Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Sun Has Come Out!

It is a beautiful morning, only I'm still on Sedona time.....even if it is 10 a.m.'s 8 a.m. in Sedona.  So my sleep habits haven't change back to Minnesota yet....of course getting up at 4 a.m. on Monday and 5 a.m. on Wednesday didn't help the matter at all.  Hopefully I will get up an hour earlier tomorrow, and then another hour earlier on Saturday, so Sunday I'll be back on the right schedule for Minnesota.

After the let down of news yesterday....I've done a lot of thinking.....and analizing my prayers, and realized that I didn't give God a timeline as to when he'd heal my cancer....and I also didn't say that He had to do it without chemo.  So maybe my prayers were answered.  I need to go back to praying for the removal of those spots...give that chemo an extra boost in working.  I also prayed for love and gratitude.....and I definately have that....I got that phone call as soon as I got home and had a driver for Rochester ungrateful would I be if I didn't think my prayers were answered.  Plus I have all of you showing me your love every day!  Thank you and Thank God for all he has given me!

One of my friends lost her mom last weekend, and another lost her father-in-law two weeks ago and now her mother-in-law is in ICU.  So please pray for both of those families.  I need to get cards in the mail for them too.

Got the laundry done the other day, but now I need to get some other things done around this house and make a trip to Walgreens, but that is all I have planned for the day.  Love and prayers, m

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