Friday, January 6, 2012

Heading Up the Hill

Yesterday was the start of a New Year (not very well) but today is better, and I hope will each day will continue the climb up out of this pit I'm in. I awoke this morning with an aching pain in my hips, but I took my meds, and I'm already feeling better. I slept so much better last night only waking up once which is amazing for me. So may be I layed in one position long enough to make my hips stiffen up. My head feels a lot clearer.
I spent most of the afternoon sleeping, and went to bed around 11 p.m. which is really early for me. So nothing to report that you don't know.
Today I'm going over to Schwanns Center, to meet some of the Women's Club to see the venue where our Spring Brunch has moved too for 2012. We will beable to make some decisions on decorations etc. They took my recommendations on the colors of green and yellow and grass and daffodils for the centerpieces. I'm looking forward to that!
No big plans for the rest of the day, I may have to resort to laundry and maybe a little grocery shopping.
OMG the garbage is being picked up today....I thought tomorrow....I need to get mine out quick. Love and Prayers, m

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