It seems like the cold side effects haven't been as strong as usual. I also slept well last night and so far no diarrhea for Constance to complain about. However, after telling you yesterday about my chemo brain, I managed to completely forget that I was supposed to deliver Meals on Wheels. By 11:45 my friend Carol Kline called and asked if I forgot (I was supposed to pick her up at 11:20 a.m.) I went into panic mode and ran out of the house, picked Carol up and headed off to pick up our meals. Luckily they were still sitting there waiting to be delivered. I had to apologize to each house, but everyone was so happy to get them, that they didn't mind that I was 1/2 hour late but they were all waiting at the door to great me. Adding to my lateness was early in the deliveries we came to the house of good friends, and both Carol and I had to go in and visit and get hugs and tell them about my cancer, and now will be on their prayer list, and them on mine. So if you don't mind please say a few prayers for Larry and Mary Lou Cronin too. It seems that each day I find others that are in so much worse shape then I am that I give thanks to God and you for all the prayers and strength I've been so lucky to receive. It sure makes me realize the power of prayer in my life.
The other big happening of yesterday was they actually started digging, and depending on the weather, they will pour the footings today and then can start on the cement blocks by the end of the week. We have asked that they promise to have the old water and sewer in working order by the end of next week, so we can use it over the fourth. They also will not deliver the lumber till Tuesday the 6th, so we will have room for parking etc. over the 4th of July. So I think things have finally started to move in the proper direction. Another sign of the power of prayer! Jimbo forgot to take pictures, but he plans on going up again tomorrow, and he promised to send pictures then. If he doesn't I'll stop in on Friday, as I'm going to Annandale for a potluck with a group of ARCC ladies. A former ARCC staffer, moved from Ramsey, MN to Sugar Lake between Annandale and Maple Lake, and has invited us for lunch on Friday. Looking forward to seeing Doreen and the rest of the gang.
So now I need to jump in the shower and get dressed so I can get unplugged. This only takes about 10 minutes if that! But it is a good reason to shower and get dressed. A strange weather day, sun and then clouds and then sun again. I'm not sure the rain is done for the day. I have no big plans for the afternoon, if it's a nice evening, I'll find a grandchild's sporting event to watch if something is on their schedules. Love and prayers, m
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