I bet you've been wondering what's up with me. I didn't take the computer to the cabin, because I had them turn off the wifi the first of October for the winter. Wouldn't you know all the kids brought their ipads, computers, ipods etc. and had no problem getting them all to work. So even though I am not paying for the service, it never officially got turned off....which left me with nothing to write my blog. I suppose I could have borrowed someones, but they always seemed to be busy using theirs.
So needless to say this is the first morning I've been home to use my own.
So lets go back to Friday nite: We all arrived at Bill and Kim's around 5 p.m. and starting eating all the Appetizers everyone brought...what a great mix! Too many to mention them all...but all were great. Then all of a sudden Santa arrived, and we weren't even singing Here comes Santa Claus yet! He surprised us all. Along with my family we had invited Wendy and her two, and Carrie, Jason and MacKenzie (their 10 month old daughter) who stole the show most of the evening. She is so beautiful. Santa made us all sing and then had the young ones come up and sit on his lap...this is the first year that Presley actually was brave enough to sit on his lap!! But even MacKenzie didn't cry.
After Santa was done handing out presents, we all got our pictures taken with Santa, and then after he left, we started the huge affair of opening our presents for each other. I think all the kids were happy with what they got, especially Tom and Jimbo who I had pre-shortened their fleece pj pants. I almost wet my pants laughing at the two of them holding them up next to each other and laughing at how short the legs were....but funny as it is, they fit!!!
On Saturday we left for the cabin....we all were a little slow on moving, but I think that most of us were there by 1 p.m. and the cabin was warm and buzzing with people.
Jimbo was the first to arrive a little after 10 a.m., and immediately found the cabin at about 40 degrees and realized that I had not turned the thermostat to Heat....I still had it on cool, then realized that the batteries in the thermostat needed to be changed, which he promptly did. Then upon inspection found mice nesting in their bedroom and had also explored a drawer in the kitchen....luckily that was the only drawer we found any sign of them. Jimbo went to town and bought a couple of traps and deacon and placed it around the lower level where his bedroom is. Over the weekend we trapped two for sure...atleast that is the last number I heard. We vacuumed and scrubbed the drawer, and Ann washed the blankets they found birdseeds in. They also had to throw away a cup in their closet that had their toothbrushes in, as there was bird seeds in the bottom of that too!
None of the pipes had frozen....except for the screen for the kitchen faucet had froze and blown out, and the sprayer broke as well.
The afternoon progressive went well, and we ate ourselves silly. The kids strung popcorn and cranberries and cheerio's and hung them on the tree on the patio for the birds, and later in the evening, the kids all played bunko, and really enjoyed that.
Earlier in the evening it started to snow, but we just got a coating and it stopped. For midnight, they filled their glasses with champagne and headed down to the lake, some of them taking off their shoes and stood on the ice to have their picture taken....except for me....I told them Wisdom comes with Age. I watched from my bedroom window where I had a great view. However after coming back up to the deck they did entice me to come out on the deck and have my picture taken with them.
We stayed up and talked for awhile, but I think all were in bed by 1 p.m. or so.
Sunday we had a late breakfast, and then we all started packing and cleaning up, and heading for home. By 2 p.m. I had the last load of wash done and folded and I left as well. After arriving home, Tom and Karen followed me in after leaving their kids at Annies. we warmed up some baked spaghetti leftover from the night before, and by 7 p.m. the adults plus Will, Matthew and Presley arrived for Football and snacks and chatter. I so love having them all together....we laugh a lot!
Bill, Jimbo and Doug all had to work this morning, so we are hoping to all get together again this evening at Matt's Bar for juicy lucy's as a few of the grandkids have never had them....so it'll be another fun evening.
I'll write more and add pictures tomorrow. Love and prayers, m
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