I got up early this morning, and went to church. Then came home and read the paper and some laundry and took off to do some shopping. Needed to take back the shower faucets that the plumber said wouldn't fit, and get some more paint for the bathroom, Finished shopping for Presley's birthday, now I have to get it packed up and in the mail by morning. I totally forgot about blogging. Jimbo just called to see if I was alive. Yes, alive and well!!
The family reunion for the St. Paul Schoenecker's was fun. It's always nice to see all the cousins, and meet some of their children. I brought some old pictures along and they had fun looking at them, and trying to figure out who some of them were. Still don't know who some of them are of. They were no help! I promised to scan a picture for one cousin, and bought a book the Roger just wrote and had published.
Think I'll work on the yard and gardens tomorrow....that and cleaning house. Not anything exciting. Till tomorrow, love and prayers, m
I thought you must be busy because no blog this morning. Jessie and I had a good night and saw her off at 10 this morning to go to the Twins. I even went out and worked in the gardens a bit it was just nice to be outside.