Monday, February 11, 2013

Lots of Work Day!

For Annie, not for me.  She worked so hard.  I don't know how many loads of wash that she did, plus folded and put away.  Cleaned out the fridge, and a couple of cupboards so she could move food into eye view for me.  Swept the floor, brought a card table up for me, so I can work on Valentines. She also worked on a computer program called the "MealTrain", so people can volunteer to help me out with rides and meals etc. If you would be like to be put on the list of volunteers, just email me at:
My strength hasn't seemed to improved, and am so glad I have gotten the walker to get around the house.  I can sure use your prayers,  I thought by now I'd be up and running.
Hope Bonnie and her son John were able to leave for AZ this weekend despite the weather.  Coon Rapids seems to have gotten the most as far as the Twin Cities goes.  4" of wet heavy snow.  Funny one of the towns with large amounts was Murdock out west in Swift County.  That is where my mom was born, and a very small town that most people have never heard of, unless you are from Benson or some other small town. I never heard it named in a weather report before.
Well, time for bed.  Love and Prayers, m


  1. Mary, take it easy, let your strength come back. One day at a time. Thinking and praying for you!

  2. Mary, we missed you at lunch today...but better that you stay home and get that strength back! You were in our thoughts! :) I will put you on our prayer list at church again...we have alot of "prayerful" people at our church, so know you will be prayed for!!! Keep pluggin' away, friend! We love you!!! Marilyn Q.
