Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Keep on the Sunnyside!

Another sunny day hurray!
Would have been my 48th Wedding Anniversary. It's hard to realize I'm that old! But it was the beginning of a wonderful life and 4 fantastic children who gave me 11 fantastic grandkids and 4 fantastic spouses to share that life with. I am so blessed!
Last night however, wasn't one of my best ones. After bragging two consecutive days about Constance, she showed her nasty side and sprung a leak. I had lunch out which happened to have a little cheese on it, and then proceeded to have diarrhea all evening, and all night. Between the chemo and lactose intolerance it was bound to happen. This helped to spur the leak, and I was up at 3:30 changing the bag. Then I didn't fall back to sleep till almost 5 a.m. and woke up for the day at 7 a.m. Hoping that she starts behaving today!
My lunch was good yesterday, and while at Acapulco with Rosie, I also ran into Bruce Ripley and a group of maintenance workers celebrating his last day at the college, and Bonnie Severson who just happened to be there with family and friends for lunch too! So it was like ARCC day at Acapulco.
Then I went to Annie's and got to see Matthew show off his new talent of riding a 2-wheeler. Now he just has to practice starting and stopping on his own. The bike is a little bit too big for him to do this easily. But I'm sure it won't take him long. He's so proud of himself!
The cabin is coming right along....they will pour the concrete floor tomorrow and we'll beable to walk on it on Friday! It's really happening....still hard to believe.
No big plans for today....Janet is stopping by and I'll be packing for the weekend. Other than that I just plan on enjoying the sunshine! Thank you God! Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer Sunshine!

I can't believe it! 4-days without rain in the forecast! How lucky is that? You all know, sunshine helps my mood considerably....and I am so happy and motivated to get things done when the sun is shining. I cleaned and shopped (a lot) yesterday, and at the last minute went to see Tommy's team play a soccer game. Tough game, but they scored the most points against this undefeated team that any team has this year. So an accomplishment in itself. Still on my list of accomplishments for the summer is to see Allie skate in a hockey game, and Matthew ride his two-wheeler. I hope to see Matthew this afternoon.
I'm going to lunch with Rosie (my fellow retired boss and great friend). We are going to our favorite restaurant.....Acapulco! So looking forward to that. May have to do some more shopping this afternoon....almost done with the birthday presents, but also have to get groceries for the weekend....finding a Turkey will be my quest!
No dizziness yesterday, after I figured out that I was taking dizzy pills and stopped!!! Got on the scale this a.m. and still doing well in that department too! I also figured out that withholding sugar intake also helps with the diarrhea and colon health, so back to watching that....that and the lactose or dairy!
Hope you all have a beautiful day, love and prayers, m

Monday, June 28, 2010

Hear Comes the Sun!

Promises of a beautiful week and weekend still are being made, but it sure looks cloudy out there right now. I guess it's a little slower in coming than they thought.
I happened to read the pill bottle for nausea that I've been taking, and it does cause the dizziness! So I guess I've been taking two different pills that can do wonder I've felt that way. Figuring that out....and getting good results with the blood pressure cuff....makes me feel a lot better. Constance has been good, and my weight is holding stable.
I had a wonderful time on the spa cruise last nite....I've included a few pictures for your pleasure. I think the "Hot Mamma's" wanted to be listed as ignominious (?spelling) so I won't add any names....most of you know who we are anyway. It was such a beautiful night, great conversation, good friends and good food to boot! How can you beat that?! I think Janet felt the same way....of course she fits in to any crowd, and makes herself at home.
No big plans for the day. Kinda lazy so far. Hope to see a soccer game this evening. We'll see how that goes. Love and prayers, m

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Almost Forgot to Write.

