Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bring me Sunshine!

It went away today!  Just when I was singing and dancing!  But at least it isn't cold and snowing.  The sun will come out soon I hope!

Today was Uncle Ed's birthday....what a's, Gene's and Uncle Ed's...all celebrating in heaven together.  I bet that's a good party!

Yesterday started out pretty boring, I cleaned out a whole dresser and removed about 20 t-shirts I know I won't were anymore.  But then around dinner time Bill called and I got caught up on their cruise and other small talk.  Then Don Salisbury the man across the street called to check up on me and let me know his wife was getting out of the rehab nursing home on Friday.  Then soon after Sharyl Boes called from Bullhead City, AZ....or is it Nevada?  anyway we talked for a long time and got caught up on the whole neighborhood.  She told me that a neighbor down the block had a stroke, and the her daughter Kim isn't doing well....and they aren't sure yet what is wrong with her....but seems something is attacking her kidney and liver....she is considering going to Mayo....but is trusting the new doctor she has right now.  So prayers are needed for all my neighbor's and their families. 

Then this morning I got an email from Carol Kline and she has been suffering from what she calls pulled muscles in her legs from the hip down....but I think it sound like something more serious....she hadn't been out of the house since Feb. 17th.  She does finally have a doctors appointment set up....but definitely needs prayers.

So the last 24 hours has been about you....and what I can do for you.  So the video is working....bring me fun....bring me sunshine....bring me love....and I'll pass it on to you!  Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bring on the Sun!

My brother Phil sent me this yesterday with the comment that it was me....and I believe he is right.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  I hope it works.

Happily the sun is shining again today.  It sure does make me sing!!  I didn't accomplish a lot, but I did get dressed and went out and worked on clearing the top of my driveway that doesn't get any direct sun at this time of the year, and with water running off the roof and dripping on that part of the just forms large mountains of ice.  As soon as I started working on it, the neighbor came and helped me.  The same one who blows out my driveway for me.  What a nice guy.

I also finally took the christmas swag off the front door and put on my spring one!  I know a little late, but when your in Florida and Sedona you don't worry about such things.  I'm sure the neighbors appreciate that.  I was going to take out the Easter decorations....but the kids put the christmas tree right in the middle of the store room and I can't reach the bin with Easter stuff in it.  Well...that's my excuse....I'm sure if I tried I could have done it.

Today is more of the same....I will find some cleaning to do....I'm sure that won't be hard.  Nothing else new.  Love and prayers, and Bring on the sun...Bring on the fun....bring on the love!  m

P.S. Today Gene would have turn 75.....that sounds so old!  m

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Good Morning Sunshine!

Really another day of sunshine....and it's warming up a bit too!  I am still having a few problems with that sleep thing.  Last night I stayed up late to start with, and then when I went to bed I got up an hour later and played solitare and watch "House Hunters International" for another hour, and then went back to needless to say when I finally got to sleep it was well after 2 a.m. and then I slept in till 9:30 a.m.  So I think I will be back setting the alarm to get me out of bed at 8 a.m. every morning for a while too! 

I must say my butt seems to be a little better does take about a week to get back to "my normal" after seeing Dr. Nelson at Mayo....and it will be one week tomorrow, so maybe even that timeline is getting shorter.  If this keeps up, I'm guessing Dr. Nelson will give the go ahead for chemo to begin in May.  But I'm not looking forward to another summer doted with chemo appointments every other week.  But I'm not upset about the's just the inconvenience of it all.  I think the peace I'm feeling is definitely sent by your prayers.

Had dinner last night with the FF group minus two.  But a good evening, and good food and conversation to go along with it.  I had a mushroom and swiss burger, and had something they called truffle fries, which looked exactly like french fries, but had a mushroom taste, and they were really great going down the first time, but later burping didn't taste so good.  (That may have been what kept me up last nite.)  Don't think I'd pay the extra $1 for them again.

No plans at all for the day....not even any goals.  I did accomplish my goal of sending out notes yesterday, and made about 20 some cards to use for notes too!  So I need to find a project for the day.  I may dig out the Easter decorations....and put away some Christmas things that were overlooked in January when they took down my Christmas tree.

Till tomorrow, love and prayers, m

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sun Shining Brightly!

Again!!!  I can hardly believe how wonderful it is to have 5 days of sunshine in a row in Minnesota.  Don't even miss Sedona when the sun is shining here.  It may not be as warm....but who cares!  It's helping the flooding prospects as well.

Yesterday turned out to be a busy day.  I went to Allie's championship hockey game at the Super Rink that was supposed to start at 2 p.m.....but didn't happen till 3....but no problem....they WON. 1-0  This is a select team.  The teams were made up from girls from all over the State.  Allie's team was the West team and they played the South team.

I got home had dinner and had to get ready for the Lenten Study group.  We met at Bill and Mary's house in Blaine so didn't have far to go.  It has a lot of new people this year.  But I knew everyone, so that was great.  Just loved being back with the group and talking with all of them.

In between church and the hockey game I worked on making greeting cards out of pictures I took on the trips this winter.  Now I need to send out some thank you notes....that's my goal for today.  Then tonight I have dinner with the FF group.

Love and prayers, m

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Clear Blue Skies

I know it's cold out there, but bright sun makes you feel warm anyway.  I love it....makes me feel so much better.

