Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Quiet House

Woke up at 4:10 this morning, knowing that Tom and family would be getting up at 4:30 and packing to leave at 4:30 a.m., I got up and put on the coffee pot and went back to bed.....but by 4:45 a.m. I was up again watching them slowly but surely empty the living room. Then each hugged and kissed me saying goodbye and headed to the car with blanket and pillow's in hand. I'm sure they will all go back to sleep, at least for a while. I did! But around 8:30 I woke up again and decided to get up for the day.
Yesterday was kind of a lazy day. Didn't do much all morning, and most of the afternoon. The kids went to an open skate with Annie's kids....all seven of them had a great time, and the Chicago Kieckers were impressed with both the out door and indoor rinks at CRIC.(Coon Rapids Ice Center)
The they picked me up at about 4:30 and we headed to Matt's Bar for the world famous Jucy Lucy's. All but Bill's family were able to go. Bill's family had to go to a scouting pot luck and missed out on the great burgers. Most of the kids other than Jack and Nick had never been there, and didn't know what to expect. They were mostly surprised by the Bar itself expecting a much bigger and fancier place. But all but the three little kids had the famous Jucy Lucy and loved them.

All in all, it was a wonderful weekend, and I loved all my gifts, but mostly I loved spending it with all my family. Love them so much. Love and prayers, m

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