Good afternoon.....sorry I'm writing so late. I got up early and went to church (but the summer 8:30 a.m. start) inhibits my chance to write before church. Had an invitation for breakfast with Carolyn and Gary Buhr, so jumped at the chance. Enjoyed a good breakfast and lots of good conversation with them. Came home and did some cleaning, napping (as I have a big evening planned) and some more cleaning. All of a sudden I remembered I hadn't written in the blog yet. So here I am.
I'm feeling pretty well, and yesterday my blood pressure was down to normal levels....still don't know what is rising it other than anxiety or stress??? But I have had bouts of light headedness most all week, it comes and goes but mostly when I get up out of my chair and start to move, then it goes away till I settle down and get up fast again. I know one of the drugs causes dizziness, but I haven't taken it for the last day, so I don't know if it's residual or what. Other than that I don't have many complaints.
I'm going on a Spa Cruise this evening with a group mostly from the college, and Janet is my date. A women that I used to work with won the cruise on WLTE a local radio station for her and 20 of her friends, so I jumped at the chance to go along. When she had an extra spot I asked Janet to accompany me. I guess we get Horsd'oeuvre and some kind of spa treatments. I'll report tomorrow on what treats we got. It's on the St. Croix River in Stillwater and it's a beautiful day, so I'm sure it will be fun.
The weather person says we are done with rain for the rest of the week....Hurrah!!! I hope to spend some time at the cabin, if they connect the sewer and water for me, but I'm sure that won't be done till maybe Wednesday or so. No other big plans for the week. I promise to write earlier tomorrow. Love ya, m

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Another Stormy Day Ahead

But promise of great weather Mon-Thursday of next week is the carrot being dangled by the weather person! By then the side effects of the chemo should have faded as well, so I have high hopes of a great week. Lots of water and wind damages in the Twin Cities, but nothing in my yard.

Had a great time at Dorene's place with all the gang. Some I hadn't seen in ages, and others I just saw last week at the two parties I attended. But whenever, they are still my work family, as I spent a lot of years working with them. I'll include a partial picture of the group, as some were out on the dock when we were taking pictures. Thanks Dorene for a great potluck!

I managed my whole trip yesterday without the didn't hit till I got home. So I was able to take pictures at the cabin and have posted a couple more. The block work isn't complete yet, but is looking good. They will waterproof the outside of the blocks and then back fill in around the it looks worse than it is. One of the pictures taken from the lower lake side, is where the new patio door will be on the walk out. It looks like I'll have water and sewer for 4th of July weekend, so I'm happy about that.

I have had several suggestions on my prayer imaging, and I'm not sure which one to pick yet. Would you like to be my Prayer - Butt Buddies? or imagine Butt-erflies (flies do seem to hand about butts)....or scrubbing bubbles popping out the gas of cancer? Quite a choice huh? Well make up your own, and I will still call you Spot Removers, no mater how you do it. It seems to be working well. Thanks, love and prayers, m

Friday, June 25, 2010

Looks like a Stormy Day!

Woke up to sunshine, but the rain is on it's way....but then we'll get a break till about 3 p.m. when they are talking about stormy weather. So I'll head for the cabin at about 10 a.m., then over to Doreen's on Sugar Lake, and party with ARCC friends, and then hope to be home before the next round of storms hit.

Here are some pictures Jimbo took yesterday at noon....they should have finished the block work yesterday, so I'll check that out this a.m. and take more pictures.

I'm feeling good today. Blood pressure is dropping a little each day. So is my weight, but still within the normal range for me. I've been pushing the water, and only had to take one imodium this week.

Love and prayers, m

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine!

I'm up and dressed and already have taken my granddaughter to CC practice and been shopping at Cub. Can you believe that? I had a good nights sleep and am feeling fine. I was having some dizzyness yesterday, but noticed on one of the anti-nausea pill bottles a dizziness warning. So I guess that was just a side effect of that med....seems to be fine so far today. Seems my blood pressure has been high lately too, so I am now monitoring it at home as of yesterday. It was lower at home, but not by a bunch, so I'll check it again today and see if it's dropped some more.

