Thursday, June 24, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine!

I'm up and dressed and already have taken my granddaughter to CC practice and been shopping at Cub. Can you believe that? I had a good nights sleep and am feeling fine. I was having some dizzyness yesterday, but noticed on one of the anti-nausea pill bottles a dizziness warning. So I guess that was just a side effect of that med....seems to be fine so far today. Seems my blood pressure has been high lately too, so I am now monitoring it at home as of yesterday. It was lower at home, but not by a bunch, so I'll check it again today and see if it's dropped some more.

I think Jimbo was going back up to the cabin today to do some more work....hope he remembers to take pictures....if not I'll take some tomorrow, cause I can't wait to see it myself. I think they poured footings yesterday, so I wonder when they will start laying blocks? Don't have any water or sewer working right now, so that will limit how much time I'm up there. Will probably have to be day trips, and use the port-a-potty they have on the back lot....and bottled water....paper plates and the like. It is supposed to be nice next Monday-Wednesday, so maybe I'll go up and try to get organized for the big weekend....might even have water and sewer by then.

Today, I'm making my salsa to take to the pot luck tomorrow, and may even get out to the garden like I planned on Tuesday....when I forgot I had Meals on Wheels.

Last evening, I went with Bill up to Elk River and saw half of Katie's game. Now I just have to work in one of Tommy's too and a hockey game of Allies....oh and I have to go see Matthew ride his two-wheeler which he learned this week.

Tomorrow I'll be at the potluck at Doreen's on Sugar Lake in Annandale and then who knows where I'll be. When the sun shines I have lots of energy! I know it's all your prayers! Love ya, m

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