Monday, March 28, 2011

Sun Shining Brightly!

Again!!!  I can hardly believe how wonderful it is to have 5 days of sunshine in a row in Minnesota.  Don't even miss Sedona when the sun is shining here.  It may not be as warm....but who cares!  It's helping the flooding prospects as well.

Yesterday turned out to be a busy day.  I went to Allie's championship hockey game at the Super Rink that was supposed to start at 2 p.m.....but didn't happen till 3....but no problem....they WON. 1-0  This is a select team.  The teams were made up from girls from all over the State.  Allie's team was the West team and they played the South team.

I got home had dinner and had to get ready for the Lenten Study group.  We met at Bill and Mary's house in Blaine so didn't have far to go.  It has a lot of new people this year.  But I knew everyone, so that was great.  Just loved being back with the group and talking with all of them.

In between church and the hockey game I worked on making greeting cards out of pictures I took on the trips this winter.  Now I need to send out some thank you notes....that's my goal for today.  Then tonight I have dinner with the FF group.

Love and prayers, m

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