Friday, June 18, 2010

After the Storms the Sun will Shine

I came home from the cabin yesterday afternoon, just hours before strong storms and tornado's hit. I don't know if the cabin or trees sustained any damage, but I know they were saying that a tornado was spotted near Annandale. I know that could be in any direction of Annandale, and I haven't heard what specific damage was done in that area. So I think I will go back up either tomorrow afternoon or Sunday morning after church.
The struggle for the permit might come to fruition today, and digging begin on Monday....but I'm not holding my breath. We've been promised it so many days already and they've come and gone without a permit in hand.
I am feeling great No complaints on the health front. Janet will be coming with me on Monday for round 9 of chemo. Hopefully she'll keep me laughing. She has been a God send for all of this journey. Thank you God! and thank you Janet!
Going to do some shopping today, and have a retirement party for one of the maintenance guys at the college, and tomorrow is a retirement Tea for his wife and another support staff that I worked with for most of my 28 years at the college.
Love and prayers, m


  1. This is an email I received from Karen, my cousin in Switzerland who came up with the "Adopt a Spot" idea.
    Hi Mary
    Great news about the new spotless lungs...Your spot removers really did their job!!! Obviously the rectal cancer seems pretty stuborn but nothing your group of supporters can't handle! Perhaps we need new imaging...The solar panel concept worked for the lungs however I think this needs a new approach...I tried to imagine your cancer flying away except butt....erflies seemed to be inappropriate...I'll have to work on that....Faith and love have brought you this far and it will be there to carry you through this next phase...I would send you more sun
    but we haven't seen it in the last 10 days and won't until the end of NEXT week. I know it's hiding somewhere but definitely nowhere in
    Swissyland!!!!!Lots of love and prayers, Karen

  2. m, CONGRATS, YOU ARE NOW PURE AS THE DRIVEN WHITE SNOW, OR "SPOTLESS"! You continue to be my shining example of how God's love really works. Even though you wonder, at times, whether anyone is really reading yor news, there is no doubt when it comes to faith in the fact that you are going to be well cared for and cherished, more than you can imagine. I hope Karen can come up with another good one like the spot removers, mayb like "butting out". love, Jeanie
