Strange weather and strange pains! I guess you all know about the weather, so I won't go into that, but the strange pains are mine. I took my new med for the RLS and neuropathy last night before I went to bed at about 10:30, then at about 11:30 I remembered I hadn't taken my normal med simvistatin so I got up and got that, then at 12:15 I still wasn't sleeping, and my low back and tailbone was aching so I got up and took a vicadine and went back to bed, and at 1:30 my back was even worse than it was at 12:15, so I got up and took another vicadine and went back to bed and started praying....I don't know how long that went on, cause I finally fell asleep and didn't wake up till 7:30 this morning, and decided to get up and take the neurotin all 3 times today as recommended by the doctor. He originally said I should start by only taking it at night, so I did, but now will take it every 8 hours as prescribed. I don't know if the back pain is the bladder infection or what...but it isn't helped by the neurotin med at all...and it obviously isn't causing me to go to sleep, so it's safe to take during the daytime.
I went to the women's club meeting at the Schwanns Center in Blaine to talk about the decorations for our Spring Brunch and Style Show. I had volunteered to help with that, and they need an older member of the club, cause all the other volunteers are new to the club. This is also a new venue and I was familiar with it as the College had used it in the past. So I do have some knowledge I can share with them.
Then last afternoon and evening I did 4 loads of laundry. It's all folded and put away too!
Today I plan on going to the Andover Hockey Rink to see Nicole and Allie play, and then come home and figure out something to do. I may start gathering all my stuff for my taxes. All the medical info is the biggest challenge for that. But other than that I have no plans.
Tomorrow I will go to church and hope to find someone to go to breakfast with. Then Bonnie Sass, Lois Bjerke and I will go to see a movie (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo). All three of us have read the trilogy and look forward to seeing the movie.
Looking forward to that, except I may have to close my eyes through parts of it.
Keep praying for my friends who are also battling cancer like me....Sherri Cady, Ginny Martinson, Lottie Virnig, Mike Burrington and also my cousin Louie. Love and prayers, m
Jack and I went and saw the Girl with the Dragon Tatoo. Good plot, good acting but there were a couple of parts they could have left out and would not have hurt the storyline at all! Enjoy!!
I've read all three books, and know that I will be closing my eyes often. But I think it will be worth it.