I did go to the funeral yesterday, and as Mary is the Office Manager at St. Tim's, there was a lot of people from St. Tim's there.  So I got to visit with lots of them.  Also found out that Mary's granddaughter goes to Coon Rapids Middle School, and knows my grandson Tommy.  It's such a small world.

I then went shopping again!!!  But still had a coupon and a rewards check from Menards to use.  So I first stopped at Kohls and found a few clearance items and also ran into Annie and Allie and their coupon was bigger than mine, so I got to use her's instead of mine.  I haven't seen any of the kids since I got back cept it was fun to run into them.  Allie is playing in a hockey tournament this weekend, and I guess she won and even scored yesterday mornings game.

Other than church and figuring out where and when my lenten study group is meeting, I have no plans for the day.  I guess I'll see what I can dig up!  Love and prayers, m  P.S.  Happy Birthday mom!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Sun is Shining! Again!

I love it.  It may be chilly but when the sun is shining all is well.

I got all the things accomplished yesterday I had on my list.  I even was able to use a discount coupon at every store I was in except Costco...and that was five different stores.  At J.C. Penney I used two for a total of $25 discount, a free pair of undies at Victoria Secret, and a free item and 20% off the entire total at Bath and Body I am really proud of myself.  I had to get a few things for my confirmation student at church that I am an angel for....I got a photo album for my new photos that I picked up at Costco, and I got a basket and a bunch of stuff to put into it for the Women's Club Brunch.  I even managed to get a few items for myself...only because I needed to buy $25 to get $10 off at Penney' I found a couple of Clearance items for me.

I sewed the patches on two letter jackets....but refuse to sew anymore on one of them....there just isn't any more room.  This girl has patches all down both arms, on both pockets and on the back.  Wow how great is that!!

I put pictures into Costco's site, printed them, picked them up and put them in the new album I bought.  I also sorted out those for Bonnie and those I will make greeting cards of.  So that took up a little time.  All and all it was a pretty productive day.

Today I have a funeral to go to this morning.  Mary Mueller's mom died.  Mary is part of my first Friday group.   In that same group Kathie Kelly lost her father-in-law and now her mother-in-law just 10 days apart.  They are now back East for the second time in two weeks.  Please keep all of them in your prayers.  I can't imagine two funerals so close together for my don't get time to really process one before the second.

Church and my lenten study group tomorrow.  Love and prayers, m

Friday, March 25, 2011

I Love the Sun!

I must be in Sedona....the sun has been shining for two days in a row!  Yesterday wasn't a very impressive day in the activity zone, but the sun was warm enough to melt away a lot of the new least on the driveway and streets.

I did do a lot a cleaning that nobody else would notice.  I cleaned out a lot of files and shredded a bunch of stuff too!  I also finally emptied my suitcase of the clean stuff and put everything away, including the laundry I washed and folded the day before.  Also filled the dishwasher and ran everything I did wasn't anything that walking in the front door you would fact you would wonder what the heck I've been doing with my time.  Oh, I did also run over to Walgreens to pick up a few items...and put the trash on the curb....I really was busy.

Today I will work on uploading the pictures from my trip to Costco, so I can get them printed.  I am also going to sew those letter jackets of Sandi's granddaughters....other than that, no big plans.  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Sun Has Come Out!

It is a beautiful morning, only I'm still on Sedona time.....even if it is 10 a.m.'s 8 a.m. in Sedona.  So my sleep habits haven't change back to Minnesota yet....of course getting up at 4 a.m. on Monday and 5 a.m. on Wednesday didn't help the matter at all.  Hopefully I will get up an hour earlier tomorrow, and then another hour earlier on Saturday, so Sunday I'll be back on the right schedule for Minnesota.

After the let down of news yesterday....I've done a lot of thinking.....and analizing my prayers, and realized that I didn't give God a timeline as to when he'd heal my cancer....and I also didn't say that He had to do it without chemo.  So maybe my prayers were answered.  I need to go back to praying for the removal of those spots...give that chemo an extra boost in working.  I also prayed for love and gratitude.....and I definately have that....I got that phone call as soon as I got home and had a driver for Rochester ungrateful would I be if I didn't think my prayers were answered.  Plus I have all of you showing me your love every day!  Thank you and Thank God for all he has given me!

One of my friends lost her mom last weekend, and another lost her father-in-law two weeks ago and now her mother-in-law is in ICU.  So please pray for both of those families.  I need to get cards in the mail for them too.

Got the laundry done the other day, but now I need to get some other things done around this house and make a trip to Walgreens, but that is all I have planned for the day.  Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dream Dashed!

I know I had confided to a few of you....that I didn't think the cancer was really in my lungs, as It mysteriously appeared two years in a row in January after having none in a November scan ...I thought it was maybe an allergy to something having to do with the Holidays, like evergreens or poinsettia's....And last year after only one round of chemo they had disappeared.  So I was sure that when I went in today and had my CTscan they would be gone again.....but no such luck.  They are still there....but the largest is only about 1 cm in size and the Doctor says it isn't life threatening at this time.  He is more concerned about healing my butt before doing any chemo.  He wants to talk to my surgeon after she see's me next month, and then let her make the call.  He said he would want to start in less than 6 months, and is guessing about May.  So spot removers need to get back to work, and say a few prayers for that stubborn butt of mine. 

