Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day Two, Round Nine

Woke this morning to lots of sunshine, but they are warning us that this will bring a hot humid day with a good chance of thunderstorms this afternoon.
I didn't sleep well, but if I remember rightly, I didn't sleep well the first night of chemo last round either. I feel fine this morning....I'm sure due to the sunshine. With any luck they will start digging today. Jimbo, Doug and Ric were going up this morning to cut the 3X10 notch out of the cabin deck that we needed removed to get the 15' foot offset from the lot line. He told me he'd call and let me know if we got to dig or not. Haven't heard anything yet, but no news is good news! Our goal right now is just to have the old bathroom and water working over the 4th weekend. So keep your fingers crossed for that!
I forgot to ask you to keep Gary Buhr's brother in your prayers. Gary is one of my spot removers, and when I talked to him at church on Sunday, he told me his brother has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and something in his pancreas. They are doing a biopsy on the brain tumor this week at Mayo....so please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
Yesterday at my chemo hookup, Janet and I kept complaining of chemo brain, (not being able to remember certain word and names etc.) Janet thinks my chemo is rubbing off on her....and I remembered ginko biloba was good for strengthing your brain power...and I suggested to Janet that maybe she should take it. She came back with "I think it has some side effects, but I can't remember what they are" and we both broke out in hilarious laughter. We laughed so hard the tears were running down our faces. When the nurse came in to check on my chemo pump, we asked her if we were bothering patients with our laughter, and she proclaimed that laughter was so welcomed in a place were everyone is so serious and somber. So we hoped we brightened the process, of all the other patients who were getting chemo yesterday.
Not much planned for the day....might do laundry and pull some more weeds from the gardens. Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers, I'm sure it is what gets me through each day! Love and prayers, m


  1. Laughter is the best medicine. We all need to do more of it. Good luck and my prayers are still with you. Judy

  2. I had to giggle when you said chemo brain. Mom used that term, and she had a heck of a time with it too. Glad to hear things are going well. Mary
