Friday, June 4, 2010

Round Eight, Unplugged!

Well, today has been good and bad. The good news is I'm unplugged from what I believe to be my final round of chemo....PET scan will tell the tale. Other good news is we got the variance for the cabin addition this morning, but it is contingent on taking out the decking we have next to the boat house....and if we want to keep on schedule we have to have it out by June 14th so we can get the permit to build. So that only gives us 10 days. This will be lot of work in a short period of time....but at this point, I'm willing to pay to have it done if that is what it takes to get this show on-the-road. I will meet with an architect next week, and they can start taking out the trees next week, so that the excavation can start as soon as we get the permit.
The sun has been in and out and then came out again by noon, so it kind of resembles my day. I know the Son is with me carrying me like He has this whole process.
My side effects from the chemo have increased with each round, but I'm sure the chemo has done it's job. I'm holding my weight so far, and may have to soon watch what I'm eating to keep it down and continue to hold at my normal weight.
The other interesting thing about this day, is that it was three years ago today that Gene died. Although I miss him so much, I have been able to move into a life without him. He is always with me in my heart....and I feel his presence here with me. So it is in my mind this day my cancer dies, and we have the variance we needed to proceed with a new addition to the cabin and move on to bigger and better things both in my health, life, and at the cabin. I am grateful for all of your help in this process, and I totally feel "SPOTLESS" and ready to move on. Thank you, thank you! Love and prayers, m

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