In that department, the doctor says it is smaller and shorter than it was, and is not inflamed in any way.  She did ream it out a little and cut away some proud flesh that was on the outside edge and tended to bleed when I was wiping it.  So again my butt was caterized and packed with gauze and sitting is not going well.  Larry Moinicken drove me down and back, but I managed to sort of sit up on the way home rather than laying in the back....but I really should have laid down.

The weather in the Northern suburbs was already horrid and slick this morning at 5:50 when we left, and continued to snow all the way down....but accumulations in the southern parts of the state were much smaller.  When we went to lunch, inbetween appointments, the snow had stopped....but roads were just slushy.  By the time we started home at 3 something, the roads had already dried in Rochester and stayed dry almost all the way home.  But Foley Boulevard was a mess...didn't they even plow it today?  My driveway was cleared on one side already by my neighbor, but Larry's truck was parked on the other side, so Jim the neighbor just came over and did it all again.  How lucky am I to have such nice guys taking care of me.  Larry already volunteered to do it again if I was in a bind.  Thanks to both of you!!

Other than all of the appointments today, nothing else exciting happened.  Do start saying those prayers.  Love you all, m

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rainy Rainy Day

Okay, I said I'd be back to my old schedule this a.m., but my Firefox needed updating, which took time, and then I figured I better back up my laptop, as I added so many pictures this last few weeks, and then I got involved on some serious filling while I was waiting for those processes, and I totally forgot that I hadn't written.  I get sidetracked easily....I'm sure you've noticed.

The weather is dreary and they think it will give us a coating of snow by tomorrow morning.  I'm just hoping the roads are not icey as we travel to Rochester tomorrow.  But the even bigger concern is the flooding that has started in the southern MN counties.  I have vivid memories of trying to get home after the mega rain last fall when I was making daily trips for radiation.  So please keep our safety in your prayers, along with all my other concerns. 

I know I ask for a lot, asking you to pray for me, my butt, my spots, my safety, my cousins, Uncle John and Aunt Florence, Aunt Loretta.....but I do also keep all of you and your concerns in my prayers too!  I also appreciate all you do for me.....keeping me in your prayers, drivers, (to Mayo, to Phoenix, to and from airports etc.) and letting me stay in your homes (Naperville, Athens, GA, Destin and Naples Florida, Sedona, Phoenix AZ etc.).  Your love is so felt, and gratefully accepted....I sure hope you can feel that love returned to all of you.  I LOVE All of YOU.

Laundry awaits me.  Looking for Sonshine and sunshine.  Love and prayers, m

Monday, March 21, 2011

I'm Home!

Rita and Tom Culshaw picked me up at Bonnie's yesterday afternoon around 4 p.m. and took me back to the place they are renting for the evening.  I treated them to dinner out at a local Mexican restuarant and then we went back and visited till around 10 p.m. with the thoughts of getting up at 4 a.m. 10 seemed like a reasonable time to go to bed.  It was actually close to the time I've been in bed for the last 2 weeks, but sleep wasn't about to the previous two weeks....I laid awake for about 3 hours before falling asleep.  So 4 a.m. came plenty early.  A large "thank you" to Rita and Tom for putting me up!

I got to the airport at 5:05 a.m. and it took nearly an hour just to check my bag.....I had printed my boarding pass last night at Rita's.  Then I had to get through security and onto the plane before it took off at 6:20.  Just made it!!  But no sooner did I get seated but the plane had some problems with a 3rd backup generator....luckily it only delayed our take-off by about 15 minutes.  I had a 50 minute layover in Salt Lake City, and when I departed the plane from Phoenix, I checked to see what gate my next flight was....low and behold it was the gate I just exited....and the same plane!!!  Pretty funny and lucky for I spent my 15 minutes talking to Kathleen. 

The next exciting thing happened as we were about to land.....already over the landing strip and only about 10 feet off the ground....the pilot aborted the landing and stepped on the gas and headed straight up back above the clouds.  We then circled the airport at least twice before going down for a second try....this time landing without any excitement.  Evidently the pilot felt that we were too close to the plane that landed infront of us.  Scary for any reason.  Jimbo then picked me up and took me home. 

I did have to quickly run and pick up a prescription, and then get some groceries, as the cupboard was bare.  but I'm back home now, and have opened my mail and paid some bills and emptied my suitcase....mostly down the laundry shoot.

While coming home from the airport, I had lamented that I was going to drive to Mayo by myself on Wednesday, but while at Cub filling my grocery cart, I got a call from Sandi Moinicken, and she volunteered her husband Larry to drive me.....I warned him that it would be a long boring day....but he still said he would do it.....there is a chatch....Sandi has her granddaughter's letter jackets that need more patches sewed on them....which I will be happy to do....even if Larry didn't drive me to Rochester.  Thanks Sandi and Larry!!

I'll now include the pictures I wanted to show you yesterday.  I was at the local bakery and sitting at a table with 7 other people, and Bonnie and Dave were ready to go, and I could get the first picture to even upload, so I aborted the effert, and turned the computer off....and packed it away for the trip home.

Petroglyph at V bar V


Gorgeous Pansies!