I think Jimbo was going back up to the cabin today to do some more work....hope he remembers to take pictures....if not I'll take some tomorrow, cause I can't wait to see it myself. I think they poured footings yesterday, so I wonder when they will start laying blocks? Don't have any water or sewer working right now, so that will limit how much time I'm up there. Will probably have to be day trips, and use the port-a-potty they have on the back lot....and bottled water....paper plates and the like. It is supposed to be nice next Monday-Wednesday, so maybe I'll go up and try to get organized for the big weekend....might even have water and sewer by then.

Today, I'm making my salsa to take to the pot luck tomorrow, and may even get out to the garden like I planned on Tuesday....when I forgot I had Meals on Wheels.

Last evening, I went with Bill up to Elk River and saw half of Katie's game. Now I just have to work in one of Tommy's too and a hockey game of Allies....oh and I have to go see Matthew ride his two-wheeler which he learned this week.

Tomorrow I'll be at the potluck at Doreen's on Sugar Lake in Annandale and then who knows where I'll be. When the sun shines I have lots of energy! I know it's all your prayers! Love ya, m

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day three Round nine unplugged!

It seems like the cold side effects haven't been as strong as usual. I also slept well last night and so far no diarrhea for Constance to complain about. However, after telling you yesterday about my chemo brain, I managed to completely forget that I was supposed to deliver Meals on Wheels. By 11:45 my friend Carol Kline called and asked if I forgot (I was supposed to pick her up at 11:20 a.m.) I went into panic mode and ran out of the house, picked Carol up and headed off to pick up our meals. Luckily they were still sitting there waiting to be delivered. I had to apologize to each house, but everyone was so happy to get them, that they didn't mind that I was 1/2 hour late but they were all waiting at the door to great me. Adding to my lateness was early in the deliveries we came to the house of good friends, and both Carol and I had to go in and visit and get hugs and tell them about my cancer, and now will be on their prayer list, and them on mine. So if you don't mind please say a few prayers for Larry and Mary Lou Cronin too. It seems that each day I find others that are in so much worse shape then I am that I give thanks to God and you for all the prayers and strength I've been so lucky to receive. It sure makes me realize the power of prayer in my life.

The other big happening of yesterday was they actually started digging, and depending on the weather, they will pour the footings today and then can start on the cement blocks by the end of the week. We have asked that they promise to have the old water and sewer in working order by the end of next week, so we can use it over the fourth. They also will not deliver the lumber till Tuesday the 6th, so we will have room for parking etc. over the 4th of July. So I think things have finally started to move in the proper direction. Another sign of the power of prayer! Jimbo forgot to take pictures, but he plans on going up again tomorrow, and he promised to send pictures then. If he doesn't I'll stop in on Friday, as I'm going to Annandale for a potluck with a group of ARCC ladies. A former ARCC staffer, moved from Ramsey, MN to Sugar Lake between Annandale and Maple Lake, and has invited us for lunch on Friday. Looking forward to seeing Doreen and the rest of the gang.

So now I need to jump in the shower and get dressed so I can get unplugged. This only takes about 10 minutes if that! But it is a good reason to shower and get dressed. A strange weather day, sun and then clouds and then sun again. I'm not sure the rain is done for the day. I have no big plans for the afternoon, if it's a nice evening, I'll find a grandchild's sporting event to watch if something is on their schedules. Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day Two, Round Nine

Woke this morning to lots of sunshine, but they are warning us that this will bring a hot humid day with a good chance of thunderstorms this afternoon.
I didn't sleep well, but if I remember rightly, I didn't sleep well the first night of chemo last round either. I feel fine this morning....I'm sure due to the sunshine. With any luck they will start digging today. Jimbo, Doug and Ric were going up this morning to cut the 3X10 notch out of the cabin deck that we needed removed to get the 15' foot offset from the lot line. He told me he'd call and let me know if we got to dig or not. Haven't heard anything yet, but no news is good news! Our goal right now is just to have the old bathroom and water working over the 4th weekend. So keep your fingers crossed for that!
I forgot to ask you to keep Gary Buhr's brother in your prayers. Gary is one of my spot removers, and when I talked to him at church on Sunday, he told me his brother has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and something in his pancreas. They are doing a biopsy on the brain tumor this week at please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
Yesterday at my chemo hookup, Janet and I kept complaining of chemo brain, (not being able to remember certain word and names etc.) Janet thinks my chemo is rubbing off on her....and I remembered ginko biloba was good for strengthing your brain power...and I suggested to Janet that maybe she should take it. She came back with "I think it has some side effects, but I can't remember what they are" and we both broke out in hilarious laughter. We laughed so hard the tears were running down our faces. When the nurse came in to check on my chemo pump, we asked her if we were bothering patients with our laughter, and she proclaimed that laughter was so welcomed in a place were everyone is so serious and somber. So we hoped we brightened the process, of all the other patients who were getting chemo yesterday.
Not much planned for the day....might do laundry and pull some more weeds from the gardens. Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers, I'm sure it is what gets me through each day! Love and prayers, m

