Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sunshine and Laughter

The sun is shining this morning, and the laughter was flowing last night. Plus I slept terrific. Seems the night after I didn't sleep, I make up for it!
Only about 16 of us showed up at Houlihans last night, but it was a great 16!! We laughed so much, and poor Rosie pretty much got roasted!!....cause she was the root of most of our crazy stories each of us told. We asked each person to tell a funny story about working at the CDC, and we had some doozies!!! We started telling stories at about 5:15, and didn't leave for home till 10:30.
We missed those that were unable to come, but added some stories about them. When your not there we talk about next time you better show up!! lol Unfortunately the weather scared a few off, and then Strep throat and colds kept others a way...that had planned on coming.
We all thought we need to do this again, so maybe we'll have to make it a yearly thing. Working at the CDC was really a unique experience for all who worked there, cause we had such a great work atmosphere. We laughed, loved, eat, sang and worked together!!
Thought I was going to watch hockey today, but just looked at the schedule, no hockey today!! In fact it looks like I won't beable to see any more of their games. I have chemo on Tuesday and next Saturday I'll be in Myrtle Beach. Sad!!
Keep those prayers coming for all those I've asked you to pray for, and for me!!!
Love and prayers, m

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