Hunting Dance

More petroglyphs

Oh, and I must not forget, got an email from Janet this morning, and Jeannie had another small stroke yesterday.  She was back home after visiting the ER, but I haven't heard how she is doing yet today.  Anyway, please say a few prayers for her and also that Jeannie, Judy and Janet all get home safely in the next week or so.  Also say a few prayers for my neighbor Cherie who had back surgery a few weeks ago, and then had an alergic reaction to the morphin they were giving her.  She is doing better....but is in a nursing home recooperating right now.  Will try and right a little more regularly and earlier in the day, now that I'm home....except for Wednesday, that is!!!....I'm sure it will be later in the morning.  Love and prayers to all of you! m

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Getting Ready to Soar with the Eagles!

Sadly I leave Sedona this afternoon, and fly out tomorrow morning at 6:20....contemplating whether to stay up all night of try to get a few hours sleep before I have to get up.  I'm sure Rita and I will be up talking till late tonite.

Yesterday was a full day, we first went to another petrographic site that had so many pictures.  I'll include a picture for all of you to see.  Then we went into Sedona to Talaquepaque a shopping center where they were having a performance of an indian group, with acoustic guitar, drums and flute. I will also post some pictures of that too.  Later in the day and Dave, (Bonnie's friend) preformed a Indian Healing Ceremony on me.  It was a great day.  The healing continued into church this morning.  The energy is flowing generously today.

Sorry, I'll try uploading these photo's just wasn't working this morning....or taking too long.  Love and prayers, m

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sun and Fun Friday

Actually didn't do much this morning, had to take my shower before 9 a.m. as they were turning off the water to fix something this morning, but they hadn't gotten it fixed yet when we left at 11:15.  Went out for lunch at Oxtaxa Mexican Restuarant in uptown Sedona.  Great food, and great Margaretta's....even if it was before 4 p.m. we all had one.  Then we shopped at a few stores and I was able to get a few more items for my healing ceremony....which one store's lady told us we should do on Sunday, something about the solstice and full moon....there would be the best energy.  From there they dropped me off at a local coffee shop, Dave at a trail head that he can walk and return to the coffee shop and wait for Bonnie who is having her hair done. When she's done she will come back and get us.

Don't know what we will do this evening, but I know tomorrow we are going to see some more Petroglyphs similiar to what we saw yesterday.  I bought a easy field guide to southwestern petroglyphs today, so I'll take that with us.

Sunday Rita and Tom will pick me up sometime in the afternoon. Then bright and early Monday morning I have to go back to Minnesota.  We have to get up at about 4 Rita suggested we just stay up all night....but I think I need some sleep, even if just a few hours.  Sure hope they have some warm weather in Minnesota for me.....or at least some sunshine.  I have been raking in all the vitamin D I can get while I'm here.  Don't know if my system will store it for long or not.

Checked my Bracket scores, and I'm in second place in "Tom's Big Dance" right behind Hoyt and ahead of Emily....we'll see how long that lasts.  No new pictures, but I have had a couple of reply's to my flower quiz and I think Kathleen is the winner with Jane's Magnolia, Sandi was a close second with Star Magnolia.  Hope to write again tomorrow afternoon, Love and prayers, m

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patricks Day

Sorry I didn't get to write yesterday, but we were busy almost all day.  First we went on a hike to a rock formation called "Coffee Pot"  not far off the beaten track as many of my pictures have roof tops in them, but some great vista's.  Then after it was almost lunch time, so we went to a restuarant called "Coffee Pot"'s at the base of the hill on the main drag.  Has 101 different omeletes!  But none of the three of us had one.  We all found something else on the menu, like french toast, eggs benedict and I had a spinach salad.  From there we did a little shopping at an Art Mart with a lot of Arizona made jewelry etc. and then we headed back home to clean up and go back in to Sedona for a free Raiki session.  Lots of healing energy following there.  Didn't get home till after all my places to get online were closed.

This morning, we headed out of town about 8 miles on a dirt, rock and gravel road, to a couple of different indian ruins and pyctograph sites.  I am including a couple of pictures for you, and I also am including a picture of a bush just inside the gate of Canyon Mesa where I am staying.  I think it is some kind of Azalia.  But you can correct me if I'm wrong.....but it's beautiful.

Tonight we are going to a St. Pat's party at a local bar called PJ's for corn beef and cabbage and live entertainment.  So that should be fun too!  Will have a chance to write again tomorrow afternoon, so till then, love and prayers, m

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Annie

Today is Annie's birthday, so I called her earlier today and she was walking around a flea market then headed for the pool and then going out to dinner.  Hope she had a great day!  I know the sun was shining brightly!  It was here too!

Bonnie, Dave and I took a drive up Schnebbly hill, it is a tar road for about a mile or two...then it turns into a horrid dirt and rock pocked road.  But the view from as far as they'd let you drive (the sign said road closed for your safety in 4 miles) was spectacular.  I'll add a few pictures we took.  One of the highest vista's I've been on.

After a quick lunch, Bonnie and I went back into Sedona for a afternoon movie.  We saw the "King's Speech".  What a great move!  After getting home I decided I'd walk up to the clubhouse and write my blog.  So here I am.

Tomorrow night we are going to a free Raiche demonstration, and Thursday night we are going to a local pub for Corn Beef and Cabbage dinner and live celebrate St. Patrick's Day.  Then on Friday we have lunch planned at our favorite Mexican restuarant and then Bonnie is having her hair done, so I should have time to blog then too!  Going on a few more hikes this week and then on Sunday I have to pack up and go to Phoenix with Rita and Tom Culshaw and then they will take me to the airport very early on Monday morning.

