend we trapped two for sure...atleast that is the last number I heard. We vacuumed and scrubbed the drawer, and Ann washed the blankets they found birdseeds in. They also had to throw away a cup in their closet that had their toothbrushes in, as there was bird seeds in the bottom of that too!
None of the pipes had frozen....except for the screen for the kitchen faucet had froze and blown out, and the sprayer broke as well.
The afternoon progressive went well, and we ate ourselves silly. The kids strung popcorn and cranberries and cheerio's and hung them on the tree on the patio for the birds, and later in the evening, the kids all played bunko, and really enjoyed that.
Earlier in the evening it started to snow, but we just got a coating and it stopped. For midnight, they filled their glasses with champagne and headed down to the lake, some of them taking off their shoes and stood on the ice to have their picture taken....except for me....I told them Wisdom comes with Age. I watched from my bedroom window where I had a great view. However after coming back up to the deck they did entice me to come out on the deck and have my picture taken with them.
We stayed up and talked for awhile, but I think all were in bed by 1 p.m. or so.
Sunday we had a late breakfast, and then we all started packing and cleaning up, and heading for home. By 2 p.m. I had the last load of wash done and folded and I left as well. After arriving home, Tom and Karen followed me in after leaving their kids at Annies. we warmed up some baked spaghetti leftover from the night before, and by 7 p.m. the adults plus Will, Matthew and Presley arrived for Football and snacks and chatter. I so love having them all together....we laugh a lot!
Bill, Jimbo and Doug all had to work this morning, so we are hoping to all get together again this evening at Matt's Bar for juicy lucy's as a few of the grandkids have never had them....so it'll be another fun evening.
I'll write more and add pictures tomorrow. Love and prayers, m
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