Monday, June 21, 2010

Round Nine, day 1

Today I started another round of 4 chemo's, and I had to be there early this morning, so I didn't get a chance to write before I left....and I didn't take my computer along with me. Janet came along with me and we managed to do a lot of laughing. I also had a great surprise when Imelda Neis stopped in to visit, after her radiation treatment. She had read the blog and knew I'd be there and she is there every day from now to the end of July for radiation. She has breast cancer, so please keep her in your prayers too! Imelda's husband Joe worked with my dad and Gene both at Midwest Printing and the StarTribune.....we've known each other since about 1961 when Gene started at Midwest almost 50 years. We did a lot of partying and dancing together in our younger years. Needless to say it was so fun to see Imelda and do some reminiscing and laughing.
So far the tingling in my fingers that was so much stronger last time, hasn't seemed to effect me much. I am tired though, may have to take a short nap before I go out for dinner.
Had a nice afternoon yesterday, went to Nicole's hockey game, and then off to Jimbo's for dinner with Ann's celebrate Father's day with her dad. Didn't go to the cabin like I had thought I would earlier, but once Phil told me everything was fine at the cabin, I didn't feel the need to drive up. I'm hoping that we finally got the permit today, and that they will start digging tomorrow, but don't know that for sure. We'll let you know tomorrow if it actually happens. I promise to write earlier tomorrow. Love and prayers, m

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