Some time this week, maybe Saturday night, Dave, Bonnie's friend, is going to preform a healing ceremony for me or is it on me?  I want to be ready for the CT scan on Wednesday.  Still looking for someone to come with me as well.  We can drive down on Tuesday night.....or early Wednesday morning, but it will be all day on Wednesday before I'm done.  I have to see my surgeon and the oncologist as well as having the scan.  So anyone willing to spend the day in a waiting room or three!....I'd love to have the company.

me Vista on Schnebbly Hill
They call this rock Cow Pie
Note the windows at each end on top!
Probably the best part of the dirt road!
Hope you like the pictures....note the windows in one of the rock formations.  Love and prayers, m

Monday, March 14, 2011

It's a Sun Shinie Day!

Waking up to sunshine is getting to be a habit!  It's been in the 70's all week and the only bad day we had was a week ago.  Kathleen left bright and early this morning, before I got out of bed, and I miss her already.  I so enjoy spending time with her.  Plus she made a great partner playing cards.  Played a lot of Crisscross, a form of cribbage for 4, and I'm getting better at counting etc. in the game.

After our great hike, and my writing the blog last afternoon, we got cleaned up and went out to a Thai restaurant for dinner.  We each picked out something on the menu and shared it with the rest.  Then Bonnie picked up the tab! Unexpected and unnecessary as we are staying at their place.  But really a good dinner.  We then went back and played cards, but instead of a movie (as it was already 9 p.m.) we watched some news about the quake and tsunami.  I'm sure we are only seeing a tip of the's hard to watch even at that.

Bonnie on Baldwin Trail
Hoodat or Hoodoo or something like that!
Today is an off from hiking at least.  We will shop and do laundry and stuff like that.  Dave went to get his hair cut while I do my blog and Bonnie went to Walgreens.  I think I'll add a few more pictures for you.  Love and prayers, m

Sunday, March 13, 2011

May the Light Shine Upon You!

It's been so beautiful here since the storm on Monday, that I wish I could bring it back to Minnesota with me.  On Friday Kathleen and I hiked to a vortex in Boynton Canyon and I took some great photo's that I will add to this blog, then that evening when Bonnie and Dave got back from the Grand Canyon, we fixed them dinner and played cards and then watched a funny movie that we had picked up at the library.

Saturday we all went up to Jerome about 30 miles from here in the mountains above Cottonwood.  It is an old mining town, turned into a artist colony of sorts.  All the houses are proped on the edge of the cliffs and I would not live in any of them.  But we had lunch up there and walked around and shopped.  I got some new ear rings and a cross to add to my collection.  Then on the way back we went to an Indian pueblo that is a National Historic Site, and walked through there.  We got home late in the day and had leftovers for dinner...played some more cards, and then watched another great movie.

This morning I went to church with Bonnie and Dave and then we came back and picked up Kathleen and went to our favorite bakery for coffee and sweet rolls before going on our afternoon hike.  This time we went on the south side of Oak Creek across from Red Rock Crossing where Kathleen and I hiked on Thursday.  It was a great hike and we sat on the rocks and ate some fruit on the banks of the creek before heading back to the car.  I have great pictures of that hike too!

Chicken Point
Kathleen at Vortex in Boynton Canyon
House of Joy, Jerome AZ
Me, Bonnie and Kathleen Red Rock Crossing
That's all the news....hope you like the pictures.  Love and prayers, m

Friday, March 11, 2011

Another Gorgeous Day Insight

Had a great day yesterday, and today looks to be about the same.  74 degrees both days.

Kathleen and I went shopping and the library and ran a few errands, but then headed out to Red Rock Crossing.  It is a beautiful area where you walk along Oak Creek, and it's a very spiritual energy area.  Their are banks of rocks covered with thousands of carins and a vortex sight.  We hiked and sat and felt the energy, and then headed back into town.  Needed to shower before going back out to have dinner in Sedona and came home around 7 to watch one of the DVD's we picked up at the library.  After the movie we worked on a jigsaw puzzle to almost midnight.  But we really got a lot done on it.

This morning we rose around 8 a.m. and after making coffee, Kathleen decided to turn on the TV to see what was going on in the world....low and behold a earthquake in Japan....Tsunami....hit Hawaii and headed for California and Oregon coasts.  Nate (my nephew) lives on the North Shore of Hawaii, and Kathleen immediately tried to call him and make sure he was all right.....only to have to leave a message and sit and wait.  Before long Blair and Jessie both called with word that Nate had texted his dad that he was okay.  Thank God!  But we continued to watch the news for about an hour.  Finally tore ourselves away from it and got dressed and headed out.  First to the bakery for me to do my blog and then off to another vortex....this one in Boynton Canyon. 

My computer gives me fits every time I turn it on, it aways takes about 30 minutes to get into my email (thank goodness for my blackberry) and then another 5 minutes or so to get into the blog.  I think I need to start thinking about getting a new one.....this is so exasperating!

Not much else to report, all my kids have left Minnesota for Spring break for either Florida or Texas....hope they all have safe trips and enjoy some beautiful weather. 