Monday, June 21, 2010

Round Nine, day 1

Today I started another round of 4 chemo's, and I had to be there early this morning, so I didn't get a chance to write before I left....and I didn't take my computer along with me. Janet came along with me and we managed to do a lot of laughing. I also had a great surprise when Imelda Neis stopped in to visit, after her radiation treatment. She had read the blog and knew I'd be there and she is there every day from now to the end of July for radiation. She has breast cancer, so please keep her in your prayers too! Imelda's husband Joe worked with my dad and Gene both at Midwest Printing and the StarTribune.....we've known each other since about 1961 when Gene started at Midwest almost 50 years. We did a lot of partying and dancing together in our younger years. Needless to say it was so fun to see Imelda and do some reminiscing and laughing.
So far the tingling in my fingers that was so much stronger last time, hasn't seemed to effect me much. I am tired though, may have to take a short nap before I go out for dinner.
Had a nice afternoon yesterday, went to Nicole's hockey game, and then off to Jimbo's for dinner with Ann's celebrate Father's day with her dad. Didn't go to the cabin like I had thought I would earlier, but once Phil told me everything was fine at the cabin, I didn't feel the need to drive up. I'm hoping that we finally got the permit today, and that they will start digging tomorrow, but don't know that for sure. We'll let you know tomorrow if it actually happens. I promise to write earlier tomorrow. Love and prayers, m

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

The sun is out to great me today! Hope all the fathers feel the warmth and love the Son brings!!

I got a call from my brother yesterday and he reported that all is well at the cabin so I don't have to drive up to check it out. So I don't know what I'll do today. Maybe I'll go anyway.

I had a great time yesterday with the LEW (League of Extraordinary Women) which I am an official member. I have a framed plaque to prove it. Yesterday we inducted two more honoree's, Pat Rippley and Marilyn Quarberg....and I have pictures to prove it. A good time was had by all.

Love and prayers, m

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Here Comes the Sun!

When I got out of bed and opened the door to get the newspaper the sky was entirely covered with clouds. But an hour later I don't see a cloud....only brilliant sunshine. How wonderful. The sun always makes me feel better.
I did some shopping yesterday, and then went to Billy's in Anoka for a retirement party, and today I'm going back to Anoka to the old post office for a retirement tea. Hats mandatory! The retiree gets to wear a special hat and then gets to save it for the next one to retire from the college. I think I was the second one to wear the hat and it has been worn by 3 or 4 since I did. This hat is a flower pot with the flowers coming out the top of the hat. (or bottom of the pot) It's really cute. I'll have to take a picture for you to see.
They still haven't given us the permit, so no digging has occurred.....but we have hopes of getting it on Monday with digging to start on Tuesday....that is unless they can figure out something else to delay us.
I'll go up to the cabin tomorrow after church to check for storm damage, but I'll be back home for the evening, as I have to be home for chemo early Monday morning. Till tomorrow, love and prayers, m

