Had a hard time getting to sleep again last night....even listened to one of Chun Yi's qigong cd's which is almost an hour long, and that didn't do it either. I also think the med for RLS isn't working like it was. I think I'll talk to Dr. Londer about all that this morning.
Carol will be with me today, and since we haven't seen each other since last February, I'm sure we will have plenty to talk about.
Yesterday, I got the shopping done after lunch like I planned. But lunch was a lot later than I thought. I got there at 11:20 and nobody else showed up till about 11:50. I got the time mixed up with the time the retiree's meet. This lunch is noon, and the other one is 11:30. So I ate a salad first, and didn't eat any pizza till the others showed up, and they almost all came at once. About 10 in all.
For dinner I met Valerie at TGI Fridays at 5 p.m. so I was home by 6:30. When I got home I had an email from Rosie and Bruce that they had made reservations at a hotel in Boston for a wedding we are going to, so I contacted Sandi Hitch who I am sharing a room with, and then called the hotel and got our reservation made too! Tomorrow Bruce will get the flight reservation, and then I will book the flight for Sandi and me. We want to be on the same flight, so need to wait till I get that information from Bruce to do that.
I'm also planning a trip in late Feb. and March to Salt Lake and Sedona. I'm going to be a frequent flyer soon!
Well, I need to get a shower and get dressed cause I need to leave by 8:15. Please pray for Sonja, Lottie, DuWayne, Dr. Tim, the neighbor men (Wally, Mike and Don) Cousins Judy and Louie and anyone I've forgotten.
Also....Happy 16th Birthday to Nick Kiecker!!
He passed the drivers test!
See you tomorrow night! Love and prayers, m
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