Oh, also I need someone to come with me to Rochester next week March 22 as I have a CTscan planned for March 23.  I've already asked a few people that can't do it at this time, so if anyone is interested in a road trip let me know.  Love and prayers, m

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's Gonna be a Great Day!

Sorry I didn't get to the blog yesterday....but spent the whole morning hiking, and it was warm and beautiful...then we had to go to church and get ashes yesterday afternoon, and Kathleen came in last it was a busy day.

On Tuesday we just hiked around the neighborhood and didn't venture far, then yesterday we took a trail named small house and led us out to a overlook called chicken we got to see a rock formation that looked like that.  I did take some pictures, but haven't uploaded them to my computer yet.....maybe do that tonight and then I'll post some tomorrow.  It was about a 4.4 mile hike and I did well, so Kathleen and I are going to venture out today and take a hike out of Sedona west side called Red Rock Crossing.  Lots of good energy there and is along Oak Creek.

Well nothing new to report....just relaxing and having a lot of fun.  Bonnie and her friend Dave left this morning for the Grand Canyon and Kathleen and I are on our own till tomorrow night when they return.  We plan on going up to Jerome on Saturday, and going to Prescott to meet Dar and her friend for lunch.  Then Kathleen will leave again on Monday as long as the weather is okay.

I hope to write again tomorrow.  I here Jeannie is doing well, still going to rehab for her speech etc.  Judy and Janet are both with her for a few days.  Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Only Missing Plag and Pestulents!

Well, it's been an eventful couple of days....sorry that I haven't been able to write my blog for a few days, but first Bonnie doesn't have wifi at the townhouse they are renting, and then yesterday Firefox was updating and causing my computer to freeze up, and after 35 minutes trying to get into the blog I just gave up and turned it off and went home. Today is a new day and the sun is shining and everything will be okay.  I'll go back and write about Sunday first.

Sunday, March 6
I rose at 4:15 and showered and got ready for Bill to pick me up and all they went well.  Got to the airport and expected to see it empty at that early an hour, but low and behold it was packed....evidently everybody was going for those cheaper early morning flights too!  Anyway got to the gate and only had about 5 minutes to wait before they started boarding the to my seat on the aisle, and no one came to sit next to me, so that was to Phoenix about 15 minutes early....and then it all began to crumble....couldn't pull up to the gate till the plane sitting there moved out.....then the luggage took ages to come down the shute.  I was only feet away from the shuttle desk where I had to check in to get my shuttle to The Village of Oak Creek and luckily due to the slow luggage, my shuttle left by 10 a.m. right on schedule and I was off.  I happened to be the only one in the van, so the driver changed the route and drove directly to the Village which only took 2 hours and my butt was grateful for that, but Bonnie had been told to pick me up at a local hotel at 1 p.m., and it was barely noon.  What to do?  What to do?  I got out the cell and called her....but wouldn't you know it, she had turned her phone off for church and forgot to turn it back on....I thought that was the problem, but left a message that I had arrived early.  There was an art show going on in the next parking lot, so with backpack on my back and suitcase in tow, I walked over and up and down the rows....kind of looking....but now really interested in buying at that point.  So I decided to go across the street where I had seen a resturant with an open sign on it and have some breakfast...I figured I better let Bonnie know where I was going to be if for some reason they had heard my first message, so I called her again....still no answer....left another message....and tramped across the highway suitcase still in tow!  Had my breakfast (even though it was noon, I hadn't only had peanuts and coffee on the flight, so was ready for food.  Still no Bonnie in sight, so I tramped back across the highway and back to the hotel parking lot and with no chairs in sight sat on my suitcase till 1 p.m. when Bonnie and friend Dave arrived to pick me up.  They had been just down a couple of blocks having breakfast after church....waiting for me to arrive.  The rest of the day went uneventful cept the part where I found out that they didn't have wifi.  Took a short walk around the neighborhood and came back and watched Desperate Housewives and got ready for bed.

Monday, March 7
Dooms Day!!!  I awoke to grey clouds and a cool breeze, but Bonnie had hiking Bell Rock on her mind, and said wouldn't need a hat, cause no sun to burn our heads.  I did however put on my spring jacket and gloves, was wearing long pants and a sweatshirt, and figured it wouldn't be a problem the clouds would pass, as I saw brief moments of blue sky every now and then. 
Off we went and the first third of the hike was basically uneventful, but the farther we went the more often drops of rain would hit my head.  We got to a great viewing spot with rocks to sit on and take in the view, so we stopped and sat and watched the clouds move quickly across the sky and still seeing a spot where the sun would be shining on the rocks in a distance even though we had clouds overhead.  I thought wouldn't that be a nice picture to take, and pulled out my camera only to find the battery was dead.  Now this should have been a sign that it wasn't going to go well the rest of the hike, but nooooo!!!....we hiked on up the rocks and eventually were on the other side and the wind started blowing like crazy.  By this time, my knees were also getting a little weak....due to the height....and we decided to turn back and go about the point where we had stopped to take pictures, it started to rain with a few drops of small hail, but we were going down hill, so we just picked up the pace and looked for trees to shelter us...but this however was the dessert, and shrubs and cactus dotted the path.....the hail started getting worse and we finally found a tall shrub that helped very little, but did some diverting of the hail on my head and eventually covered the grown like a pebble path of white ice, and we even though it hadn't stopped raining, continued down the icey greasy red clay that the path had turned into.  It also now had rivers of water and large puddles we had to traverse.  Eventually we got to the car, but were completely soaked, cold, and had red clay covered wet shoes.  We had to take off our shoes to get into the car and carefully placed them in the back and left them in the garage to dry over night.  When we got home we took hot showers, ate hot soup with nice clean dry clothes on.

