Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bring on the Sun!

My brother Phil sent me this yesterday with the comment that it was me....and I believe he is right.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  I hope it works.

Happily the sun is shining again today.  It sure does make me sing!!  I didn't accomplish a lot, but I did get dressed and went out and worked on clearing the top of my driveway that doesn't get any direct sun at this time of the year, and with water running off the roof and dripping on that part of the just forms large mountains of ice.  As soon as I started working on it, the neighbor came and helped me.  The same one who blows out my driveway for me.  What a nice guy.

I also finally took the christmas swag off the front door and put on my spring one!  I know a little late, but when your in Florida and Sedona you don't worry about such things.  I'm sure the neighbors appreciate that.  I was going to take out the Easter decorations....but the kids put the christmas tree right in the middle of the store room and I can't reach the bin with Easter stuff in it.  Well...that's my excuse....I'm sure if I tried I could have done it.

Today is more of the same....I will find some cleaning to do....I'm sure that won't be hard.  Nothing else new.  Love and prayers, and Bring on the sun...Bring on the fun....bring on the love!  m

P.S. Today Gene would have turn 75.....that sounds so old!  m

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