Well, sure enough Bonnie has a viral infection, and can't drive me this afternoon, so I had to put out a short notice call for drivers, and Jimbo called almost immediately as a backup if I didn't get a driver by morning. Then Rosie emailed and said she could drive me, so that is the plan for the day. She must have replied to all, as I then started getting messages for the other days I needed a ride. I now have gotten drivers for everything. Rita had volunteered for the 26th, but Annie my daughter is on school break, so she asked if she could take Rita's place. I emailed Rita this morning, and she replied back almost immediately, so she must have been on the computer too! She didn't mind letting Annie spend the day with me, so that's taken care of too.
I went to bed comparatively early last night, but it just gave me a longer time to stiffen my hips by morning. When I got out of bed, I could hardly walk my hip was so stiff, but after walking to the kitchen to take my meds it seemed to be better, but then I went to the couch and slept another 2 hours, and then awoke to an even stiffer and painful hip. So carefully making my way back to the kitchen to make my coffee, and pour out a cup of granola, I managed to straighten it out and work out the stiffness. But sitting here the longer I sit the worse it is getting. So I may make this short, or get up and walk around and come back to finish this.
Okay, it's better. It must be this chair, or the way the computer fit's in front of it.
I had a pretty good day yesterday, but for some reason this week of chemo, has caused me to be very depressed, or feeling sorry for myself. Each night has brought tears, on Tuesday, I was watching Parenthood, and the mom on their has breast cancer, and I started feeling sorry for myself, and cried during the whole show (of course I do cry during movies and shows anyway)....then I watched the lighting of the Christmas tree on Rockefeller Plaza last night, and someone sang All I Want for Christmas is You, and I started crying again, and was weepy the rest of the night. Talked to Annie on the phone, and started really crying. Now I'm tearing up again. Must be something to do with the chemo brain....or the season getting to me.
Rosie is coming to get me today at 12:30, cause I get unplugged at 1 p.m., and then we will run some errands. I'm looking forward to spending the afternoon with her. So I better get moving and into that hot shower which will make my hip feel even better. Love you all, Love and Prayers, m
So sorry to hear about your stiff hip. And feeling down. But I think Rosie is just what you needed. If anyone can get you out of a "funk" it would be Rosie. Hang in there, Mary! You have been so strong. I am sure the "season" doesn't help. It is a time to reflect and remember our loved ones that are no longer here. It is ok to miss them and be sad. Lynnette
ReplyDeleteThanks Lynnette, you are totally correct when you say that Rosie can get me out of a funk. We had so much fun. Then my kids all called to make sure I was okay, and my son came to visit. What a day!! Loved it all. Thanks for the thoughtful, kind words. Love ya, m