Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sunny, Sunny Day

Just as I started writing this morning, sun came up over the houses and popped into my windows. How nice!! Gives me so much more incentive to get things done. I'm pretty ready for the trip, I just have to go get unplugged today at noon, quigong at 3:30 and somewhere in between I need to through in a load of darks, so I have a clean pair of jeans to wear tomorrow morning. I'm thinking I may even shower this evening, so I don't have to do it tomorrow morning, when I have to get up at 4:30 a.m. I get picked up at 5:15 to the airport by 6 a.m. and then the plane takes off at 7:10.
I also need to print all of our boarding passes I'll keep busy for sure.
Yesterday was a good day. I did contact the doctor about a change in my med for RLS and nueropathy, and the doctor decided not to stop the gabapantin, and add requip for the RLS....evidently one is better for the neuropathy and this one is better for the RLS. It's a strange start to it. I take one one hour before bed for 2 nights, and then 2 for five nights, then 3 for 1 week, and then finally 4 for the rest of the month, and then the doctor would like to see me, to see how it is working. So I don't expect it to work immediately, but I didn't have any RLS last night...don't know which med was working.
I was so tired when I went to bed at 10:30, Jay Leno was a repeat, and I couldn't keep my eyes open to read. But after sleeping a few hours, I woke and then just dosed off and on all night. The only good thing was I wasn't in any pain, and just couldn't clear my mind of all the things we had talked about at Nick's party and all the things I had to do today etc.
Nicks party was fun. The grandkids are getting so old, I now have 4 of them with driver's licenses, and one more to come in March. I gave Nick a new billfold with a outside spot for the driver's license, and added a few gift cards, one for gas and one for food, then added a ice scraper and brush for the car, some key chains I found in a junk drawer, I think five of them, as I was going to buy him one, and no stores I went to had five stores. Annie's gift was the highlight, She came in with a huge bouquet of balloons filled with money, One with $16, $15, $14 etc. down to 10, and the last 9 had a dollar each. So Nick had to pop all the balloons to get the money out. Even the little kids enjoyed watching that!
Well, tomorrow you may not hear from me, I don't know if the place we are going has WiFi or not, and we won't get there till later in the afternoon, as we fly into Charleston, rent a car and drive the last 90 miles about 2 hours. So if I can write it will be later in the day. So anyway it may be hit or miss, depending if I have to go in search of WiFi or not....I will do what I can to keep you updated. Just know that I will be having a great time.
I'm not taking my computer so if I upload any pictures they will be uploaded to Facebook from my phone. Facebook may be an easier method to update people during the week, cause my Blackberry will have internet access even if my Nook doesn't.
Till then, keep me and my long list of friends and relatives on my prayer list in your prayers. Love and prayers, m

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