Friday, June 18, 2010

After the Storms the Sun will Shine

I came home from the cabin yesterday afternoon, just hours before strong storms and tornado's hit. I don't know if the cabin or trees sustained any damage, but I know they were saying that a tornado was spotted near Annandale. I know that could be in any direction of Annandale, and I haven't heard what specific damage was done in that area. So I think I will go back up either tomorrow afternoon or Sunday morning after church.
The struggle for the permit might come to fruition today, and digging begin on Monday....but I'm not holding my breath. We've been promised it so many days already and they've come and gone without a permit in hand.
I am feeling great No complaints on the health front. Janet will be coming with me on Monday for round 9 of chemo. Hopefully she'll keep me laughing. She has been a God send for all of this journey. Thank you God! and thank you Janet!
Going to do some shopping today, and have a retirement party for one of the maintenance guys at the college, and tomorrow is a retirement Tea for his wife and another support staff that I worked with for most of my 28 years at the college.
Love and prayers, m

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Sun has made an Appearance!

So far not a cloud in the sky, but they are warning us of severe storms later in the day. But right now I'm just enjoying the sun while it's here. It's been so long since we've had a completely sunny day....I've forgotten what that would be like. I think I'm being teased with little snippets of sun here and there as a promise of a sunny day!! As my son reminded me's not the the safe landing that God has promised. So far it's been a pretty bumpy trip.
I drove to the cabin yesterday afternoon, and had dinner on the deck and then fed all my birds and chipmunks and squirrels, and enjoyed a few hours of peace and quiet as I talked to mom and Gene and God. Saw a beautiful sunset, and retreated to the boathouse to watch the Twins win. As they are predicting storms for the late afternoon, I think I'll start for home shortly after noon.
I took a couple of pictures of the site where the addition will be, after they removed six trees earlier this week. I know six trees sounds like a lot, but I still have 22 cedar trees, and numerous other trees on the lot. We still do not have a permit in hand, and are trying to figure out what the hold up is now. The builder thought he would have it by yesterday and that they would start digging today, but as of 5 p.m. yesterday he still hadn't gotten it. They did however deliver a port-a-potty to the site last night. So we have hope it may start at some point in time. We are now about 4 weeks behind the original schedule. I think I need prayers for a permit too!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Great News!

My lungs are SPOTLESS and the cancer in the rectum has shrunk considerably, but it's working so good....the Doctor wants me to continue the I'll have another round next Monday. He is also contacting Mayo and they will decide what they want to do next. He said after he talks to them, they will contact me. So I don't know if I'll have more than one more treatment of chemo, or if it means 4 more....the doctor wasn't exactly clear about that. I was hoping I'd be done with chemo, and I know I should be happy it's working, but I'm disappointed....even with the great news. He kept reinforcing that it was a good thing, and I believe it is, but I just wanted it to be done. I need to change my perception from "there is still some cancer there" "it's almost all gone". So please keep praying for me, and all of you who adopted my spots, please switch to the spot in the rectum. No Butt's about it!!! I know your prayers got rid of all 75 spots in the lungs, I just need a little more help! Love and prayers, m

Today is the Day I've Been Waiting For!

I expected the sun to be shining brightly this morning, but instead it's covered by fog! Last night I went to Nick's baseball game (which Nick stole home for the winning run) and took Colie, Allie and Matthew. It had stopped raining earlier in the day, and the sun was shining. But during the game one gray cloud floated in and we had a sun shower.....but the best part was the rainbow that showed itself after the short rain. It was so bright and defined, and it was complete! I'm sure it was sent just for me....after the rain the SON will shine. I feel God is telling all is well.
My apppointment to see Dr. Londer to get the results of the PET scan is at noon today. So I will make a second entry today with that results. So till then, Thank you for your continued support of prayers and love. m

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another Day of Rain!

