Sunday, January 8, 2012

Looks Like A Great Day

I woke up 1/2 hour after I set my alarm for. I don't know why it didn't wake me when it came on (it's the radio not a buzzing alarm)? I do know I had to hurry and get my shower, get dressed and do my hair and make-up done. I walked into church a couple of minutes late, but not by much. The standing in church was killing me, and I ended up sitting down a lot when every one else was standing.
After church I ended up coming home and taking a nap. So thus, the late writing of this blog. I may have to start writing the night before and just posting it in the morning. I have to be at chemo at 8:30 on Tuesday, and if I had trouble with church at 8:30, it will be even harder at HHH. They want you there 15 min. early for an appointment, and it takes 20-25 minutes to get there depending on the traffic. So for sure I'll write that one the night before.
This afternoon I will go with Bonnie and Lois to the Movie, and then I will finish doing my New Years Cards (really Christmas cards...but really late) I started last night and did about 25 or so of them. I guess if I go print another 25, I could do them while listening to the football I really don't care who wins.
Having lunch with the retiree's and wannabee's tomorrow at Boston's in Riverdale, so that will be fun, no other big plans for either evening.
Forgot to remind you to pray for Sonja Driste (mother of a hockey player on Nicole's team). Sonja has a similar cancer to mine, but it hasn't gone to her lungs. She has been in remission for about 2 years, and now is having problems and they are doing a biopsy on Tuesday. So it may be growing again. So keep her in your prayers along with all those I mentioned yesterday. Love and prayers, m

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