After all that excitement, I decided to go to the bakery with the wifi in town to work on my blog after we came back from grocery shopping, Bonnie and Dave let me out and went on to do some other errands before coming back to pick me up....wouldn't you know it, the bakery was closed!  Closed at 3 p.m. and that was just about the time I got there.  So I had to sit out in the cold till they returned from their errand to pick me on our way back Bonnie and Dave dropped me off at the clubhouse and I went in at about 3:20 p.m. to start my blog.  Wrong!!!  by 5 p.m. I was still sitting there trying to get my computer to work and totally frustrated at the whole thing.  I called and had Bonnie come and get me.  Don't exactly know what the problem was...but it froze up and I couldn't get it to do anything.

Had dinner and started watching a movie Bonnie had gotten at the library, but about 15 minutes into it....we turned it off...was too weird and too violent for Bonnie and me.  Ended up watching "Family Feud" and a few other TV programs before going to now you know why the title of this blog.

Tusday, March 8
The sun is shining brightly and not a cloud in the sky....promise of 60 degrees and all is well.  After breakfast and a shower Bonnie and I headed to the Bakery again to do my blog.  Had a few problems getting into the internet....but finally here I am.  It's going to be a good day!  Love and prayers, m

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Sun is Shining!

They said it would shine yesterday...but I don't believe I saw it.....but when I got out of bed this morning (a little late) the sun was already shining brightly!  Oh Happy Day!  I can almost hear my mom singing "Oh What a Beautiful Morning"...I've got a wonderful feeling it's gonna be a great day!!

I've got lots to do today....packing....which I barely started yesterday....sewing for grandson Tommy so he can swim on his cruise without loosing his trunks....delivering a couple of birthday presents....and straightening the house so it looks presentable when I return.

I lost my great red scarf when I was down at Mayo on Tuesday.  Trying to remember when or where I last saw it.  It's kind of a blank...this week has been kind of a blur. I checked with Bonnie and Bob and it's not in their maybe I left it at Perkins when we had lunch....or maybe someplace at Mayo, but I was in 3 different offices that day, and I think I left my coat out in the waiting room at a couple of places.  I really loved that scarf, and got so many compliments on it.  Oh where oh where could it be?

Well, I better start working...lots to do.  I don't know if I'll have a chance to write in the morning....maybe at the airport....but I'll try.  I have to leave home around 5 a.m.....and I'm not a morning person.  So wish me luck!  Actually wish me some sleep before 4 a.m.....last night I think I was still awake then....thinking about all the things I had to do today.  Love and prayers, to you all, m

Friday, March 4, 2011

Where Has the Sun Gone?

We did avoid the snow yesterday, and they say we may see some sun today, but it will be a mix of sun and far I only see clouds!  Leaving for Arizona on Sunday can't come soon enough.  I need some sun.

Yesterday the funeral was a true celebration of Bucky's life, I was honored to have my son give the eulogy followed by one from Wendy, Ann's sister.  They both did such a nice job.....throwing in a little humor....thru our tears.  The row I was sitting in all were crying...Tom, Bill, Kim, Annie and Doug.  I'm sure everyone else was too!....but then we'd all be laughing.  It was attended by more people than they had tables set up for in the social hall for lunch.....and some didn't stay for lunch so a great crowd and testament to a great man.

During lunch I had Nathan recite his poem for my son Tom, as he wasn't there to hear it the night before.  He again had our whole table laughing. 

From the funeral a large crowd went to Jimbo and Ann's house to continue the celebration.  There was more food, and it seemed to multiply as the day went on.  They have a great house for entertaining, and people gathered in small groups of 6 or 8 and continued the stories and jokes till well into the evening.  I did get home by 8:30 p.m., but we weren't the last to leave.

For me just being with my family and listening to all the stories, and talking about Gene (their father) was the most healing and the best part of the day.  Not that that was all we talked, and hockey and lots of other subjects got lots of time too!  All the friends of my kids did a good job of adding to the conversations and laughter.

Today I need to pick up my mini van that has been getting it's ding fixed, and I also get to have my hair I look good for the trip.  I think I may do some shopping as well....Katie's birthday was on Tuesday, and Annie's birthday is on the 15th.  I just realized that with the funeral and all I didn't wish Katie a Happy 15th birthday in my blog!  Sorry Katie!!!  I did send her a message on Facebook.

I also forgot to tell you I called my supplemental insurance, and was told that they are the primary insurance for part B, so yes, they will cover 90% of my catheters!  Whewww!!!  What a relief!  I also got Handi Medical to get my precription transferred to them, so that I can get my bags and catheters from the same place.

Self catherizing is going okay, but I haven't done it as much as they suggested....not being at home makes it I just didn't do it!  But I did yesterday morning, and again when I got home.  So I think today I'll try a little harder to do it atleast 3 times, if not 4. 

Nothing else to report.....Love and prayers, m

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Some More Snow!

