Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Little Here a little There

6:30 a.m.  I'll be writing in spirts today....no time to write this a 6:30 a.m. just wanted you to know that I'm on my way for the renal scan....and then hope to be back to write this.  See you later!  m

10:15 a.m.  I just got back from the renal scan which took forever.  I was laying flat on my back for 2 hours.  First they couldn't get the IV line in which they needed to get the radioactive dye in....and they wouldn't use my port!!!! ....and it took them three tries before they made it.  Then they took pictures for 30 minutes straight of the kidneys and then they inserted a catheter and injected lascix and watched it for another 30 minutes....the rest of the time was just getting everything set up and the IV in.  Anyway that's done.... and it was basically painless except for the 3 tries of the IV line.

I missed breakfast and my next appointment is at 1 p.m. with the butt doctor....so I guess I will go look for lunch before that, and then my urologist appointment isn't until 3:30, but I think I'll check in early and see if I can get out of town before 4:30.  Cards is this evening, and if I leave at 4:30 we should be home by 6:30...depending on traffic. 

I probably won't get a chance to write anymore today....so say some prayers for a good report from both of the afternoon appointments.  Love and prayers, m

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