The weather report says we will see the sun tomorrow....but we have to put up with one more day of this rain stuff. My allergies are starting to complain too! Red itchy eyes when I got up this morning....well actually they started turning red yesterday. Mold and mildew must be growing everywhere like the mushrooms in my yard. Other than the allergies and the lack of sun, I am feeling well. As the days go by the effects of the chemo are lessening. Fingers less sensitive to the cold and Constance is behaving. (In regards to Constance, I've watched what I'm eating (no sugar and no dairy) so it's really me that is behaving.)
I didn't have any plans for this morning, but just got a call from Janet, and she is coming over to get folding tables for another sale, so she can uncover the tables she wants to sell. She has 2 dining sets and even though she had signs on them....people couldn't see them cause they were covered with dozens of other things that she was selling. Maybe this will help sell them. So I have company coming and I'll probably have to get dressed.
If the weather or rain clears out this evening, I'm taking Nicole, Allie and Matthew to Nick's baseball game. So cross your fingers for no rain between 6 and 8 this evening.
Oh, and Happy Anniversary to Annie and Doug. Wow, the summer of 1991.....3 weddings in 5 months! It was just one big party!! Love and Prayers, m

Monday, June 14, 2010

Rain and Unseasonably Cool!

Today is the day I've been waiting for....I get my PET scan. I'll be wearing my "SPOTLESS" shirt. I stayed in bed as long as I could, so I wouldn't be up looking for food and drink. I have to leave in about an hour. So I'm ready to go.
The weather just hasn't gotten any better....they say we will have rain in about an hour, and we are expected to get rain again tomorrow, and finally they are predicting sun for Wednesday....but I'll have to see it to believe it.
Off to see the wizard....with his scanning machine!!! Love and prayers, m

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Is Their a Sun Behind Those Clouds?

I'm beginning to wonder. The weather man this morning wasn't giving out any hope for today, and a slight bit of hope for tomorrow before it rains again tomorrow night. I think they thought by Wednesday we might see Sun and some warmth might sneak in. Next weekend so far is looking good.
Other than the weather....I'm sipping my only cup of coffee I'm allowed for the day, and then I'll jump into the shower and get myself to church. It's good my lungs solar panels are fully charged and all those spots are already gone, or we'd be in big trouble doing it this last week.
Don't have any plans for the day other than not eating sugar and drinking lots of water for the scan tomorrow. I'll have to find something to do.....but that shouldn't be hard.
Love and prayers, m

Saturday, June 12, 2010

It's Still Raining!

Was off to Janet's early this morning to help with the last day of her Estate sale. It was so dreary and cold that not one customer showed up till 9:30 or so. Then we had several shoppers between then and 12:30 p.m. and then it started raining and all the people went home. I had packed and planned on going directly to the cabin from Janet's, but just couldn't make myself go in this weather. So I'm back home. We (Judy, Janet, Ev and I) sat and talked about all the funny sales we had over the last 3-days, and then it progressed to funny memories of our childhoods and pretty soon we were all laughing so hard the tears were running down our faces. So all and all a good time was had by all, despite the weather. Cousin Karen reported that Switzerland only had 3 days of sun in May....I'm afraid our June will be the same way. But she was sending sunshine....we can only hope it makes it here.
I continue to feel well and strong. Tomorrow I have to prepare for the PET scan which means no caffeine or sugar 24 hrs prior to the scan. I also am supposed to drink lots of water. Then Monday morning, no food or beverage 6 hrs prior to it. I have to report in at 10:30 but I won't have the scan till 11:30 or so, as they inject me with a radio active dye and then they have to wait about an hour before they do the scan. By the time I'm done, I'll be starving and looking for my coffee and lunch!
Looking for sunshine...I changed the background to my blog hoping that would help, love and prayers, m

Friday, June 11, 2010

Rain, rain go away!

I'm not moving fast this morning, it's raining, it's pouring, the old woman is snoring! Actually, I am out of bed, but I'm sure no one will be rushing into the garage sale at 7:30 this morning. So I called in late. It has rained over 1 inch early this morning already and it will continue to pour till about 10 a.m. Hopefully then it will dry out for a few hours and Janet will have some customers.
Constance settled down later last evening, and seems to be behaving this morning. I need to hit the shower and get dressed for the day. I'll write later if I have any real news. Thanks for reading and praying. Love and prayers, m

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Kathleen!

