Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Keep on the Sunnyside!

Another sunny day hurray!
Would have been my 48th Wedding Anniversary. It's hard to realize I'm that old! But it was the beginning of a wonderful life and 4 fantastic children who gave me 11 fantastic grandkids and 4 fantastic spouses to share that life with. I am so blessed!
Last night however, wasn't one of my best ones. After bragging two consecutive days about Constance, she showed her nasty side and sprung a leak. I had lunch out which happened to have a little cheese on it, and then proceeded to have diarrhea all evening, and all night. Between the chemo and lactose intolerance it was bound to happen. This helped to spur the leak, and I was up at 3:30 changing the bag. Then I didn't fall back to sleep till almost 5 a.m. and woke up for the day at 7 a.m. Hoping that she starts behaving today!
My lunch was good yesterday, and while at Acapulco with Rosie, I also ran into Bruce Ripley and a group of maintenance workers celebrating his last day at the college, and Bonnie Severson who just happened to be there with family and friends for lunch too! So it was like ARCC day at Acapulco.
Then I went to Annie's and got to see Matthew show off his new talent of riding a 2-wheeler. Now he just has to practice starting and stopping on his own. The bike is a little bit too big for him to do this easily. But I'm sure it won't take him long. He's so proud of himself!
The cabin is coming right along....they will pour the concrete floor tomorrow and we'll beable to walk on it on Friday! It's really happening....still hard to believe.
No big plans for today....Janet is stopping by and I'll be packing for the weekend. Other than that I just plan on enjoying the sunshine! Thank you God! Love and prayers, m

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