Was off to Janet's early this morning to help with the last day of her Estate sale. It was so dreary and cold that not one customer showed up till 9:30 or so. Then we had several shoppers between then and 12:30 p.m. and then it started raining and all the people went home. I had packed and planned on going directly to the cabin from Janet's, but just couldn't make myself go in this weather. So I'm back home. We (Judy, Janet, Ev and I) sat and talked about all the funny sales we had over the last 3-days, and then it progressed to funny memories of our childhoods and pretty soon we were all laughing so hard the tears were running down our faces. So all and all a good time was had by all, despite the weather. Cousin Karen reported that Switzerland only had 3 days of sun in May....I'm afraid our June will be the same way. But she was sending sunshine....we can only hope it makes it here.
I continue to feel well and strong. Tomorrow I have to prepare for the PET scan which means no caffeine or sugar 24 hrs prior to the scan. I also am supposed to drink lots of water. Then Monday morning, no food or beverage 6 hrs prior to it. I have to report in at 10:30 but I won't have the scan till 11:30 or so, as they inject me with a radio active dye and then they have to wait about an hour before they do the scan. By the time I'm done, I'll be starving and looking for my coffee and lunch!
Looking for sunshine...I changed the background to my blog hoping that would help, love and prayers, m
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