Sorry this is so late in coming. I left home at 7 a.m. and didn't get home till 5:30 p.m.. Spent the day helping Janet with her estate sale. She got rid of a lot of stuff, but you can hardly tell anything is gone. The weather was horrid, cold and damp, but she had a steady stream of people all day. I almost said customers, but there are a lot who just walk through and walk right back out. I'm sure they have something particular in mind, and she didn't have that thing. She cooked up a pot of beef stew for lunch, and with the tasted great. We could have sold it for a fortune. I'll be back helping her again tomorrow, so don't look for an update till late again. Tomorrow I will dress a lot warmer, as they aren't predicting much better temps, and more rain. Hopefully we'll have shoppers.

As for me, I'm doing fine....although Constance has had diarrhea all day. I've just taken imodium, and am sure that will help.

It's my little sister's birthday today and called and talked to her, but she was somewhere in Arkansas on top of a mountain and the reception was crummy. I did get to tell her I love her, and know she is having a happy day!

Nothing new on the cabin front! So I am assuming all is well. Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Pictures of Cabin before the Addition.

Just a couple of pictures to show you where the addition is going to be. It will wrap around the existing deck and be a 22X27 addition with a walkout built into the hill. When done, you won't beable to see the deck from the back where we park.
I'll try and post pictures as we go idea one of my readers suggested, and I thought you might enjoy.

Pocket Full of Sunshine

A sunny day tucked in between forecast of rain tomorrow, and yesterdays wet day. I appreciate it anyway I can get it. Yesterday was what I think was my down day after the last round of chemo. I layed pretty low. Enjoyed having friends over to watch gorgeous George on a DVD. I made popcorn and peach ice tea and curled up in my favorite chair for the afternoon.
I'm feeling well this morning, didn't oversleep quite as much, and have plans for the day, to force me to get dressed before noon. I am meeting the builder at the courthouse to go over the final blueprint, get the new revised bid and actually get the permit in hand. Away we go!!!
Later this afternoon, I will meet with the colo-rectal support group over at North Memorial, and then get ready to spend the next two days with Janet and her estate sale. I need to set my alarm and get up early both days. Just hoping the rain will be spotty. Thunderstorms are supposed to hit Thursday afternoon. So hopefully the garage door will be closed by the time it hits.
Hope you all have a great day, Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rain Drops Keep Falling on My Head!

But that don't matter to me!! The yard and gardens look great!
For some reason, I slept in again this morning, and because of the gray, wet skies, I'm still not moving very fast. I do feel well, and wonder if today is the day I have the big let down, as I didn't take any of those steroids this morning. I made a mistake and took a whole one yesterday morning, instead of 1/2, so we'll see what happens. I have a quiet day planned. Friends Bonnie and Lois are coming over to watch a movie with me this afternoon, but other than that, I'll be laying low. I'm sure George Clooney will make my day.
Last night I went to the farewell reception for President Pat Johns, and it was so nice to see and hug lots of friends. Many said they were reading my blog and praying for me. Some hadn't seen me in a while and were so surprised as to how well I looked, others didn't even know I had been sick. I'm such a people person, that even though I was there to say goodbye to Pat Johns, it helped lift my spirits up, and charge my batteries. Thank you for being there for me, I really appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Love and prayers, m

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hurrah, I Can Finally Write to my Blog!

Sorry for the delay, but it was the blog site that was keeping me from blogging this morning. They finally got the problem fixed. As the day progressed it's gotten better and better. We finally got approval to start the cabin and not take the deck down till July 12, or by July 12th. They will give us the permit as soon as Rory the builder goes and gets it....he needed a new drawing by the architect, which we were able to get done over the internet, and I now have a final plan, and the builder can figure out the final bid for the job and start working on it. Whew!!! What a rollercoaster!
The sun has been shining all day, and it is beautiful out. Going to the farewell reception for the President of Anoka Ramsey, and looking forward to visiting with lots of old friends. Need to find something to eat before I go. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, Love, m

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Birds are Singing and the Sun is Shining

