Monday, February 25, 2013


We have become such a society of convenience.  Fast food, cell phones, convenient stores and fast lanes all feed our need to get there, have that, get in touch immediately.  I for one, will admit, that I enjoy all of these things as patience is not something I excel with.  In speaking with Mary today, it occurred to me, that she is facing each day with a tremendous amount of patience and I'm amazed at how she's able to tackle one obstacle after the next.  They are small obstacles.  Today it was sitting on the edge of the bed for 7 minutes.  This was 6 minutes longer than the day prior.  How hard it must be to curve your mind not to want to just get up and walk.  Patience.  Today she did not have radiation as the ambulance transport is ridiculously expensive so it was delayed till tomorrow. Patience.  Her stomach continues to give her fits but she knows they'll find the cause of the trouble.  She has decided to stay away from the tropical fruits to see if that helps.  Patience.  She is constantly tested.  She is constantly challenged to remain patient.  During our Lenten journey, I'm reminded that Jesus was tested too, in patience. Isn't our faith all about patience? Patience is often rewarded.. we just have to be.. well.. patient!

Mary had a wonderful visit from the Priest at St. Tim's.  This was the highlight of her day.  They sat and prayed and chatted for a good 1/2 hour.  She also had many other visitors and we can't thank you enough for taking the time to stop in and brighten her day.  Her PT is giving her small goals each session and Mary is doing her best. She's continues to be rather weak as she doesn't have a ton of food in her system to fuel this amount of activity.  Chemo is on hold for now as she's not strong enough for the Doctors liking.

I read the Blog comments to her so please know all your thoughts and prayers are getting to her and it is a true blessing!!

That's all to report for now.  I for one, am going to try and do a better job at relishing the moment, slowing down and being patient.  Mary never stops being a Mom and continues to teach all of us "kids" the lessons in life!



  1. Mary, you are a wonderful teacher to all of us. How to deal with pain, to always keep a positive attitude, never give up. You are truly an inspiration. Your faith is to be commended. God is very proud of his Mary.

  2. I totally agree with Lynnette!!!! Visiting with you yesterday proved everything mentioned above to certainly be true! You are such a wonderful person, one who can still smile and laugh at jokes! It was nice to see you yesterday!!!! God bless you and your care givers and help them get everything working the way it should for you!!! Love you Mary!!!! See you again real soon!!!!
    Pat R.
