Monday, March 14, 2011

It's a Sun Shinie Day!

Waking up to sunshine is getting to be a habit!  It's been in the 70's all week and the only bad day we had was a week ago.  Kathleen left bright and early this morning, before I got out of bed, and I miss her already.  I so enjoy spending time with her.  Plus she made a great partner playing cards.  Played a lot of Crisscross, a form of cribbage for 4, and I'm getting better at counting etc. in the game.

After our great hike, and my writing the blog last afternoon, we got cleaned up and went out to a Thai restaurant for dinner.  We each picked out something on the menu and shared it with the rest.  Then Bonnie picked up the tab! Unexpected and unnecessary as we are staying at their place.  But really a good dinner.  We then went back and played cards, but instead of a movie (as it was already 9 p.m.) we watched some news about the quake and tsunami.  I'm sure we are only seeing a tip of the's hard to watch even at that.

Bonnie on Baldwin Trail
Hoodat or Hoodoo or something like that!
Today is an off from hiking at least.  We will shop and do laundry and stuff like that.  Dave went to get his hair cut while I do my blog and Bonnie went to Walgreens.  I think I'll add a few more pictures for you.  Love and prayers, m

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