What could be better?
I got an email from Aunt Loretta's granddaughter (Kim Weimer) late last nite, and she said Loretta would be going home today, so that is good news. I'll try and call her later this afternoon, and she if she did go home and get an update on what happened. I know your continued prayers have helped.
As for me, I slept well last nite....even over slept this morning well over an hour late. It's sunny but cool and my finger tips are tingling as I type this, but not bad....actually the warmth of the computer helps them....that and the coffee cup.
I've been watching the birds, and I am now sure that I have wrens nesting in one of the bird houses, and both mom and dad seem to be busy going in and out (I assume feeding babies). The seed bird feeders got ravaged again last nite....I think I have a raccoon attacking them during the nite....but I've learned not to fill them....they only get one scoop each time I fill them. Luckily they don't bother the hummingbird and oriole feeders. So I keep them coming back
Meeting with the kids about the removal of the deck to get our permit this evening. Tomorrow, I need to contact the architect, and then I'm going to a reception for the President of the college I worked at (ARCC's Pat Johns) as he is leaving and becoming the President of Superior Community College in Duluth. I was on his hiring committee years ago when he bacame President so I think it only fitting that I be there as he leaves. Nothing else to report, I do appreciate your prayers, and thanks again to Jeanie to let me know someone is reading this. A few others commented in emails and over the phone, so I know you are reading, and I guess I write more as a diary to get my feelings out....but I like knowing you are out there praying for me too! It's been a long haul, but all the spot removers have done their job. Thank you all! Love and prayers, m

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Need for Prayers for Aunt Loretta

Hi Mary
Hope all is well with you. We are doing fine.
Elaine just called to say Loretta is back in the hospital. She had some kind of spell and was unresponsinve last night. She was taken to the hospital and by the time Mike and Elaine got there, she was responsive. The doctors don't know what the problem is but are going to do tests, etc. and hope to find the cause. Elaine was about to call the hospital to see if there was anything new. Prayers are needed! Will let you know when I find more out.

Cloudy, But Not Wet!

I guess we have a chance of showers all day, but I'm going to the cabin try and figure out how we can make those new steps and landings work. I need to stare at it for a couple of hours....and feed my birds etc. Just relaxing, and sitting on the deck is so healing for me. I know mom and Gene are there with me.
I'm feeling well. Not having as extreme side effects as I had a few days that is good. Yesterday was a tough day emotionally....I was up and down all day. But I slept well last night, and asked God to help me through, and I feel He is! Got my shopping and laundry done, and worked on filing in the computer room, and my desk is clear! So that's a good sign.
I'm off to the cabin. I'll check in with you all, tomorrow. I assume someone is reading this. Love and prayers, m

Friday, June 4, 2010

Round Eight, Unplugged!

Well, today has been good and bad. The good news is I'm unplugged from what I believe to be my final round of chemo....PET scan will tell the tale. Other good news is we got the variance for the cabin addition this morning, but it is contingent on taking out the decking we have next to the boat house....and if we want to keep on schedule we have to have it out by June 14th so we can get the permit to build. So that only gives us 10 days. This will be lot of work in a short period of time....but at this point, I'm willing to pay to have it done if that is what it takes to get this show on-the-road. I will meet with an architect next week, and they can start taking out the trees next week, so that the excavation can start as soon as we get the permit.
The sun has been in and out and then came out again by noon, so it kind of resembles my day. I know the Son is with me carrying me like He has this whole process.
My side effects from the chemo have increased with each round, but I'm sure the chemo has done it's job. I'm holding my weight so far, and may have to soon watch what I'm eating to keep it down and continue to hold at my normal weight.
The other interesting thing about this day, is that it was three years ago today that Gene died. Although I miss him so much, I have been able to move into a life without him. He is always with me in my heart....and I feel his presence here with me. So it is in my mind this day my cancer dies, and we have the variance we needed to proceed with a new addition to the cabin and move on to bigger and better things both in my health, life, and at the cabin. I am grateful for all of your help in this process, and I totally feel "SPOTLESS" and ready to move on. Thank you, thank you! Love and prayers, m