Friday, June 25, 2010

Looks like a Stormy Day!

Woke up to sunshine, but the rain is on it's way....but then we'll get a break till about 3 p.m. when they are talking about stormy weather. So I'll head for the cabin at about 10 a.m., then over to Doreen's on Sugar Lake, and party with ARCC friends, and then hope to be home before the next round of storms hit.

Here are some pictures Jimbo took yesterday at noon....they should have finished the block work yesterday, so I'll check that out this a.m. and take more pictures.

I'm feeling good today. Blood pressure is dropping a little each day. So is my weight, but still within the normal range for me. I've been pushing the water, and only had to take one imodium this week.

Love and prayers, m

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