I guess it won't be much today but promise of a doozie next week.....thank goodness I'm going to Arizona on Sunday.  Atleast it won't be as cold as it was yesterday....but I wasn't out in it much so it didn't bother me.  Seems like it is always cold and windy at cemeteries.

Spent the evening at Buck's wake.  It was hard at the beginning, the tears kept running down my cheeks, but after most of the hugs of Ann and her sisters, I started to dry up a little.  Hard to be in the same funeral home as Gene was, and so many of the same people there.  Then Annie S. (my daughter) and I took over the job of keeping the private family room filled with food.  Actually Annie brought it all, and I just helped pay for it and set it out and keep it cleaned up.  So that was something to divert my attention and give me a purpose to think about.  Then at 6:30 they had a small memorial service, and people were asked to tell stories about Buck, and that led to lots of laughs and some more tears, even some of the grandkids had a few stories to tell, and Nathan, Wendy's 9 year old, got up and read a poem that he wrote, and it had the whole room laughing through the tears.  Later Nathan proclaimed to me, that when he grows up he was going to be a Stand up Comedian and tonight was his first gig and he had 200 people all laughing!  What a wonderful smart kid....but I'm sure he'll go a lot farther than that!  Or if he is....he'll be a really successful one!

Today we'll go back over to the funeral and then to Jimbo's house for the after celebration.  Oh, I say we'll cause during the night my son Tom drove up from Chicago to go along with me.  A nice surprise to me....but I guess other's knew as they asked me during the evening when he was going to get here. 

I did get a note from Janet yesterday that Jeannie is getting better each day.  Working hard doing her exercises.  Janet keeps encouraging her a long the way.  Please keep the prayers coming for her....along with all my other requests!  Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Passed with Flying Colors

Both doctors gave me passing grades!!!  First I saw the butt doctor (Poor Dr. Nelson, she deserves a better nickname....but it works for me!).  She did a gentler job of scraping and cauterizing, packed it with gauze and told me it looked really clean and healthy....and thinks it is getting smaller.  She didn't seem concerned at all that it bled last week, and thought it may even have been a good thing.  So we will see.  Don't have to see her again till March 23, when I go back for my quarterly CT scan and see the oncologist.

I was in and out of that appointment in about 20 minutes and decided I would check in early for the 3:30 appointment and see if I could get home early.  So we went down two floor and I checked in telling them I was hoping to get in early, and sure enough I didn't wait long at all.  Dr. Chow (no nickname yet) said that my kidneys are working problem there, but he doesn't think my bladder is emptying fully, and I also don't get the message that I am full when I I get to catheterize myself 3 or 4 times a day.  He says after a while, I can go down to twice a day.  The nurse that taught me the procedure said not to worry and I missed a day or wasn't able to do it as often as it is just a precautionary measure to protect my kidneys from any future damage.

So they sent me back out to the waiting room to wait for my instructional session on how to do it.  That didn't take long and I was done with that by 2:40....but then I had to wait for the prescription to be signed by the I was back sitting in the waiting room again.  After 20 minutes, I decided that that was long I went up to the counter and asked about it....and sure enough the nurse walked out with it.  The thing that bugs me is that the other nurse said as soon as it was signed she'd bring it out to I could have been out of there even earlier....but was still 1/2 hour before my scheduled appointment and I was done.....well almost done....cause then I had to go down to the Mayo store and buy the months supply of catheters and the surgical lubricating gel.  I was then informed that Medicare wouldn't pay for it for the first 3 months!  What?!!  I guess I wouldn't be upset, but the month supply was $156.  Evidently Medicare wants to make sure it is a chronic problem.  I can't believe it!  So I said wouldn't my supplemental insurance cover it, and they said if Medicare won't pay usually your supplemental won't today I guess I'll get on the phone and find out if there is somewhere else I can get it any cheaper.

I did get home early...or a lot earlier than I thought I would, and was able to greet my guests and had everything (snacks etc.) set out and ready to serve.

It was a fun evening of cards.....all though I think I ended up in the hole!  I didn't really care as I didn't get a prize anyway.  But we did a lot of laughing, and talking, and I think a good time was had by all!

Today I have several phone chores to take care of, and then I need to shop for food for the wake and after the funeral gathering at Jimbo's.  So I guess I better get moving.  Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Little Here a little There

6:30 a.m.  I'll be writing in spirts time to write this a 6:30 a.m. just wanted you to know that I'm on my way for the renal scan....and then hope to be back to write this.  See you later!  m

10:15 a.m.  I just got back from the renal scan which took forever.  I was laying flat on my back for 2 hours.  First they couldn't get the IV line in which they needed to get the radioactive dye in....and they wouldn't use my port!!!! ....and it took them three tries before they made it.  Then they took pictures for 30 minutes straight of the kidneys and then they inserted a catheter and injected lascix and watched it for another 30 minutes....the rest of the time was just getting everything set up and the IV in.  Anyway that's done.... and it was basically painless except for the 3 tries of the IV line.

I missed breakfast and my next appointment is at 1 p.m. with the butt I guess I will go look for lunch before that, and then my urologist appointment isn't until 3:30, but I think I'll check in early and see if I can get out of town before 4:30.  Cards is this evening, and if I leave at 4:30 we should be home by 6:30...depending on traffic. 

I probably won't get a chance to write anymore say some prayers for a good report from both of the afternoon appointments.  Love and prayers, m